River Valley Christian Church



We exist to help families find and follow Jesus. Visit our website for more information on how you can get connected at RVCC.


  • 20th Anniversary Celebration

    01/10/2017 Duración: 35min

    This year, River Valley Christian Church celebrates its 20th Anniversary. For two decades now, this body of believers has been holding out the hope of the Gospel to Oldham County and beyond. As a congregation, we want to honor that milestone, More importantly, we want to rejoice in the God who has proven Himself faithful over that time period. But what about the next 20 years? Where is God going to take us from here? At the beginning of this year, we identified three core values as a congregation. We want to be a church that is Kingdom-Minded, Bible-Centered, and Family-Focused. We believe these three values are going to propel us into the next two decades of ministry. So, what do those values look like? How are we going to make sure that we’re headed down the right path? On September 10, we’re going to begin “2020 Vision.” In that series, we’ll talk about where God is leading us as a church and how we’re going to get there together. As we unpack the pract

  • Family-Focused

    24/09/2017 Duración: 35min

    This year, River Valley Christian Church celebrates its 20th Anniversary. For two decades now, this body of believers has been holding out the hope of the Gospel to Oldham County and beyond. As a congregation, we want to honor that milestone, More importantly, we want to rejoice in the God who has proven Himself faithful over that time period. But what about the next 20 years? Where is God going to take us from here? At the beginning of this year, we identified three core values as a congregation. We want to be a church that is Kingdom-Minded, Bible-Centered, and Family-Focused. We believe these three values are going to propel us into the next two decades of ministry. So, what do those values look like? How are we going to make sure that we’re headed down the right path? On September 10, we’re going to begin a sermon series called “2020 Vision.” In that series, we’ll talk about where God is leading us as a church and how we’re going to get there together.

  • Bible-Centered

    17/09/2017 Duración: 38min

    This year, River Valley Christian Church celebrates its 20th Anniversary. For two decades now, this body of believers has been holding out the hope of the Gospel to Oldham County and beyond. As a congregation, we want to honor that milestone, More importantly, we want to rejoice in the God who has proven Himself faithful over that time period. But what about the next 20 years? Where is God going to take us from here? At the beginning of this year, we identified three core values as a congregation. We want to be a church that is Kingdom-Minded, Bible-Centered, and Family-Focused. We believe these three values are going to propel us into the next two decades of ministry. So, what do those values look like? How are we going to make sure that we’re headed down the right path? On September 10, we’re going to begin a sermon series called “2020 Vision.” In that series, we’ll talk about where God is leading us as a church and how we’re going to get there together.

  • Kingdom-Minded

    10/09/2017 Duración: 39min

    This year, River Valley Christian Church celebrates its 20th Anniversary. For two decades now, this body of believers has been holding out the hope of the Gospel to Oldham County and beyond. As a congregation, we want to honor that milestone, More importantly, we want to rejoice in the God who has proven Himself faithful over that time period. But what about the next 20 years? Where is God going to take us from here? At the beginning of this year, we identified three core values as a congregation. We want to be a church that is Kingdom-Minded, Bible-Centered, and Family-Focused. We believe these three values are going to propel us into the next two decades of ministry. So, what do those values look like? How are we going to make sure that we’re headed down the right path? On September 10, we’re going to begin a sermon series called “2020 Vision.” In that series, we’ll talk about where God is leading us as a church and how we’re going to get there together.

  • Return Of The King (Luke 19:11-27)

    03/09/2017 Duración: 38min

    The Lord of the Rings. A Tale of Two Cities. Star Wars. Our culture knows the power of a good story. Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention. More than that, they have a way of capturing our hearts. They can entertain us. They can teach us. They can even mess with our emotions. A good story lingers long after the tale has been finished. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Prodigal Son. Jesus, too, knew the power of a good story. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus told dozens of short stories, commonly referred to as parables. Though they were told thousands of years ago, they remain some of the most powerful and memorable stories known to man. In these stories, Jesus gave us a glimpse of ultimate reality. The parables teach us not only about who we are, but also about who God is. From July 30th through September 3rd, we'll be on a journey through the parables recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Join us as we encounter the parables with new eyes, looking for how these ancient stories can sp

  • Pride & Prejudice (Luke 18:9-14)

