Health Talk With The Stoners



This dynamic husband and wife duo will bring an authentic empowering perspective to your life through all things fitness, nutrition and lifestyle. Each episode is filled with tangible tools, advice and inspiration that will move you and your partner to becoming the best version of yourselves. Tune in for some fiery motivation that'll have you taking action and waking up every day to a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.


  • 039: The Power Of A Custom Plan

    06/11/2019 Duración: 45min

    So often do we hit the gym without a goal in mind, without a plan. Creating a plan for our nutrition, fitness and health will set us up for success and create a lifestyle change. But not just any generic plan will work. We need to create a custom plan that fits with what we plan to achieve. When we put together a game plan, goals to hit, answer the "why" question and do it all with ourselves in mind, nothing can stop us.Listen into today's podcast to learn several tips and steps to create the perfect custom plan, setting you up for success.If you want to take a step further and commit to a custom plan TODAY click on HERE. or if you just want to grab more information and chat with us Connect Here.Also, continue and be connected with inspirational content from Mickayla and will help keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals.xo Michael & Mickayla

  • 038: Learning To Stay The Course

    30/10/2019 Duración: 31min

    It's never giving up, is weathering the storm, it's doing the thing you said you wanted to do when you wanted to do it long after the time you said it. That is what commitment is all about. Commit to your goals, commit to your health, commit to your fitness and nutrition and commit to being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Let's jump in together today and learn how to stay the course with the commitments we placed for ourselves. Why? Because we can, we will and we have the ability to do so!If you want more details on holding true to yourself, take a look at podcast 034: Taking The Big Leap or connect with us Here.We love you! Make it a great day!!xoxo Michael & Mickayla

  • 037: Tyson Vs Ali

    23/10/2019 Duración: 43min

    "Remember that happy couples are no couples that don't fight. Rather they're couples that fight fair and take responsibility for their own words and actions, no matter how furious they may feel inside."Today in episode 37, we tackle the inevitability that ALL couples fight. But it's how we fight that factors into if we are doing it in a way that leads in the negative direction or in the positive direction that grows and strengthens our relationship.Backed by research and leading psychologists, we discuss the TOP 10 Rules For friendly Fighting.* We want you to be the best versions of yourself and we all have strengths and developmental areas. If you are struggling with your health, fitness, nutrition or relationships with yourself or others please reach out. We know everyone is on their own journey but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone. Please connect with us HERE, get inspired through our blog, or jump over to our website to find a program or coaching that works for you.*

  • 036: Training Your Core During Pregnancy

    16/10/2019 Duración: 20min

    We have all heard what we should and shouldn't do for our core during pregnancy. So much so that it is hard to separate fact from fiction. Well, that ends today! Core strength is so incredibly helpful before, during and after pregnancy but there are the right and wrong ways to keep that belly strong. In this episode we dissect everything from Diastasis Recti to healing that core through Programs like The Core Restore, Define & Sculpt and premium coaching programs that I have created specifically for mommas. I did mention a 10% discount on the Core Restore if you hear this episode and think it would be perfect for you. Please head over to the Core restore section and click on the "download my guide now" button and type in CORE10 to receive 10% off. With this core restore you can receive a complete comprehensive guide to healing your core. Perfect for the expecting mom and women who are postpartum. Learn how to prevent, and heal diastasis recti and get the tools to strengthen your pelvic floo

  • 035: "She Invited" with Savannah Frost

    09/10/2019 Duración: 36min

    Today we are honored and privileged to have the founder and visionary, Savannah Frost on our podcast to talk about her women centered community "She Invited." She invited was created to give women a safe place to grow in their faith, health and purpose and have a healthy community of like minded women to do it in. But talking with Savannah was way more than that and as you can hear through this podcast, She Invited is the just the start of what God has in store for this amazing and compassionate person.WE HAVE EXCITING NEWSIf you are in the Twin Cities area or have the internal pull to dive into your own why, make sure you sign up for her next event on October 26th in Minneapolis!!Head to She Invited for more information and to RSVP and make sure you don't miss any of her inspiration for deeper identity and life purpose on Instagram @sheinvited Now go out and do something that your future self will thank you for.xo Mickayla & Michael

  • 034: Taking The Big Leap

    02/10/2019 Duración: 10min

    Are you in need of some motivation? Do you need a fire to be lit under your butt? Are you ready to say yes I can? Come along with Mickayla as she discusses taking the big leap into your health and fitness. We all need a little push every once and awhile and today is your day.If you need more information on programs built by Mickayla, jump over to her website and find the perfect program or coaching for you so that when you decided to take the leap, you have a platform that will support all of your personalized needs.xo Mickayla & Michael

