How I Built My Practice W/ Gene Monterastelli

007: We Overestimate How Many People Will Buy & We Underestimate How Much People Will Pay



When I was working on my first book ten years ago I kept a plastic box on my desk. That box contained all the notecards outlining the book’s content and structure. On the outside of the box I had written “$250,000” with a big black marker, because in my mind that is what I was convinced I’d make in book sales. The idea of the book was perfect, the exercises in the book were excellent, and I knew lots of people who needed it. Failure was inconceivable! In hindsight I recognize I was how misinformed I was. At the time I obviously had no clue about conversion rates, what a realistic marketing plan looked like, or what it would actually take to sell over 13,000 copies of a $19 book. Today I have much clearer idea of how to make intelligent pricing decisions. These ideas are based on business fundamental number #7. Fundamental #7: It is easy to overestimate how many people will buy and underestimate how much people will pay. In this week’s podcast I talk about how to approach pricing (as well as what you should se