Health Talk With The Stoners

037: Tyson Vs Ali



"Remember that happy couples are no couples that don't fight. Rather they're couples that fight fair and take responsibility for their own words and actions, no matter how furious they may feel inside."Today in episode 37, we tackle the inevitability that ALL couples fight. But it's how we fight that factors into if we are doing it in a way that leads in the negative direction or in the positive direction that grows and strengthens our relationship.Backed by research and leading psychologists, we discuss the TOP 10 Rules For friendly Fighting.* We want you to be the best versions of yourself and we all have strengths and developmental areas. If you are struggling with your health, fitness, nutrition or relationships with yourself or others please reach out. We know everyone is on their own journey but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone. Please connect with us HERE, get inspired through our blog, or jump over to our website to find a program or coaching that works for you.*