Christ Church Bartlett

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 233:23:02
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The messages from our 1045am Sunday service.


  • Reclaiming the Rainbow

    14/06/2020 Duración: 47min

    Reclaiming the Rainbow Genesis 9 •God made an everlasting covenant with Noah and all future generations. [Genesis 9:8-17]  •A covenant is a good-faith promise between two or more parties. [Genesis 9:8-17] •God promised never to destroy the earth again by means of a global flood. [Genesis 9:8-17] •The rainbow is God’s sign to the whole world that He will keep His promise. [Genesis 9:8-17] •The rainbow is a symbol both of justice and mercy. [Genesis 9:8-17] •The rainbow has been hijacked by our corrupt and rebellious generation and repurposed as a symbol to celebrate sexual perversion. [Romans 1:16-32] •The only way we ever will reclaim the true meaning of the rainbow is through the true meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ. [John 3:36] Putting the Word into Practice  We must reclaim the true meaning of the rainbow by proclaiming the true meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ to a corrupt generation.

  • Stepping Into a Brave New World

    07/06/2020 Duración: 50min

    Stepping into A Brave New World — Genesis 8-9 • The old world perished in the flood. (2 Peter 3:6) • Noah and his family stepped into a brave new world, as humankind would be forced to start over from scratch. (Genesis 8:1-19, 9:1-7) ª There is substantial evidence that the earth endured an ice age for hundreds of years after the flood. (Genesis 8:22) • The releasing of the dove symbolizes the movement of the Holy Spirit. (Genesis 8:6-12) • Before Noah went to work, he worshipped God in faith. (Genesis 8:20-22) • Just as certain as the seasons will change, we are sure to experience different spiritual seasons in our life. (Genesis 8:22) Putting the Word in Practice No Matter which spiritual season you find yourself in right now, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and trust that God will provide all you need!

  • Discovering the Truth about Dinosaurs

    31/05/2020 Duración: 45min

    Discovering the Truth about Dinosaurs Genesis 1, Job 40-41 I. The word dinosaur was created in 1841 and literally means terrible lizard. II. Dinosaurs were created by God on Days 5-6 about 6,000 years ago. (Gen. 1) III. Noah would have taken two of every "kind" of dinosaur on the ark. (Gen. 8:19-20) IV. dinosaurs that survived the flood likely died off due to drastic climate change and hunting. (Gen. 9:1-2) V. The Bible calls dinosaurs by different names, such as sea monster and/or dragon. VI. The Bible provides detailed descriptions of dinosaurs.(Job 40-41) VII. We have historical and archaeological evidence that dinosaurs lived alongside man. VIII. Scientists have discovered dozens of dinosaur fossils with soft tissue. IX. Our godless culture worships the creature and denies the Creator! (Rom. 1:18-25) Putting the Word into Practice! Our Children need to be taught that the Word of God is true and can be trusted. And we can use dinosaurs to point them to the glory of God!

  • Five Facts about the Flood

    24/05/2020 Duración: 51min

    Five Facts About The Flood — Genesis 6-8 Fact #1 — The flood was global, not local. [Genesis 7:11-24] Fact #2 — The force of the flood was total and absolute — the entire earth was destroyed. [Genesis 6:13-17, Genesis 7:1-24] Fact #3 — The rocks and fossils cry out as a witness to the global flood and God’s judgment. [Genesis 7:11-12, Luke 19:37-40] Fact #4 — The global flood of Noah’s day serves as a constant reminder of the coming judgment on the Day of the LORD! [Zephaniah 1] Fact #5 — For those who are not spiritually awake and prepared to meet Jesus, His judgment will come upon them suddenly like a flood. [Matthew 24:32-51] Putting the Word into Practice Are you spiritually awake and prepared to meet Jesus face to face? If Jesus came back today, what kind of a servant would He find you to be?

  • The Ark

    17/05/2020 Duración: 51min

    The Ark — Genesis 6-7 I. We must reclaim and reaffirm the historical truth of Noah’s ark while living in the midst of an unbelieving generation of scoffers and skeptics. [Genesis 6:9-22] II. We must regain the proper perspective and massive scope of Noah’s ark instead of the pop-culture, nursery-rhyme images of our generation. [Genesis 6:14-16] III. We must rediscover the central theme of redemption represented by Noah’s ark and ultimately expressed in the exclusive means of salvation through the Person and work of Jesus Christ.[Genesis 7:11-24] Putting the Word into Practice Have you trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ — God’s only provision for salvation? Have you been sealed and secured by the Holy Spirit? Do you care enough about your friends and family to share the good news of salvation with them before it’s too late?

