Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose



Surviving in the blogging and entrepreneur world is not an easy task. Jenny teaches you how to build a stronger business so that you can turn your part time hustle into your full time profession. She creates a focused vision for your business by teaching tested strategies for growth and development.


  • Effective Speaking Skills as a Podcast Guest, Video Content Creator or Public Speaking Presentation with Katie Kimball

    01/05/2023 Duración: 33min

     We are talking about effective speaking skills as a podcast guest, video content creator or public speaking presentation with Katie Kimball. Katie Kimball has a mother of four, teacher and educator, author of 7 cookbooks, blogger for two blogs, including Kitchen Stewardship and Kids Cook Real Food.  She has been a featured guest on an international talk shows, television programs, stages, multiple podcasts and was a TEDx speaker twice (here and here). Read more here.  Download Katie's email delegation cheat sheet for practical entrepreneur tips and strategies.  

  • Why Blogging is Important: Benefits of Blogging

    24/04/2023 Duración: 10min

    Blogging provides a unique advantage to businesses that are looking to grow their online presence and reap the benefits of blogging.Increased VisibilityBetter ConversionsBuilds a CommunityGrows an Email ListBuilds a better BrandIncreases SEOMonetization OpportunitiesCreative & Personal GrowthGrab the Blog Like a Pro GuideRead more HERE

  • How to Sell without Feeling Gross with Melanie Childers

    17/04/2023 Duración: 28min

    Today we're going to be talking about how to sell without feeling Gross with Melanie Childers.  I want you to redirect your brains around the idea that you don't have to be selling only if you have a personal service or product but you are also selling to sponsors.  Learn more about consensual selling , the best way to handle objections, the biggest mistakes we make when selling, and more. Read more here.Learn more about Melanie at her website  Be sure to grab Melanie's Consensual Selling Conversations guide here.

  • Crafting the Perfect Business Elevator Pitch

    10/04/2023 Duración: 08min

    Having a clear avatar is important to create a successful business elevator pitch and content that resonates with your audience.The biggest misstep I see for the majority of my clients is that they can't clearly and concisely tell me what their business elevator pitch is.They fall over their words or are extremely vague, so much so that it leaves me with more questions than when we started.Your elevator pitch should tell me what you do and who you do it for.Grab your free workbook.Read more here.

  • How to Increase Revenue by Ditching Display Ads with Monica Froese

    03/04/2023 Duración: 35min

    Discover how to boost your revenue by ditching display ads and exploring alternative monetization strategies.  Monica Froese was a guest on episode 317. She is back to share how you can increase revenue by ditching display ads.  She is one of the best teachers.  You're going to get a ton of information from this episode.You are going to want to make sure that you sign up for her free Profit Transformation class that she is offering.Read More Here

  • How to have Thick Skin

    27/03/2023 Duración: 10min

    Part of the entrepreneurial mindset is to have thick skin and we're diving into how develop that as a business owner.Before we start, be sure to grab the free workbook that goes along with this episode.One day when I was in fourth grade, I came home crying because the boys were calling me Brussels Sprouts and Four Eyes. My mom told me sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.I look back now and realize two things.First, the name Brussel Sprouts was actually kind of funny since my maiden name was Russell. Second, rather than my mom telling me that I wasn't a brussel sprout or that my thick pink rimmed glasses made me pretty, she simply told me that these names physically weren't doing any damage and I could decide how the bully's words impacted me.My mom gave me my power back. With that silly saying, I decided how I was going to handle the name calling.My emotions were up to me and I could control them.In that moment, I developed thicker skin. Skin that allowed

  • What is Analysis Paralysis & How can Bloggers Avoid it? with Liz Stapleton

    20/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    One of the most difficult thing to overcome as a blogger is analysis paralysis, but what is analysis paralysis and how can you avoid it?Today’s guest, Liz Stapleton, is a lawyer and a blogger. She is the founder of multiple blogging websites, including Less Debt, More Wine (a personal finance website), (helping people understand the legal side of blogging), and Blogger Breakthrough Summit (a free virtual summit designed to help bloggers with both their time and goals). Liz has been blogging since 2014 and loves to make bloggers' lives easier with action-oriented content and training to save their sanity and help them earn more.We're diving into analysis paralysis and how bloggers can avoid it. Read more Here. Blogging Success Planner 