  • 033: Meditation the progressive muscle relaxation episode

    25/09/2019 Duración: 24min

    Let's face it, we live in a high pace world with little time allowed to stop and smell the roses. Without this time for relaxation and calm our lives can quickly get out of hand and lead to irritability, anxiousness, stress and feelings of struggle. But what if we could take a few minutes to center ourselves and relax? Would you do it? Meditation has the hidden power to do so. So in todays podcast I wanted to take you through a short 15 min muscle relaxation meditation. Find a calm spot, free of noise and chaos and settle in. Let's learn to relax together!! If you want more meditations like this check out the book "Meditation An In-Depth Guide" by Ian Gawler & Paul Bedson.And if you want to learn additional ways to keep your body healthy check out Mickayla Stoner Fitness and find the program that matches your needs. We look forward to hearing from you.xo Mickayla and Michael

  • 032: The Most Powerful Medicinal Plants, Herbs And Superfoods For Fat Loss, Anti-Aging And Increased Energy

    18/09/2019 Duración: 33min

    We took an in depth look at an alternative to our western medicine. Some of the most effective medicinal plants, herbs and superfoods for fat loss, anti-aging and energy boosters are right under our nose! We just have to know where to look.Nutrition is the intricate piece in overall health so making sure this is in check is so important and if we can find ways to better your overall health we are going to do that. One of those ways as mentioned in the podcast is with Organifi products, specifically the Organifi Gold, Organifi Green and Organifi Red. All superfood juices that will have your body feeling amazing, refreshed and ready for the day with jam packed nutrients. We are also always willing to help you with your nutrition with customized nutrition coaching. This is a great way if you need the accountability and someone always in your corner pushing you on and creating a catered program customized for YOU. Click on the link to find out more and to get connected PREMIUM COACHING.FINALLY, I know we mentione

  • 031: The Truth About Soy

    11/09/2019 Duración: 33min

    Soy in the past has been the bees knees for a hard core vegans. And for good reasons like it's punch of protein and wonderful phytonutrients. And for years now people have put soy on a pedestal, nutritionally speaking, until now. Dangers of soy have been coming up more and more in products like soy protein powders, soy baby formulas, or plain soy lecithin. Turns out soy may be more harmful to your health than helpful.We take a look at the hazards and alternatives to this growing issue in this informative podcast. If you want to read more about Soy check out our blog HERE and read up on the recent study done by Cornell University!KNOWLEDGE IS POWER

  • 030: Tracking Your Macros, Is It Right For You

    04/09/2019 Duración: 31min

    There are a million different ways that are thought to be the BEST way to 'get healthy' and 'achieve your ideal body.' Regardless of all the information out there that's accessible to you, it can be insanely overwhelming to a person trying to find out what's best for THEM. Today I want to help you figure out if Tracking Your Macros is right for you! Simply put, you won't lose weight and keep it off for good if you don't have your calories in check. So if you need an accountability partner to keep you on track, check out my NUTRITION COACHING or my DEFINE & SCULPT program giving you fitness and nutrition combined.Let's find a plan that works for YOU!! Michael & Mickaylafor additional insight, inspiration and support check out my Facebook & Instagram.

  • 029: How To Eat Healthy When Out To Eat

    28/08/2019 Duración: 30min

    A question I ask my potential clients when starting out is this; "what would you say are three nutritional habits you have that are keeping you from living the healthiest lifestyle your desiring?"Almost EVERYONE answers with saying they go out to eat too often or that going out to eat and staying on track is a "weakness" of theirs.In today's podcast lets explore why this is and what we can do to better ourselves and our nutrition while outside of our home kitchen.We mentioned episode 020: How to fit summer cocktails and happy hours into a healthy lifestyle. Take a look for some great recipes and check out more podcasts HERE

  • 028: What Is Your Gut Health Telling You

    21/08/2019 Duración: 31min

    There are many thoughts behind what you should eat, how you should take care of yourself, what kind of “diet” you should follow etc… As a nutritionist I wanted to share what I believe is THE most important aspect of your health that you should be caring for; your gut health. In todays podcast we share how nutrition plays an intricate part in gut health and the BEST foods to improve your gut health.We mentioned probiotics and Organifi that we use and love and wanted to share that link with you HEREWhere ever you find yourself right now on your journey, I hope that you know there is hope. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, need a DETOX, working through digestive or other health issues, wanting to clear up your skin or trying to conceive. THERE IS HOPE. Start here by adding gut healthy foods into your diet and then go from there. One small healthy habit a day is a step in the right direction.x Michael & Mickayla

  • 027: How To Stop Obsessing Over Food

    14/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food? Maybe you feel like you have an overactive sweet tooth, or your stomach is a bottomless pit and you’re hungry ALL THE TIME. They’re thoughts that are common, but don’t need to be your story. Let’s dive into my How to Stop Obsessing Over Food tips.Quick Tips:1. Start journaling2. Think moderation3. Guilt Free Living is the way to live4. Eat5. Food is not therapyIf you enjoyed this podcast and want to learn more about nutrition id love to hear from you. Get Connected here or START on your Health Journey today through Premium Nutrition Coaching! 

