Christ Church Bartlett



The messages from our 1045am Sunday service.


  • 3 Keys to 2020 Vision in 2020

    29/12/2019 Duración: 28min

    3 KEYS to 2020 Vision in 2020 KEY #1 — Renew your Commitment to the Word of God. (Psalm 119:105) KEY #2 — When you can’t see, learn to recognize to God’s voice. (John 10:14-30) KEY #3 — Learn to obey what you know and God will show you more! (John 14:15-21) As We Go … Let 2020 be the year of deeper relationship and clearer vision by learning to see through the Word of God, recognize the voice of God, and obey out of love for God!

  • Hope for Everyone

    22/12/2019 Duración: 47min

    Hope for Everyone — Titus 2:11-14 REALITY #1 — True Hope is the reality of who God is and what He has done in the past. (Titus 2:11) REALITY #2 — True Hope is the reality that keeps us going in this present age. (Titus 2:12) REALITY #3 — True Hope is the reality of unwavering confidence in a future day when we will be with God forever. (Titus 2:13) REALITY #4 — True Hope is a Real Person, Our Blessed Hope the Lord Jesus Christ. (Titus 2:13) REALITY #5 — True Hope is a reality that must be shared with the world! (Titus 2:14) As We Go … Are you looking for hope? — Come to Jesus. Are you losing hope? — Trust in Jesus. Have you lost all hope? — Fall upon Jesus. Are you living with hope? — Praise Jesus! Are you filled with hope? — Lead others to Jesus!

  • Changing the World One Person at a Time

    08/12/2019 Duración: 44min

    Each 1 —> Reach 1 —> Teach 1 Changing the World One Person at a Time 1. Reach Thru Serving (Mark 10:42-45) • Learn to serve as a way of life. • Learn to serve in the life of your church. 2. Reach Thru Bringing (John 1:40-51) • Take advantage of using a simple invitation. ª We must be intentional! 3. Reach Thru Witnessing (Acts 1:8) • Learn How to take normal conversations in a spiritual direction • Learn How to use the power of the question and the skill of listening • Learn How to share your personal testimony. • Learn How to help lead others to trust in Jesus Christ TEACH 1 —> Embrace your lifelong commitment to discipleship! AS WE GO … Who is your One? Once you identify your One, begin to faithfully pray for him or her and yourself and then expect God to do something extraordinary through You — in the meantime start seeing, serving, bringing and sharing your faith!

  • Changing the World One Person at a Time

    01/12/2019 Duración: 50min

    Each 1 —> Reach 1 —> Teach 1 Changing the World One Person at a Time EACH 1 —> Each One of You Matters Exercising faith for salvation is an extremely personal decision. (Acts 16:30-31) Following after Jesus daily is an extremely personal commitment. (Luke 9:23-24) God intends each one of us to become a contributing member of the collective body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:1-7) REACH 1 —> There are Many Ways to Reach Others Reach Through Praying (Colossians 1:9-14) Reach Through Seeing (Luke 10:29-37 -- Acts 3:1-10) As We Go ... Who is your one? For Whom will you commit to pray without ceasing? Ask God to help you see the world through his eyes from now on. Be willing to look upon your neighbor with mercy and compassion.

  • Your Kingdom Come

    24/11/2019 Duración: 46min

    YOUR KINGDOM COME — Acts 28 REALITY #1 — The Kingdom was established by God and entrusted to Adam. [Genesis 1:26-28] REALITY #2 — The Kingdom was relinquished to Satan. [Gen. 3, Rev. 12:9] REALITY # 3 — The Kingdom was foreshadowed through Israel. [Exodus 19:1-6] REALITY #4 — The Kingdom was realized and redeemed by Jesus Christ. [Isaiah 9:6-7] REALITY #5 — The Kingdom continues through us to this day! [Acts 1:8] REALITY #6 - The Kingdom has been transferred to God’s children — as joint-heirs with Christ. [Colossians 1:13-14] REALITY # 7 — The King will return to repay, to reward, and to rule! [Matthew 25:31-34] REALITY # 8 — The Kingdom will be restored on earth forevermore! [Revelation 21:1-5] As We Go … NEVER FORGET WE ARE NOT OUR OWN BUT BELONG TO THE KING! NEVER FORGET WE ARE HIS WITNESSES! NEVER FORGET WE HAVE A MISSION THAT MATTERS! NEVER FORGET THE KING IS COMING!

  • Servants of Christ

    17/11/2019 Duración: 38min

    Servants of Christ 1 Corinthians 4:6-12, 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 1. Bruises mean we were in the fight! 2. Scars mean we cared! 3. Worldly goods aren't the goal. The goal is using worldly goods for Christ's sake! 4. The family is in this with you!

