How I Built My Practice W/ Gene Monterastelli



Real world examples of how to grow your business from Gene Monterastelli who has been an entrepreneur since 1997.


  • 019: The Best Marketer Is...

    01/10/2015 Duración: 10min

    The most important skill in marketing is being a good listener. What you have to offer is so much less important that what your audience needs. If you don't know what your audience needs you are never going to connect with them. This week I talk about how to be a good listener as a marketer. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 018: Stop Working On Your Website

    23/09/2015 Duración: 12min

    I am willing to bet that you are unhappy with your website. You think it’s ugly. You think it looks unprofessional. You think it makes you look bad. OR You don't have a website at all. Guess what? You should stop working on it, no matter what state it is in. Here is why: If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 017: Why You Aren't Taking Action

    17/09/2015 Duración: 14min

    Right now there are a number of tasks on your to-do list that you know you need to get done. Not only do you know they need to be done, but you also know exactly how to do them. For some reason you continue to avoid them. And I know exactly why you haven't taken action. In this week's podcast I talk about the four reasons why we don't take action on the tasks that we know we need to complete. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 016: How Much Energy Is Needed To Take Action

    10/09/2015 Duración: 09min

    One of the reasons that we don't take action is because we don't feel like we are going to have enough energy to finish the task. This isn't something we necessarily think consciously, but it is there under the surface. This week we talk about how much energy is need to be successful and how you can get past the feeling of not having enough energy to be successful. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 015: Fearless-ish

    03/09/2015 Duración: 12min

    One of the most important concepts that I have encountered in the last 10 years is the idea of taking fearless-ish action. Not fearless. Fearless-ish! By understanding this concept and transforming how I start my day I transformed my business and my level of success. I would love to hear what you think of the idea. The website I reference in show is If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 014: Perfectionism Is The Enemy Of The Great

    27/08/2015 Duración: 10min

    The emotional need to have everything just perfect before you take action is totally understandable. Our perfectionism wants to make sure we only share content, products, and services that show us in the best possible light. The problem comes when this desire works way too hard and prevents us from doing anything at all, because nothing is never good enough. In this week’s podcast I talk about how to overcome perfectionism so you can take action in a way that shows you at your best, while accepting that nothing will never be perfect! If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 013: Know The Purpose Of Every Task You Do

    20/08/2015 Duración: 11min

    It is easy to have a clear understanding of the purpose of your business and why you are excited about the work you do. But it is also important to know why you are doing each of the tasks you do daily, their value, and if they are the best way to spend your time. This week I talk about how to get a handle on how you are spending your time and how to make sure you get the most out of the hours you work every day. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 012: Push The Bruise

    13/08/2015 Duración: 11min

    In the last 11 podcasts we have covered the 11 business fundamentals I believe are essential to run a successful business. This week I cover the most important marketing fundamental: Push the bruise. Unless you can put your audience in touch with their lack or pain related to the product or services you provide, you will not succeed. This week I share what I mean by "push the bruise" and how you can use it effectively. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 011: Create Real, Executable Plan

    07/08/2015 Duración: 15min

    Business owners often confuse having a goal list with having an executable plan. It is important that you have a clear vision of where you would like to end up, but a step-by-step plan to get from where you are to where you want to be is equally important. In this week's podcast we cover the final business fundamental. Business Fundamental #11: Create Real, Executable Plan In this I talk about how to create a plan and, just as importantly, how to create a realistic timeline. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 010: If It Happens At Least Once A Year It Needs A System

    30/07/2015 Duración: 13min

    Recently one of my clients asked me how I keep all my tasks straight in my head. My response, "I don't. The I get tasks done is I simply do what my todo list says." As your business grows it is going to get more and more complicated as you add tasks. At a certain point you will no longer be able to keep it all straight in your head. That is where systems come in. If you create a system then you don't have to remember, you just have to follow the steps to be successful. It is such a part of my business life it is one of fundamental. Fundamental #10: If it happens at least once a year it needs a system. This is how I created and manage my systems. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 009: You Must Have Great Products/Services and Great Marketing

    23/07/2015 Duración: 08min

    The formula for a successful business is simple. Effective marketing + Quality products/services = Success The problem is that most small businesses only focus on one of these at any given time. This podcast explores the relationship between product quality and marketing message as we continue to explore the 11 fundamentals of running a business. Fundamental #9: You Must Have Great Products/Services and Great Marketing If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 008: Your Marketing Message Needs To Serve Your Audience

    16/07/2015 Duración: 11min

    We live in a time where we are surrounded by marketing messages. Marketing messages fill our inboxes, are dropped in the middle of podcasts, pop up on websites and in your Facebook feed, and are plastered to every flat surface around us. In a world where people are always selling it can be very difficult to capture our audience's attention. That is where business fundamental #8 comes in. Fundamental #8: Your Marketing Message Needs To Serve Your Audience. When we share a marketing message that is educational our audience will not only listen to it, they will seek it out. This week I talk about how to structure your marketing messages in such a way that people will thank you for sharing it with them. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 007: We Overestimate How Many People Will Buy & We Underestimate How Much People Will Pay