  • 026: Feel Comfortable In Your Skin... The Define & Sculpt Program

    07/08/2019 Duración: 26min

    If feeling comfortable in your skin or living your best life is what you want and need this podcast is for you. Mickayla breaks down the Ins and outs of the Define & Sculpt program. D&S is designed specifically to balance out your hormones, improve your metabolism and strengthen your entire body which defines and sculpts your legs, booty, arms and core! The program builds lean muscle and shreds unwanted fat with effective and progressive workouts. In this jam packed episode, Mickayla will take you through the program from answering your "why", the 5 day sugar detox, meal planning and recipes, and the 60 day D&S program.Get ready to feel inspired and determined to change your life and make a commitment to your health that will last a lifetime.Define & SculptIf you would like more information please connect with us either through the program above or our contact page HEREx Michael & Mickayla

  • 025: Marital Check-In

    31/07/2019 Duración: 18min

    So what exactly is a marital check in? What does it look like? How long is it? What do you talk about? What are the benefits? All these questions and more are answered as you come along with us as we go through a live Michael and Mickayla Marital Check-In.We are so excited to share this with you. We hope you can use this true check in to keep on the same page with your significant other. Focus on strengthening your relationship, building a stronger foundation and working on the areas of your life that may be challenging! Love is amazing so stay in love forever!!Michael & Mickayla

  • 024: Family Meal Planning & Ways To Stay Healthy As A Family

    24/07/2019 Duración: 43min

    We all need support when it comes to cooking for our family. Our household is no different. Family meal planning and staying healthy as a family unit is important but where do we start? Come along as we open the family cookbook and discover how to meal plan healthy together.Eating healthy is not difficult but it does take some lifestyle changes that you can implement quickly. Once you get your nutrition in check, you are well on your way to the best version of yourself!We mentioned in this episode that changing your life and creating good solid nutrition habits is extremely important. If you want to tackle your cravings, implement a proven fitness model and get the results you have ALWAYS wanted click on my DEFINE & SCULPT program link. There you will find an individualized program that will:Build lean muscle and shred unwanted fat with progressive workouts from Mickayla that change every other week and progress through the 60 days. This fitness program is designed specifically to improve your metabolism

  • 023: Life Is A Balancing Act, It's Time to Juggle It ALL

    17/07/2019 Duración: 41min

    Life gets crazy. Let's face it, there are never enough hours in the day to fit it all in. So what do we do? Come with us as we learn together how to balance family, work, health and fitness.You can do it all, you can accomplish every task you put before yourself and YES you can do it without feeling like you were knocked down and dragged through the mud. Life is not an Instagram picture. Life is real, so we wanted to tackle the issue of balance in a way that connects with you, your family and your life.If you want additional information on topics like this, check out our Blog at Mickayla Stoner Fitness.Michael & Mickayla

  • 022: Getting Your Zzz... The Importance Of Good Quality Sleep In Your BUSY Life

    10/07/2019 Duración: 40min

    We all know how important sleep is to our overall quality of life. But do we know how it affects our bodies, or mind, our personality and our family? Way too often do we let sleep take a back seat to our busy schedule. The truth of this act could leave us in some desperate need of intervention.Come along with us as we uncover the truths of sleep deprivation, prevention, and ways get your life back on track.Also, I mentioned some amazing CBD oil that we know, use and love. If you would like to try this amazing product out yourself please go to this link "My Soul CBD". You will not regret it. We are an affiliate which means that if you choose to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand we only recommend items that we have personally used and find helpful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to buy something.*If your health is crucial to you and you need a new path to take back your life please connect with

  • 021: Why Date Nights Are Essential For your Relationship And Balancing Your Marriage With Kids

    03/07/2019 Duración: 34min

    Keeping your relationship with your spouse strong is the backbone of your family unit. Learn why dating your spouse is so important and how to balance your marriage with kids.It's all about some form of balance. Now even though it may not be 50/50 but finding what works will keep everything in line.Learn some of the ways we like to keep our relationship fresh while tackling the craziness that life brings.For more craziness of the Stoner family check out our Instagram page!x Michael & Mickayla

  • 020: How To Fit Summer Cocktails and Happy Hours Into A Healthy Lifestyle

    26/06/2019 Duración: 35min

    Let's be honest, most of us love a few cocktails especially when summer is upon us. But how can we do it in a healthier way sticking with our new lifestyle? Join us as we tackle how our bodies break down alcohol, ways to keep our cocktails healthier and delicious and I mean delicious Summer Cocktails that will be pulling you toward the beach chair.Mickayla and I wanted to supply you with the blog we wrote awhile back with the exact recipes that you can try. Test them out HERE " Healthier Cocktails Just In Time For Summer."And make sure you tag us on Facebook or Instagram!X Mickayla & Michael

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