    27/08/2017 Duración: 31min

    The Lord of the Rings. A Tale of Two Cities. Star Wars. Our culture knows the power of a good story. Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention. More than that, they have a way of capturing our hearts. They can entertain us. They can teach us. They can even mess with our emotions. A good story lingers long after the tale has been finished. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Prodigal Son. Jesus, too, knew the power of a good story. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus told dozens of short stories, commonly referred to as parables. Though they were told thousands of years ago, they remain some of the most powerful and memorable stories known to man. In these stories, Jesus gave us a glimpse of ultimate reality. The parables teach us not only about who we are, but also about who God is. From July 30th through September 3rd, we'll be on a journey through the parables recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Join us as we encounter the parables with new eyes, looking for how these ancient stories can sp

  • Inferno

    20/08/2017 Duración: 35min

    The Lord of the Rings. A Tale of Two Cities. Star Wars. Our culture knows the power of a good story. Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention. More than that, they have a way of capturing our hearts. They can entertain us. They can teach us. They can even mess with our emotions. A good story lingers long after the tale has been finished. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Prodigal Son. Jesus, too, knew the power of a good story. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus told dozens of short stories, commonly referred to as parables. Though they were told thousands of years ago, they remain some of the most powerful and memorable stories known to man. In these stories, Jesus gave us a glimpse of ultimate reality. The parables teach us not only about who we are, but also about who God is. From July 30th through September 3rd, we'll be on a journey through the parables recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Join us as we encounter the parables with new eyes, looking for how these ancient stories can sp

  • The Lost World (Luke 15)

    13/08/2017 Duración: 37min

    The Lord of the Rings. A Tale of Two Cities. Star Wars. Our culture knows the power of a good story. Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention. More than that, they have a way of capturing our hearts. They can entertain us. They can teach us. They can even mess with our emotions. A good story lingers long after the tale has been finished. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Prodigal Son. Jesus, too, knew the power of a good story. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus told dozens of short stories, commonly referred to as parables. Though they were told thousands of years ago, they remain some of the most powerful and memorable stories known to man. In these stories, Jesus gave us a glimpse of ultimate reality. The parables teach us not only about who we are, but also about who God is. From July 30th through September 3rd, we'll be on a journey through the parables recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Join us as we encounter the parables with new eyes, looking for how these ancient stories can sp

  • Great Expectations (Luke 10:25-37)

    06/08/2017 Duración: 36min

    The Lord of the Rings. A Tale of Two Cities. Star Wars. Our culture knows the power of a good story. Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention. More than that, they have a way of capturing our hearts. They can entertain us. They can teach us. They can even mess with our emotions. A good story lingers long after the tale has been finished. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Prodigal Son. Jesus, too, knew the power of a good story. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus told dozens of short stories, commonly referred to as parables. Though they were told thousands of years ago, they remain some of the most powerful and memorable stories known to man. In these stories, Jesus gave us a glimpse of ultimate reality. The parables teach us not only about who we are, but also about who God is. From July 30th through September 3rd, we'll be on a journey through the parables recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Join us as we encounter the parables with new eyes, looking for how the

  • The Tell Tale Heart

    30/07/2017 Duración: 37min

    The Lord of the Rings. A Tale of Two Cities. Star Wars. Our culture knows the power of a good story. Stories have a unique ability to capture our attention. More than that, they have a way of capturing our hearts. They can entertain us. They can teach us. They can even mess with our emotions. A good story lingers long after the tale has been finished. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Prodigal Son. Jesus, too, knew the power of a good story. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus told dozens of short stories, commonly referred to as parables. Though they were told thousands of years ago, they remain some of the most powerful and memorable stories known to man. In these stories, Jesus gave us a glimpse of ultimate reality. The parables teach us not only about who we are, but also about who God is. From July 30th through September 3rd, we'll be on a journey through the parables recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Join us as we encounter the parables with new eyes, looking for how the

  • The Discipline of Humility (Luke 14:7-24)

    23/07/2017 Duración: 36min

    Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Selected Quotes: "Humility isn’t a low view of self. It’s a right view of self!” "Jesus’ invitation is only accepted by those humble enough to admit the reality of their situation.” "True service is the antidote to pride. Pride motivates me to place myself above another person. Service, on the other hand, demands that I put them first."

  • The Discipline of Giving (Luke 12:13-34)

    16/07/2017 Duración: 36min

    Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Selected Quotes: "We have to guard against greed because it can sneak up on us. It can seize our hearts and corrupt our souls before we even know it." "Worry is the front door to greed. If worry can convince me not to trust in God, I will look for something else to trust." "Contentment puts us back on solid ground. It reminds us that there is a God who is in control."

