How I Built My Practice W/ Gene Monterastelli

004: Authenticity Is The New Authority



Members of our audience will only become our customer when they know, like, and trust us. We can say we know what we are talking about. We can even share our credentials. In reality our audience are unlikely to become customers until they feel like they know us. That doesn't mean sharing every intimate detail of your life, but it does mean that you have to present your authentic self. As media commentator Adam Ragusea states, "Authenticity is the new authority." That is Fundamental #4: Authenticity is the new authority. In this week's podcast I talk about how you can draw your audience closer by being yourself in a healthy way. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS