Health Talk With The Stoners

036: Training Your Core During Pregnancy



We have all heard what we should and shouldn't do for our core during pregnancy. So much so that it is hard to separate fact from fiction. Well, that ends today! Core strength is so incredibly helpful before, during and after pregnancy but there are the right and wrong ways to keep that belly strong. In this episode we dissect everything from Diastasis Recti to healing that core through Programs like The Core Restore, Define & Sculpt and premium coaching programs that I have created specifically for mommas. I did mention a 10% discount on the Core Restore if you hear this episode and think it would be perfect for you. Please head over to the Core restore section and click on the "download my guide now" button and type in CORE10 to receive 10% off. With this core restore you can receive a complete comprehensive guide to healing your core. Perfect for the expecting mom and women who are postpartum. Learn how to prevent, and heal diastasis recti and get the tools to strengthen your pelvic floo