  • God Is the Anchor of Our Soul

    10/11/2019 Duración: 50min

    God is the Anchor of our Soul Acts 27 I. Sometimes we bring storms upon ourselves. (Acts 27:1-9) II. Sometimes we end up in the middle of a storm because of the bad choices of others. (Acts 27:9-12) III. It is easy to lose hope in the midst of the storm. (Acts 27:13-20) IV. God will never waste a storm in our life. (Acts 27:21-22) V. How we respond in the midst of the storm ultimately reveals how much we love and trust God. (Acts 27:21-38) VI. God is forever the Anchor of our soul in the midst of every storm. (Acts 27:39-44) As We Go … Whether you are in the midst of a storm or heading into a storm, hold fast to the Anchor of your soul —Jesus Christ — knowing that He is holding onto you and is working all things for the good of those who love Him and who are called to His glorious purposes!

  • From Darkness into Light

    03/11/2019 Duración: 51min

    From Darkness into Light Acts 25-26 1. God is the Source and Sustainer of all light — both natural and spiritual. (Acts 26:12-14) 2. Light represents every good thing from God (Acts 26:18) 3. Satan is the prince of darkness whose sole purpose is to keep the whole world lost in darkness. (Acts 26:18) 4. By nature, men prefer darkness and hate the light because our deeds are evil. (John 3:19-21) 5. Jesus came as the light of the world, speaking the truth and showing us the only way of salvation. (John 8:12) 6. The light of the gospel is that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven of sin, delivered from the power of Satan, restored into right relationship with the Father, and given an inheritance in the eternal kingdom of light! (Acts 26:18) 7. After receiving new life in Christ, we become children of the light and are given the privilege of spreading the gospel of hope in a dark world. (Acts 26:18-23) As We Go … Rekindle the light of Christ in you, feed the flames of your faith, and then simply le

  • Holding Fast to the Promise of the First Resurrection

    27/10/2019 Duración: 37min

    Holding Fast to the Promise of the First Resurrection — Acts 24 1st PROMISE — There will be a future resurrection of the dead. (Acts 24:14-15) 2nd PROMISE — There will be two distinct future resurrections — one for the righteous and one for the wicked. (Acts 24:14-15) 3rd PROMISE — The first resurrection of the saints will take place after the great tribulation at the end of the age on the last day during the return of Jesus Christ to earth. (John 6 &11, 1 Cor 15, 1 Thessalonians 4, Matthew 24, Revelation 20) 4th PROMISE — Those who take part in the first resurrection will receive new bodies so to rule and reign in the Kingdom with Christ. (Romans 8, 1 Cor 15, Rev 20) 5th PROMISE — The LORD will render final judgment and take vengeance on His enemies, including all who have rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Acts 24:24-25) As We Go … Let us all continue to trust in our Risen Savior and hold fast to our Blessed Hope — the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who

  • Called to be Holy

    20/10/2019 Duración: 43min

    1 Peter 1:17-21 Peter clearly wrote to the gentiles to encourage believers to stand fast while they endure suffering and distress in the present evil age. !. Set hope completley on God's Grace 2. Be holy as God is holy 3. Live in Godly fear The Father is on your side and proves it through Jesus!

  • What We Believe Matters

    13/10/2019 Duración: 52min

    What We Believe Matters Acts 23 1. Pharisees represent religious legalism, bound to the letter of the law. 2. Sadducees represent religious liberalism, becoming a law unto themselves. 3. Essenes represent religious elitism, cutting themselves off from society. 4. Zealots represent religious extremism, willing to break the law to advance their agenda. 5. Nazarenes (aka disciples of Christ) represent the Way of true relationship with God, guided by the law of the Spirit of life. 6. What we believe matters because what we believe ultimately determines how we live. As We Go … Take the necessary time to become familiar with the essential doctrines of our faith and be prepared to provide an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.

  • The Power of Personal Testimony

    06/10/2019 Duración: 53min

    The Power of Personal Testimony Acts 21:17-22:30 Lesson #1 — We cannot control how others will perceive us. (Acts 21:17-40) Lesson #2 — We can always remember how Jesus has changed us. (Acts 22) Lesson #3 — We always can share our testimony in any given situation, so we don’t have an excuse to remain silent. (Acts 22) AS WE GO … Don’t worry about how others perceive you. Simply remember your testimony, write it down, rehearse it, and share it often!

  • Let Your Light Shine Out of Darkness

    29/09/2019 Duración: 30min

    Let Your Light Shine Out of Darkness Judges Chapter 6 2 Corinthians Chapter 4

  • Tough Decisions: The Sandlot

    22/09/2019 Duración: 40min

    Tough Decisions: The Sandlot Acts: 21:1-14 Question 1 What was the prophecy? Question 2 How did Paul respond to the prophecy? Question 3 What has ben prophesied to us? Question 4 How will we respond to God's Word? Notice the response of those around Paul "Let the will of the Lord be done."