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset Examples

    13/03/2023 Duración: 07min

    Part of business growth is the entrepreneurial mindset that you have so we're breaking down specific entrepreneurial mindset examples.Today we're going to be jumping into the business mindset that you need to have in order to have growth in your business and to start treating your business like the business that it is.Instead of looking at it as that hobby that some of us started this business off as, now we need to start to have an entrepreneurial mindset about how we're going to continue to move forward.After years of playing sports at a competitive level, there was something that I always noticed in the best athletes.They didn't boast about being the best, but you could tell they knew they were good at what they did.They had the mindset that they could compete at the highest level, which game in the confidence to do so.They wanted the ball in order to break the tie.Read More HERE.Grab your Workbook

  • How to Make Your IG Branded Content Stand Out with Kristen Bousquet

    06/03/2023 Duración: 23min

    Understanding how to make IG branded content stand out is what can set you apart from other influencers.Kristen is a creator monetization coach where she helps content creators and influencers learn how to monetize their social platforms and their creativity a little bit more successfully.She’s been a creator for the last five years and had a blog back in 2008 so Kristen’s has been at this for a while.Read more HERE.

  • Fake it Until You Make it

    27/02/2023 Duración: 07min

    Have you actually heard that saying, fake it until you make it?Now before you go hog wild on me because you know, we just finished learning how important authenticity, let me actually give you a scenario, then you can decide if you still need to argue with me about faking it until you make it.I want you to picture that you are at a conference to help you develop your business.The first speaker walks up to the podium with her head held high and a slight smile on her lips.She takes holds of the clicker for the slides projected on a screen behind her.You can see her take a deep breath, and then she starts addressing the crowd.Her voice is strong and she's making eye contact with the audience.She even asks the audience a question and ribs them for not participating, which of course sends a ton of more hands in.She delivers the content at a quicker than usual place, but has delivered value.Read more HERE.Grab the free workbook.

  • How to use Instagram to Grow your Business without Burning Out

    20/02/2023 Duración: 27min

    Social media can often feel like a never ending task within your business, but Kendra Swalls is sharing how to use Instagram to grow your business without burning out.On today’s episode we have special guest Kendra Swalls, Kendra is a former teacher that began building a photography business.After having her second daughter she left teaching behind and took on her photography business full-time.That’s when Kendra really began learning about the business and building it rather than the creativity.She loved learning about marketing strategies, social media, email marketing, and relationship building.Kendra was able to really grow her photography business using those strategies.She then began her podcast, “Girl Means Business” and built her coaching business and a brand around that where she now offers one-on-one coaching.Read more HERE.

  • How to Boost Your Confidence

    13/02/2023 Duración: 09min

    Your confidence is a huge piece of how you impact your audience, which is we want to break down how to boost your confidence.Confidence is the second half of my Influencer Entrepreneurs: The 4 Step Framework to Building Your Audience, Growing Your Business and Making Money Online.Be sure that if you haven't already grabbed the free workbook that goes along with this series that you do so.The majority of my clients who have found me are usually looking for a step by step process on how to pitch themselves to receive brand sponsorships.An introductory email or pitch is sent to a company or brand in order to secure money in exchange for content that is created.A brand sponsorship is forged when a client uses a product or service from a brand and more or less endorses it to their audience.I provide them with that process through my signature course Pitch Perfect Pro.But what they don't realize is that 50% of the process is actually confidence.If you are lacking confidence in yourself, people will sense

  • Self-Publishing vs Traditional Publishing

    06/02/2023 Duración: 21min

    If you're thinking of writing a book you've probably wondered if Self-Publishing vs Traditional Publishing is a better option or not.On today’s episode we have special guest Deborah Niemann, Deborah started her blog, Thrifty Homesteader in 2006 and got discovered by a publisher in 2010.Deborah has written six books, but it’s really just one part of what she calls an information business which is pretty much what most of us are into, disseminating informationRead more HERE

