Christ Church Bartlett

Stepping Into a Brave New World



Stepping into A Brave New World — Genesis 8-9 • The old world perished in the flood. (2 Peter 3:6) • Noah and his family stepped into a brave new world, as humankind would be forced to start over from scratch. (Genesis 8:1-19, 9:1-7) ª There is substantial evidence that the earth endured an ice age for hundreds of years after the flood. (Genesis 8:22) • The releasing of the dove symbolizes the movement of the Holy Spirit. (Genesis 8:6-12) • Before Noah went to work, he worshipped God in faith. (Genesis 8:20-22) • Just as certain as the seasons will change, we are sure to experience different spiritual seasons in our life. (Genesis 8:22) Putting the Word in Practice No Matter which spiritual season you find yourself in right now, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and trust that God will provide all you need!