  • Better to Give

    15/09/2019 Duración: 43min

    Better to Give Acts 20:32-38 I. We find rest and peace when we give others to God. (Acts 20:32) II. We find hope and strength when we remember all that God graciously has given to us! (Acts 20:32) III. There is never a place for greed in gospel ministry. (Acts 20:33) IV. God’s people have been given the primary responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. (Acts 20:34-35) V. We are happier when we are willing to give to others and live generous lives. (Acts 20:35) VI. Finally, we must be willing to give ourselves away to further the kingdom of God. (Acts 20:36-38) As We Go … Discover the lasting happiness that comes from obeying Jesus Christ and helping others in His name!

  • Six Biblical Standards of Spiritual Leaders

    08/09/2019 Duración: 53min

    Six Biblical Standards of Spiritual Leaders Acts 20:26-31 Standard #1 — An elder is called to possess a clear conscience, as one who must stand before God to give an account. (Acts 20:26) Standard #2 — An elder is called to preach and teach the whole counsel of God’s word without exception. (Acts 20:27) Standard #3 — An elder is called first to keep a close watch over his own soul. (Acts 20:28) Standard #4 — An elder is called to exercise personal oversight in the church. (Acts 20:28) Standard #5 — An elder is called to shepherd the flock. (Acts 20:28) Standard #6 — An elder is called to contend for the essential doctrines of the faith. (Acts 20:29-30) Your Response — Every congregation is called to submit to, pray for, and hold your elders accountable to God’s standards. (Acts 20:31) As We Go … May we all turn to and trust in Jesus Christ, the Head of the body and Chief Shepherd of God’s church, fully submitting to His leadership, as the One to whom we must give an account.

  • Ten Characteristics of a Kingdom Citizen

    01/09/2019 Duración: 53min

    Ten Characteristics of a Kingdom Citizen — Acts 20:17-26 1. People of integrity (Acts 20:18) 2. People with newfound liberty (Acts 20:19) 3. People of humility (Acts 20:19) 4. People of empathy (Acts 20:19) 5. People marked by the enemy (Acts 20:19) 6. People unashamed to bear witness courageously (Acts 20:20-21) 7. People who walk obediently (Acts 20:22-23) 8. People who sacrifice selflessly (Acts 20:24) 9. People who live purposefully (Acts 20:25) 10. People who leave behind a lasting legacy (Acts 20:26) As We Go … How do you want to be remembered? What changes must you begin making today that will help you become that person God made you to be?

  • The Resurrection: Our Comfort and Hope in a Dying World

    25/08/2019 Duración: 45min

    The Resurrection: Our Comfort and Hope in a Dying World Acts 20:1-16 I. The Feast mof Unleavened Bread was given as a symbolic picture of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:1-6) II. The First Day of the Week is a regular reminder of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:7-8) III. The raising of Eutichus was a visible expression of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:7-11) IV. The only comfort and hope for this dying world is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:12) As We Go … Let us find comfort and hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of His coming! Let us encourage one another with the reality of the future resurrection. But let us not keep it to yourselves! We have HOPE to Share with a hopeless and dying world.

  • Nothing New under the Moon

    18/08/2019 Duración: 42min

    Nothing New Under the Moon Acts 19:21-41 I. Idolatry is nothing new and has always been an offense to God and a snare to mankind. (Acts 19:21-27) II. Satan and his demons will always appeal to our sinful appetites and emotions and attempt to use chaos and confusion to manipulate the masses. (Acts 19:28-34) III. Artemis of the Ephesians is nothing more than repackaged demonic principality that has assumed many different identities and names throughout history. (Acts 19:35-41) IV. The LORD is the Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the God of gods, and His kingdom will never be destroyed! As We Go… Never forget. Only God’s Kingdom lasts forever. Are you sure that you will spend eternity with Him there?

  • Three Realities in Reclaiming Authority from the Enemy

    11/08/2019 Duración: 11min

    NOTE: This recording is just a small sample from the end of this week's sermon. If you would like to see the entire service (music and sermon) please copy and paste this URL into a web browser to see the rest of the story, NOTES- Three Realities in Reclaiming Authority from the Enemy — Acts 19:11-20 REALITY #1 — While the unbelieving world lies in the power of the evil one, believers in Christ are called to battle against the spiritual forces of darkness. (Acts 19:11-13) REALITY #2 — Believers in Christ must never casually engage the enemy without first being spiritually prepared and well equipped. (Acts 19:14-17) REALITY #3 — As believers in Christ, we must regularly take a spiritual inventory of our lives, identify all practices, possessions and potential influences that give the enemy authority over us, and then purge the evil from our midst! (Acts 19:18-20) AS WE GO … We must renounce our sin, put on the full armor of God daily fo

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