River Valley Christian Church




This year, River Valley Christian Church celebrates its 20th Anniversary. For two decades now, this body of believers has been holding out the hope of the Gospel to Oldham County and beyond. As a congregation, we want to honor that milestone, More importantly, we want to rejoice in the God who has proven Himself faithful over that time period. But what about the next 20 years? Where is God going to take us from here? At the beginning of this year, we identified three core values as a congregation. We want to be a church that is Kingdom-Minded, Bible-Centered, and Family-Focused. We believe these three values are going to propel us into the next two decades of ministry. So, what do those values look like? How are we going to make sure that we’re headed down the right path? On September 10, we’re going to begin a sermon series called “2020 Vision.” In that series, we’ll talk about where God is leading us as a church and how we’re going to get there together.