How I Built My Practice W/ Gene Monterastelli

010: If It Happens At Least Once A Year It Needs A System



Recently one of my clients asked me how I keep all my tasks straight in my head. My response, "I don't. The I get tasks done is I simply do what my todo list says." As your business grows it is going to get more and more complicated as you add tasks. At a certain point you will no longer be able to keep it all straight in your head. That is where systems come in. If you create a system then you don't have to remember, you just have to follow the steps to be successful. It is such a part of my business life it is one of fundamental. Fundamental #10: If it happens at least once a year it needs a system. This is how I created and manage my systems. If you are looking for tools to grow your business download a free copy of a past issue of the How I Built My Practice White Paper Never miss an episode by subscribing to the podcast: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS