Christ Church Bartlett

The Seed War: Genesis 3:15



The Seed War — Genesis 3:15 1. Perpetual hatred and hostility exists between the Serpent and the woman — between Satan’s seed and her seed. (Genesis 3:15) 2. Seed can refer to genetic material (DNA), physical descendants, or spiritual offspring. 3. Satan has been working relentlessly from the beginning to contaminate the whole earth with his evil seed and eliminate the seed of the woman. (1 John 3:4-10) 4. God has always preserved for Himself a surviving remnant throughout history to maintain the integrity of the seed line of the Messiah. (Genesis 15:5-6, 2 Samuel 7:12-17) 5. In the fullness of time, Jesus Christ was born of a woman as the Promised Seed of Salvation for the whole world. (Galatians 3:16, 4:4-5) 6. The good news of the gospel is that God has made a way for hostile sinners to be spiritually reborn through faith in Jesus Christ, becoming the sons of God. (Galatians 3:25-29, 4:4-7) 7. Although Jesus came the first time to destroy the works of the devil, He has promised to return and ultimately