    09/07/2015 Duración: 17min

    When I was working on my first book ten years ago I kept a plastic box on my desk. That box contained all the notecards outlining the book’s content and structure. On the outside of the box I had written “$250,000” with a big black marker, because in my mind that is what I was convinced I’d make in book sales. The idea of the book was perfect, the exercises in the book were excellent, and I knew lots of people who needed it. Failure was inconceivable! In hindsight I recognize I was how misinformed I was. At the time I obviously had no clue about conversion rates, what a realistic marketing plan looked like, or what it would actually take to sell over 13,000 copies of a $19 book. Today I have much clearer idea of how to make intelligent pricing decisions. These ideas are based on business fundamental number #7. Fundamental #7: It is easy to overestimate how many people will buy and underestimate how much people will pay. In this week’s podcast I talk about how to approach pricing (as well as what you should se

  • 006: It Is About Their Needs And Not Your Skill

    02/07/2015 Duración: 11min

    When talking about our work it’s easy to get caught up in what we do, how we do it, and the training we’ve done in order to become experts. Because we spend so much time thinking about our work it’s natural to lead with this when talking to our audience. The problem is our audience care much more about their own pain, suffering, and problems than they do about what we do and how we do it. Our audience are more concerned about being heard, understood, and working with someone who gets them. This week we talk about business fundamental #6: It is about their needs and not our skill. This fundamental is not about diminishing our skill, but about how we communicate with our audience so they are excited to work with us. After listening to this you will understand what to talk about with your audience so that you get the opportunity to share your amazing skills. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by

  • 005: Drive The Wrong Customers Away

    25/06/2015 Duración: 16min

    When you are starting or growing your business you want sales and customers. The problem is that not all customers and all sales are created equal. There are actually some customers who are the wrong fit. They demand too much. They aren't willing to do the work. They don't match your working style or personality. Clients who are like that are more trouble than they are worth. Fundamental #5: Drive The Wrong Customers Away This week I talk about how to figure out the who the right and who the wrong customers and how to get the wrong customers to move on to some who can serve them better. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 004: Authenticity Is The New Authority

    18/06/2015 Duración: 08min

    Members of our audience will only become our customer when they know, like, and trust us. We can say we know what we are talking about. We can even share our credentials. In reality our audience are unlikely to become customers until they feel like they know us. That doesn't mean sharing every intimate detail of your life, but it does mean that you have to present your authentic self. As media commentator Adam Ragusea states, "Authenticity is the new authority." That is Fundamental #4: Authenticity is the new authority. In this week's podcast I talk about how you can draw your audience closer by being yourself in a healthy way. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS

  • 003: Stop Telling Me Your Sales Numbers (They Are The Wrong Focus)

    11/06/2015 Duración: 06min

    I understand why people talk about sales numbers. Sales numbers are a way of measuring our success and our growth. They can help us describe the type of business we run and give us the credibility of success, "I’m a 7-figure business coach." Sometimes they just make us feel better when we are bragging to our friends and colleagues. (I know have done that.) But at the end of the day, I don't care about sales numbers. Fundamental #3: Profit Is More Important Than Sales. This is not to say that sales are unimportant. Listen here to learn more about sales, profit, and how I think about both.

  • 002: I Am The Most Conservative Entrepreneur You Will Ever Meet

    04/06/2015 Duración: 19min

    As I shared in the last episode, in order to understand the advice I offer you need to understand where I am coming from. This is not business building advice, but rather business building advice in the context of a world view. Today covers another of my fundamentals, and this one might be a little surprising. Fundamental #2: I will take long term success over short term gain. This week I share how I evaluate risk and what risks I am willing to take against those I am not.

  • 001: I Am Not Building A Business (I’m Building A Lifestyle)

    28/05/2015 Duración: 11min

    Entrepreneurs have a reputation for being daring risk takers. Instead of working for someone else they choose to set out alone, creating their own path, ploughing their own furrow. And to some extent, it is true. It is riskier to be on your own, but I think some small business owners use this as an excuse to be reckless. Not all risk is created equal. Some risks are small and if they don't work out it isn't a big deal, while other risks are so large that if they don't work out it could mean the end of the business. Being a small business owner does not give you an excuse to be careless and thoughtless in the name of being a "maverick entrepreneur". I have been self-employed since 1997 and I am one of the most conservative business owners you will meet. Fundamental #1: I'm not building a business; I'm building a lifestyle.

  • 000: Welcome To How I Built My Practice

    09/04/2015 Duración: 02min

    Each week we will share how you can grow your business and work more effectively by interview successful small business owners and teaching you techniques and tactics that you and introduce to your business right away.

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