  • The Church-6 Critical Questions for Critical Times

    10/05/2020 Duración: 46min

    The Church — Six Critical Questions for Critical Time WHO -- The church is not a place but the covenant people of God. WHAT -- The church is both the universal body of Christ and the local assembly of believers.[Matthew 16:18] WHEN -- The church is meant to come together consistently and faithfully. [Acts 2:42-47] WHERE -- The church was designed both to gather and then scatter. [Acts 2:42-47] HOW -- The church by definition is incarnational and relational, and both instructional and missional. [Matthew 28:18-20] WHY -- BECAUSE THE CHURCH IS ESSENTIAL! [Galatians 6:2] As We Go -- May we never forsake the assembling together with one another again!

  • I Wanna Be Like Noah

    03/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    Genesis 6 — 7 — I Wanna Be Like Noah 1. The LORD is a God of holiness, patience and grace — [Genesis 6:3,8] 2. Noah was a man of faith — [Genesis 6:9] 3. Noah was blameless in his generation — [Genesis 6:9] 4. Noah walked with God in a personal relationship — [Genesis 6:9] 5. Noah was prepared to save himself and his family from certain judgment. [Genesis 6:17-18] 6. Noah preached the gospel to a wicked generation — [2 Peter 2:4-5] 7. Noah remained fully focused on his commission from God — [Genesis 6:22, 7:5] 8. Noah was certainly mocked and reviled by his generation — [2 Peter 3:3-7] 9. Noah fulfilled his calling and then he left the rest up to God. [Genesis 7:16] 10. Noah’s generation perished in the flood. [Genesis 7:20-24] Putting the Word into Practice Prepare your hearts! Prepare your families! Prepare everyone you know for the great and dreadful Day of the LORD that is coming upon the earth!

  • Stranger Things Part 2

    26/04/2020 Duración: 01h13min

    Stranger Things Part 2 — Facing the Giants of Genesis 6 I. The Origin of Giants The Nephilim were the hybrid offspring produced by the forbidden union of angelic beings and human women. [Genesis 6:4] II. The Nature of Giants The Nephilim were a race of half divine/half human beings of SUPERHUMAN strength and stature. [Genesis 6:4] III. The Fame of Giants The Nephilim became known as the ancient warriors of legend, mighty rulers of great reputation. [Genesis 6:4] IV. The Evil of Giants The Nephilim were the expressed seed of Satan created to destroy mankind from the face of the earth . [Genesis 6:4-13] V. The Fate of Giants When the LORD no longer recognized His own children, He determined to destroy the entire earth. [Genesis 6:4-13] VI. The Giant Remnant The Giants were on the earth in Noah’s day and also afterward. [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33] VII. The Giant Slayers Some of the most famous heroes of faith faced and fought the giants. VIII. Giants in the Last Days Is it possible that Satan could

  • Stranger Things Part 1

    19/04/2020 Duración: 01h47s

    Stranger Things Part 1 - Stepping into the Supernatural View of Genesis 6 STEP #1 — Identify the players involved in Genesis 6. The Sethite View — Completely strips Genesis 6 of anything supernatural and identifies the “sons of God” as the godly offspring of Seth and the “daughters of men” as the evil offspring of Cain. Most commentary teach that this passage actually refers to a failure to keep the "faithful" lines of Seth separate from the "worldly" line of Cain. The Supernatural View — identifies the “sons of God” as a group of angelic beings who rebelled against God and interfered with the affairs of mankind for destructive purposes. In other words, the sons of God are evil and introduce all kinds of evil to mankind in an attempt to wipe out the descendants of Adam from the face of the earth STEP #2 — Let Genesis 6 simply say what it means and mean what it says. [Genesis 6:1-5] STEP #3 — Embrace the Supernatural View of Genesis 6 — no matter how strange or uncomfortable it may be. STEP #4 — Let the Bi

