Christ Church Bartlett

The Ark



The Ark — Genesis 6-7 I. We must reclaim and reaffirm the historical truth of Noah’s ark while living in the midst of an unbelieving generation of scoffers and skeptics. [Genesis 6:9-22] II. We must regain the proper perspective and massive scope of Noah’s ark instead of the pop-culture, nursery-rhyme images of our generation. [Genesis 6:14-16] III. We must rediscover the central theme of redemption represented by Noah’s ark and ultimately expressed in the exclusive means of salvation through the Person and work of Jesus Christ.[Genesis 7:11-24] Putting the Word into Practice Have you trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ — God’s only provision for salvation? Have you been sealed and secured by the Holy Spirit? Do you care enough about your friends and family to share the good news of salvation with them before it’s too late?