How I Built My Practice W/ Gene Monterastelli

001: I Am Not Building A Business (I’m Building A Lifestyle)



Entrepreneurs have a reputation for being daring risk takers. Instead of working for someone else they choose to set out alone, creating their own path, ploughing their own furrow. And to some extent, it is true. It is riskier to be on your own, but I think some small business owners use this as an excuse to be reckless. Not all risk is created equal. Some risks are small and if they don't work out it isn't a big deal, while other risks are so large that if they don't work out it could mean the end of the business. Being a small business owner does not give you an excuse to be careless and thoughtless in the name of being a "maverick entrepreneur". I have been self-employed since 1997 and I am one of the most conservative business owners you will meet. Fundamental #1: I'm not building a business; I'm building a lifestyle.