Health Talk With The Stoners

028: What Is Your Gut Health Telling You



There are many thoughts behind what you should eat, how you should take care of yourself, what kind of “diet” you should follow etc… As a nutritionist I wanted to share what I believe is THE most important aspect of your health that you should be caring for; your gut health. In todays podcast we share how nutrition plays an intricate part in gut health and the BEST foods to improve your gut health.We mentioned probiotics and Organifi that we use and love and wanted to share that link with you HEREWhere ever you find yourself right now on your journey, I hope that you know there is hope. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, need a DETOX, working through digestive or other health issues, wanting to clear up your skin or trying to conceive. THERE IS HOPE. Start here by adding gut healthy foods into your diet and then go from there. One small healthy habit a day is a step in the right direction.x Michael & Mickayla