Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

How to have Thick Skin



Part of the entrepreneurial mindset is to have thick skin and we're diving into how develop that as a business owner.Before we start, be sure to grab the free workbook that goes along with this episode.One day when I was in fourth grade, I came home crying because the boys were calling me Brussels Sprouts and Four Eyes. My mom told me sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.I look back now and realize two things.First, the name Brussel Sprouts was actually kind of funny since my maiden name was Russell. Second, rather than my mom telling me that I wasn't a brussel sprout or that my thick pink rimmed glasses made me pretty, she simply told me that these names physically weren't doing any damage and I could decide how the bully's words impacted me.My mom gave me my power back. With that silly saying, I decided how I was going to handle the name calling.My emotions were up to me and I could control them.In that moment, I developed thicker skin. Skin that allowed