River Valley Christian Church

A Story of Movement (Luke 10:1-20)



Ever wish you could have a “do-over”? Ever find yourself wishing that you could somehow have a second chance? We’ve all had those times when we wish life would give us a mulligan and let us change some things. We’ve all been through days where we longed for the chance to tell a different story with the lives we’ve been given. Throughout Luke’s Gospel, Jesus comes into contact with people from all different walks of life. A Roman Centurion. A woman trapped in sin. A grieving widow. A rich young ruler. Yet, for all their differences, these people had one thing in common. Once they encountered Jesus, He rewrote their stories. He forever changed their lives. He can do the same for us. Jesus is more than willing to offer us a fresh start — a Rewrite to our own personal stories. All we have to do is hand Him the pen. Selected Quotes: Evangelism... is living properly and letting people see the difference Jesus has made in your life. Ask God