Health Talk With The Stoners

022: Getting Your Zzz... The Importance Of Good Quality Sleep In Your BUSY Life



We all know how important sleep is to our overall quality of life. But do we know how it affects our bodies, or mind, our personality and our family? Way too often do we let sleep take a back seat to our busy schedule. The truth of this act could leave us in some desperate need of intervention.Come along with us as we uncover the truths of sleep deprivation, prevention, and ways get your life back on track.Also, I mentioned some amazing CBD oil that we know, use and love. If you would like to try this amazing product out yourself please go to this link "My Soul CBD". You will not regret it. We are an affiliate which means that if you choose to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand we only recommend items that we have personally used and find helpful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to buy something.*If your health is crucial to you and you need a new path to take back your life please connect with