  • Know Who You are Talking to

    30/01/2023 Duración: 09min

    Creating content consistently is great, but if you don't know who your talking to it is likely that you are not attracting a raving audience.Today we're going to break down exactly how to know who you are talking to.We are in the thick of 2023 and moving on into February.I am continuing our series that we have been talking about that goes along with my book, Influencer Entrepreneurs: The4 Step Framework for Building Your Audience, Growing Your Business, and Making Money Online.If you haven't already grabbed the free workbook that goes along with it, please make sure that you do.I really want to make sure you know who you are talking to.This is one of the most important things that you need to understand so that you know the problem that you are solving.When I hosted IEA summit in the beginning of January, I talked about there were three things we were focusing on.We were focusing on SEO.We were making sure that we understood the importance of growing an email list and how to actually engage wit

  • Anxiety and Perfectionism in Business with Robyn Graham

    23/01/2023 Duración: 32min

    As a business owner anxiety and perfectionism can easily become a hurdle that every entrepreneurs needs to overcome, but it is one that can be done with the right strategies in place.On today’s episode we have special guest Robyn Graham.Robyn is a personal brand strategist and a business and mindset coach.She recently had the honor of getting her master certification for Christian life coaching which she will be adding to her life coaching.She is also the host of the Robyn Graham Show and author of You, Me and Anxiety, Take action over Anxiety to Enjoy Being You.Robyn works with her clients to help them build a solid foundation for long-term brand and business success.Read more HERE.

  • How to Develop the Know Like Trust Factor

    16/01/2023 Duración: 10min

    One of the most important business aspects is developing the know like trust factor with your audience so that it is easier to monetize and grow.People have to see things seven times in order to take action. I want you to take that in. That means that someone has to hear seven different times that you are offering a free guide on how to get more active before they will sign up for it.Seven times, and that's just for something free. Now, imagine how many times someone has to hear about something they need to pay for before they take action. Read more HERE.Get the workbook!

  • Solopreneur vs Entrepreneur: How to make the switch with Heather Brown

    09/01/2023 Duración: 24min

    Ready to make the switch from Solopreneur to Entrepreneur?  We're diving into how to make it happen this year.On today’s episode we have special guest Heather Brown of My Life Well Lived, her background is in marketing and journalism, she started blogging at the forefront of it about a decade ago.Heather has worked with Pinterest and other social media for brands and all kinds of things.Heather’s pride and joy is her podcast which she just released in August which is called Healthy with Heather Brown.Each season she tries to tackle something in the health space such as mental health, emotional health, relation health, and physical health.Read more HERE

  • Example Brand Values & How to Implement Them in Your Messaging

    02/01/2023 Duración: 13min

    We're jumping into example brand values and how to implement them in your messaging when you are creating content and putting things on social media so that you can successfully and cohesively run your business.Be sure to check out the previous episodes of this series, episodes 318, 316, 314 and 312.This series follows along with my book, Influencer Entreprenenurs: The 4 Step Framework for Building Your Audience, Growing Your Business and Making Money Online.Also, make sure that you grab the free coordinating workbook.Read more HERE.

  • How to use Intuition with Danya Douglas Hunt

    26/12/2022 Duración: 37min

    Intuition can play a factor in your business, but it's a major factor when you understand how to use intuition in your everyday business. On today’s episode we have special guest Danya Douglas Hunt. Danya is a high-performance mindset coach to primarily six-seven-figure entrepreneurs.She helps entrepreneurs learn how to master their mind, regulate their nervous system to help them reach their goals with ease and fulfillment.Danya is a former Olympic athletic therapist and strength coach turned high-performance mindset coach. In the past she used to travel the world, working with athletes, primarily focusing on physical autonomy, so basically helping them with recovering from injuries and performance based strength and conditioning.Read more HERE.

  • Brand Authenticity: What it is & How to Build it

    19/12/2022 Duración: 10min

    Understanding how to implement your brand authenticity into your business makes it easier for you to attract an audience that sticks with you throughout the years.If you haven't been following along, make sure that you go back, listen to the episodes within this series that come from my book, Influencer Entrepreneurs: The 4 Step Framwork to Building Your Audience, Growing your Business and Making Money Online. The episodes are 312, 314 and 316 that are all part of this series.You’ll also want to make sure you download the free workbook that goes along with it.Read more HERE.

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