Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

Fake it Until You Make it



Have you actually heard that saying, fake it until you make it?Now before you go hog wild on me because you know, we just finished learning how important authenticity, let me actually give you a scenario, then you can decide if you still need to argue with me about faking it until you make it.I want you to picture that you are at a conference to help you develop your business.The first speaker walks up to the podium with her head held high and a slight smile on her lips.She takes holds of the clicker for the slides projected on a screen behind her.You can see her take a deep breath, and then she starts addressing the crowd.Her voice is strong and she's making eye contact with the audience.She even asks the audience a question and ribs them for not participating, which of course sends a ton of more hands in.She delivers the content at a quicker than usual place, but has delivered value.Read more HERE.Grab the free workbook.