  • I know my redeemer lives, 7 reasons I believe in the resurrection

    12/04/2020 Duración: 58min

    Resurrection Sunday 2020 I know my redeemer lives 7 reasons I believe in the resurrection #1 Old Testament prophets predicted and prefigured the resurrection This testimony is found through the witness of Job, Moses, Abraham, Elisha, David, and Isaiah #2 the ministry of Jesus was public not a secret. Acts 26: 22-26 #3 Even the enemies of Jesus could not dispute the empty tomb. (Matthew 27:62- 28:15) #4 The early, first-hand, eyewitness testimony of the Apostles (1 Cor. 15: 1-8) #5. The Apostles were radically changed and willing to die for what they knew to be true (Acts 4: 18-20) #6. The supernatural power of Jesus to transform lives, save sinners, and heal the hardest hearts. (2 Cor. 5: 17). #7. I spoke with Jesus this morning! Have you experienced the real power of Jesus? Do you have a relationship with the Living Lord? Has Jesus transformed your life? Do you have the hope and the joy and peace of knowing that you posses eternal life in Jesus Christ? Do you have the hope and joy and peace of knowledge that

  • Old as Methusela

    05/04/2020 Duración: 46min
  • The Seed War: Genesis 3:15

    22/03/2020 Duración: 56min

    The Seed War — Genesis 3:15 1. Perpetual hatred and hostility exists between the Serpent and the woman — between Satan’s seed and her seed. (Genesis 3:15) 2. Seed can refer to genetic material (DNA), physical descendants, or spiritual offspring. 3. Satan has been working relentlessly from the beginning to contaminate the whole earth with his evil seed and eliminate the seed of the woman. (1 John 3:4-10) 4. God has always preserved for Himself a surviving remnant throughout history to maintain the integrity of the seed line of the Messiah. (Genesis 15:5-6, 2 Samuel 7:12-17) 5. In the fullness of time, Jesus Christ was born of a woman as the Promised Seed of Salvation for the whole world. (Galatians 3:16, 4:4-5) 6. The good news of the gospel is that God has made a way for hostile sinners to be spiritually reborn through faith in Jesus Christ, becoming the sons of God. (Galatians 3:25-29, 4:4-7) 7. Although Jesus came the first time to destroy the works of the devil, He has promised to return and ultimately

  • The Curse

    08/03/2020 Duración: 55min

    The Curse — Genesis 3 EFFECT #1 — The curse fundamentally fractured our relationship both to God and each other. (Genesis 3:7-13) EFFECT #2 — The curse corrupted the very spiritual nature of mankind, making sin our inheritance and death our destiny. (Genesis 3:19, Romans 5:12-21) EFFECT #3 — The curse stripped Adam of his divine authority and subjected all mankind to an evil ruler. (Genesis 3:13-15) EFFECT #4 — The curse subjected the entire creation to a state of bondage to corruption. (Genesis 3:16-19, Romans 8:18-25) THE ONLY SOLUTION — The LORD JESUS 1. He became a curse for us -- taking our place on the cross. (Galatians 3:10-14) 2. He paid the price for our sin, dying the death we deserve, (1 Peter 2:24) 3. He destroyed the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8) 4. He has promised to redeem all of creation. (Revelation 21:4-5, 22:3) Putting the Word into Practice All you who are weary and burdened down …come to Jesus to find eternal rest for your souls!

  • Enter the Serpent

    01/03/2020 Duración: 42min

    Genesis 3 — Enter The Serpent Five Biblical Realities about the Nachash #1 — The Origin and Nature of the Serpent [Genesis 3:1, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-15] #2 — The Pride and Rebellion of the Serpent [Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:15-19, Luke 10:17-20] # 3 — The Ruthless and effective Strategy of the Serpent [Genesis 3:1-7] #4 — The Present Status of the Serpent [Genesis 3:14] #5 — The Final Destiny of the Serpent [Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10] Putting the Word into Practice How can we ensure that we don’t become Satan’s next victim? Put on the Whole Armor of God Every day! [Ephesians 6:10-18]

  • Genesis: Adam

    16/02/2020 Duración: 46min

    ADAM — Genesis 1-2 1.. Man is unique as the crowning glory of God’s creation. (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:7-25, Psalm 8) 2. Man is distinct as the image bearer of the Creator. (Genesis 1:26-27) 3. Man represents the created order fixed in nature from the beginning. (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:7-25 1 Corinthians 11) 4. Man is special as the object of God’s affection and primary focus of God’s redemption. (Hebrews 2) 5. Either we continue to bear the image of Adam and will die in our sins, or we become new creations in Christ and receive eternal life as the sons of God. (1 Corinthians 15:42-58) Putting the Word into Practice Are you in Adam, and therefore separated from God? Or are you in Christ and in a living relationship with your heavenly Father? In the end, nothing else matters.

  • Genesis: The Six Days of Creation

    16/02/2020 Duración: 51min

    The Six Days of Creation — Genesis 1 — 2:3 1. Everything that God originally formed for a purpose he also filled with a purpose. (Genesis 1:1-31) 2. The Bible clearly teaches that God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them in Six, literal 24-hour days. (Exodus 20:8-11) 3. According to Biblical creation, we are living on a relatively young earth in a young universe. (Genesis 1) 4. We can scientifically observe and test hundreds of examples in the natural world that place age limits on the earth and the universe, which confirms that the creation is 6000 years old as opposed to billions of years. (Exodus 20:8-11) 5. Even apparent problems like distant starlight can be scientifically reconciled with a young universe. (Genesis 1:3-14) 6. The original creation week provides additional insights into God’s overall pattern of redemptive history and the coming Day of the LORD. (2 Peter 3:8-13) Putting the Word into Practice Let God be true and every man a liar! You can trust and believe God’s wor

  • Introducing the Sons of God: Genesis 1

    02/02/2020 Duración: 55min

    Introducing the sons of God — Genesis 1 1. In the beginning God the Son (Jesus) created everything in the heavens and on earth, both visible and invisible. [Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:15-17] 2. The host of heaven was created at some point prior to earth and mankind. [Genesis 1:1, 3:1, Job 38:3-7] 3. The Biblical phrase “sons of God” always refers to a direct and special creation of God. [Genesis 6:1-4, Job 1-2, Luke 3:38, John 1:10-13] 4. The heavenly sons of God were created to execute God's will in the heavens just as man was created to obey God’s will on earth. [Psalm 103:20-22, Hebrews 1:6-7] 5. The Bible provides fascinating glimpses behind the scenes into God’s heavenly government — the divine council. [Psalm 82, Psalm 89, Daniel 7:9-10] 6. The sons of God have a significant role in the overall story of redemption, especially in the cosmic mission of Jesus Christ — the Beloved Son of God. [Ephesians 1:19-23] Putting the Word into Practice Do you know God as your Heavenly Father today? Are you certain

  • In the Beginning Was the Word

    26/01/2020 Duración: 51min

    In the Beginning was the WORD — [Genesis 1:1-5, John 1:1-5] 1. God brought everything into existence through the Word — both as a Person and by His power. [Genesis 1:3, John 1:1-3] 2. Jesus is the eternal purpose and reason behind the creation. [John 1:1-2, 17:5,24] 3. Jesus is the Divine Agent who performed the work of creation. [John 1:1-5] 4. Jesus is the Sustainer of the universe, actively holding everything together. [Hebrews 1:1-3, Colossians 1:17] 5. Jesus was willing to step out of heaven and enter His own creation in the form of a man. [John 1:9-18, Philippians 2:5-11] 6. Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended to heaven where He now sits as King and Lord over all creation! [Hebrews 1:3-4, Philippians 2:9-11, Ephesians 1:20-23] 7. Jesus will return in power and glory to ultimately liberate and redeem all of creation and make everything new. [Romans 8:18-25, 2 Peter 3:12-13, Revelation 21-22] Putting the Word into Practice Go in the Authority and Power of Jesus Christ — who is Creator and K

  • God Doesn't Believe in Athiests

    12/01/2020 Duración: 48min

    God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists Genesis 1 1. God is the only necessary being who exists. (Genesis 1:1) 2. From the very beginning, the Bible establishes the existence of the Creator and describes creation as the supernatural work of God. (Gen 1:1) 3. God has revealed Himself through nature in a general way, so that every man is without excuse. (Romans 1:16-25) 4. Atheism ultimately is a moral rebellion, not an intellectual objection. (Romans 1:16-25) 5. Just as God created all things by His powerful word, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation! (Romans 1:16-25) Putting the Word into Practice We must pray for God to open the eyes of the blind so that they will be able to see and believe and we must never be ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation!

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