River Valley Christian Church

The Discipline of Giving (Luke 12:13-34)



Over the course of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus talks about and models what we call “spiritual disciplines.” These are practices that help us to grow and mature in our faith. They are the practices we participate in that help form us into who God wants us to be. Disciples and discipline share the same root in the Greek language and Jesus shows us that these concepts are tied together. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to be disciplined. Or, to say it the other way, disciplines make disciples. For the next six weeks, we’re going to learn the disciplines that help us to be disciples. Selected Quotes: "We have to guard against greed because it can sneak up on us. It can seize our hearts and corrupt our souls before we even know it." "Worry is the front door to greed. If worry can convince me not to trust in God, I will look for something else to trust." "Contentment puts us back on solid ground. It reminds us that there is a God who is in control."