  • The Discipline of Waiting (Luke 12:35-48)

    09/07/2017 Duración: 35min

    Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Selected Quotes:

  • The Discipline of Prayer (Luke 11:1-13)

    02/07/2017 Duración: 34min

    Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Selected Quotes: "The point of prayer is the glory of God. That’s it. We don’t pray for what we can get out of it. We don’t pray so that we can look more pious. We pray so that God could be glorified." "Prayer teaches me that God is approachable and that He can be found." "If the point of prayer is to know God more, then the purpose of prayer is so th

  • The Discipline of Listening (Luke 9:28-36)

    25/06/2017 Duración: 36min

    Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Scripture: We cannot properly understand what Jesus teaches if we don’t understand who He really is. If Jesus really is the chosen, glorious Son of God – then we should want to hear Him. He has the right to demand that we listen to Him. Scripture is His vocabulary. If we want to recognize His voice, we need to familiarize ourselves with the way He speaks.

  • The Discipline of Sacrifice (Luke 9:23-26)

    18/06/2017 Duración: 33min

    Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Selected Quotes: "If we try to get it all, we will lose it all. But, if we give it all, we will gain everything. " "Jesus introducing us to the truth that there is life on the path of sacrifice." "It takes discipline to keep our eyes on Jesus and walk in His steps."

  • A Story of Movement (Luke 10:1-20)

    11/06/2017 Duración: 35min

    Ever wish you could have a “do-over”? Ever find yourself wishing that you could somehow have a second chance? We’ve all had those times when we wish life would give us a mulligan and let us change some things. We’ve all been through days where we longed for the chance to tell a different story with the lives we’ve been given. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus comes into contact with people from all different walks of life. A Roman Centurion. A woman trapped in sin. A grieving widow. A rich young ruler. Yet, for all their differences, these people had one thing in common. Once they encountered Jesus, He rewrote their stories. He forever changed their lives. He can do the same for us. Jesus is more than willing to offer us a fresh start — a Rewrite to our own personal stories. All we have to do is hand Him the pen. Selected Quotes: Evangelism... is living properly and letting people see the difference Jesus has made in your life. Ask God

  • A Story of Conviction (Luke 18:18-30)

    04/06/2017 Duración: 36min

    Ever wish you could have a “do-over”? Ever find yourself wishing that you could somehow have a second chance? We’ve all had those times when we wish life would give us a mulligan and let us change some things. We’ve all been through days where we longed for the chance to tell a different story with the lives we’ve been given. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus comes into contact with people from all different walks of life. A Roman Centurion. A woman trapped in sin. A grieving widow. A rich young ruler. Yet, for all their differences, these people had one thing in common. Once they encountered Jesus, He rewrote their stories. He forever changed their lives. He can do the same for us. Jesus is more than willing to offer us a fresh start — a Rewrite to our own personal stories. All we have to do is hand Him the pen. Selected Quotes: "The rich ruler wanted to follow Jesus. He wanted to enter the Kingdom. But, he wanted to do it on his terms." &#x

  • A Story of Value (Luke 18:15-17)

    28/05/2017 Duración: 33min

    Ever wish you could have a “do-over”? Ever find yourself wishing that you could somehow have a second chance? We’ve all had those times when we wish life would give us a mulligan and let us change some things. We’ve all been through days where we longed for the chance to tell a different story with the lives we’ve been given. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus comes into contact with people from all different walks of life. A Roman Centurion. A woman trapped in sin. A grieving widow. A rich young ruler. Yet, for all their differences, these people had one thing in common. Once they encountered Jesus, He rewrote their stories. He forever changed their lives. He can do the same for us. Jesus is more than willing to offer us a fresh start — a Rewrite to our own personal stories. All we have to do is hand Him the pen. Selected Quotes: "As Jesus loves people, we're called to love people." “Becoming childlike is remembering who you are

  • A Story of Gratitude (Luke 17:11-19)

    21/05/2017 Duración: 38min

    Ever wish you could have a “do-over”? Ever find yourself wishing that you could somehow have a second chance? We’ve all had those times when we wish life would give us a mulligan and let us change some things. We’ve all been through days where we longed for the chance to tell a different story with the lives we’ve been given. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus comes into contact with people from all different walks of life. A Roman Centurion. A woman trapped in sin. A grieving widow. A rich young ruler. Yet, for all their differences, these people had one thing in common. Once they encountered Jesus, He rewrote their stories. He forever changed their lives. He can do the same for us. Jesus is more than willing to offer us a fresh start — a Rewrite to our own personal stories. All we have to do is hand Him the pen. Selected Quotes: "Ingratitude focuses on me. Gratitude focuses on Him." "Ingratitude elevates my accomplishments. Gratitude f

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