Health Talk With The Stoners

032: The Most Powerful Medicinal Plants, Herbs And Superfoods For Fat Loss, Anti-Aging And Increased Energy



We took an in depth look at an alternative to our western medicine. Some of the most effective medicinal plants, herbs and superfoods for fat loss, anti-aging and energy boosters are right under our nose! We just have to know where to look.Nutrition is the intricate piece in overall health so making sure this is in check is so important and if we can find ways to better your overall health we are going to do that. One of those ways as mentioned in the podcast is with Organifi products, specifically the Organifi Gold, Organifi Green and Organifi Red. All superfood juices that will have your body feeling amazing, refreshed and ready for the day with jam packed nutrients. We are also always willing to help you with your nutrition with customized nutrition coaching. This is a great way if you need the accountability and someone always in your corner pushing you on and creating a catered program customized for YOU. Click on the link to find out more and to get connected PREMIUM COACHING.FINALLY, I know we mentione