Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose



Surviving in the blogging and entrepreneur world is not an easy task. Jenny teaches you how to build a stronger business so that you can turn your part time hustle into your full time profession. She creates a focused vision for your business by teaching tested strategies for growth and development.


  • IE 57: A Blog Planner to Hit your Goals & Increase your Productivity

    12/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    As a blogger and business owner there are multiple projects and tasks that need to get taken care of on a daily basis and because of this a blog planner is essential.  Many bloggers are also running their households as mothers and finding a blog planner that combines personal appointments with business goals is often difficult to find, which is why today I'm excited to introduce everyone to a blog planner that does just this!As bloggers, many of us feel like we can’t get ourselves organized so that we can accomplish all that we need or hope to accomplish. I am so excited to have Katie Hornor on the podcast with me talking all about her own systems for organization and how she and her husband stick to their goals even while in full-time ministry and homeschooling their large brood of kids!  After the six week series on goal setting it only seemed logical to get those goals all organized with the perfect blog planner.Katie began her blogging career with a homeschooling blog and business back in 2012. Many

  • IE 56: 8 Tips for Finding an Accountability Partner

    05/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    Having an accountability partner can increase your success and help you hit your goals so why would you leave it up to chance.  Take the initiative and found an accountability partner today with these eight tips.In case you didn’t know, I have been repurposing my Facebook lives for my podcast. It’s a great way to use my content on more than one platform and something you should definitely think about doing in order to save time and get your content out to more of your audience!Today, I am going to give you 8 tips for finding an accountability partner. If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that I think that having an accountability partner is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Let’s jump right into the tips… to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 55: How to Beat the Facebook Algorithm Changes (a.k.a. Facebook Zero)

    29/01/2018 Duración: 26min

    Facebook algorithms are the topic on everybody’s lips these days, am I right? Bloggers, Etsy shop owners, podcasters, and really anyone who uses Facebook to reach their audience have been in a near panic whenever the subject of the new Facebook algorithm comes up.  We're diving into how to beat the Facebook algorithm changes.The new Facebook algorithm is being called Facebook Zero. The whole point, according to Mark Zuckerberg, is to have your newsfeed filled with your friends and family instead of a majority ads and pages.As someone who very recently completely missed the pregnancy of a good friend until several months in, I appreciate what he’s trying to do here. I don’t want a news feed filled with only ads and business pages. He is encouraging discussions, not just mindless scrolling.Click to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 54: How to Create a Habit to Achieve Your Goals

    22/01/2018 Duración: 19min

    Setting goals is great.  It's usually the achieving of the goals that trips us up, right?  That's not the case if you learn how to create a habit that will help you achieve your goals.   Today we're diving into how to create a habit.As we continue in our series on goal setting today, I want to talk about something that I feel gets overlooked far too often which is how to create a habit to reach a goal.We have talked a lot about how to set SMART goals, how to create a vision for where you want to go, how to differentiate between performance goals and outcome goals, and more. But if you think that you can just set those goals and watch them achieve themselves, you are mistaken.Performance goals are nothing more than habits that need to be created. I know we all think about bad habits as ones we need to break and that could very well be something you need to address in your business success this year.The fact is, though, that knowing how to create a habit to achieve a goal is the quickest way to g

  • IE 53: SMART Goal Examples for Bloggers to Motivate Action

    15/01/2018 Duración: 23min

    For the past several weeks, I have been in a series on goal setting and today I am continuing in that series by talking about some SMART goal examples for bloggers.We have been getting down to some of the ways we can be sure that we can hit our goals this year, and last week, I told you the difference between outcome goals and performance goals. We covered some detailed examples of each kind of goal in that episode. Be sure to go back and listen to that and the previous episodes on goal setting so that you can achieve your goals this year! to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 52: Importance of Performance Goals vs Outcome Goals in Goals Setting

    08/01/2018 Duración: 28min

    Performance goals are the key to creating the path that you are looking for in order to hit your goals.  Performance goals create the behavior or the path that you need to hit your goals, while outcome goals are the goal that you are trying to get to.  You need to know your performance goals in order to get to the outcome goals that you set for yourself.If you have been around here lately, you know we have been in a series on goal setting. First, we covered vision boards; how to make them and why they are so important. Secondly, we talked about the “why”, the motivation behind your goals. Then last time, I gave you 3 guiding principles for how to set quarterly goals from your larger goals.I hear from many people that they can see their big, overarching goals, but they can’t see the path in front of them that will take them there. That big goal is your outcome goal. The steps that get you to that outcome goal are your performance goals. That’s what we’re talking about

  • IE 51: Setting Quarterly Goals with Three Guiding Principles

    01/01/2018 Duración: 27min

    Let me ask you a question. Have you ever looked at a new year ahead of you and said something like - “YES!! This is my year!! I am going to make this the year that I reach all my goals and do amazing things.”I’ll bet almost every one of us has said something similar, if not those exact words. That’s fantastic! I love to see women set big, crazy, audacious goals. The problem comes when we look at those goals and feel overwhelmed with how in the world to accomplish them. If you have set some huge goals for 2018, but aren’t sure exactly how to start making progress toward them, that’s what I am going to be talking about today.I firmly believe that the only reason I was able to leave my teaching career and ultimately bring my husband home from his nightmare career in retail was that I not only set quarterly goals, but I wrote them down and I shared them with others.In today’s episode, I am sharing three principles you need to know in order to break your huge goals for the year down into quarterly goals so that yo

  • IE 50: The Importance of Your WHY in Hitting Your Blogging Goals

    18/12/2017 Duración: 26min

    Your reason for starting your blog is important to your audience as well as brands that you want to partner with.  It matters why you create your content and it's important factor in continuing to move forward.  If you want to hit your blogging goals, you need to pay attention to your why for your content.If you missed last week’s episode, promise me that you will go back and listen to it. We talked all about creating a vision board to guide you in creating a plan for long-term success.Before we get started, I want you to go over to my website and grab a download I made for you that will help you tremendously with what we are going to be talking about today. Just click here and download your free worksheet.This worksheet dives deep into the power of purpose. Why does that matter? It is everything! Not only does knowing your purpose help you set goals for your business, but it allows you to niche down to your ideal audience. If you don’t know what problem you are solving for your audience, you can’t devel

  • IE 49 How to Create a Vision Board for Long Term Goal Setting Success

    12/12/2017 Duración: 26min

    One of the things I am passionate about is helping you get things in place so that when a new year rolls around, you can hit the ground running. No hanging back, trying to figure out what you need to do when it’s already halfway through January. Today I am starting a series on goal setting by talking about setting up a vision board.Are you a goal setter? Do you enjoy writing down your goals or are you more of a digital kind of planner? Or maybe you’ve never set goals before but this is your year to get your business leveled up and you are ready to go with some goals! Whatever the case is, I am going to spend the next couple of episodes talking about how to create goals for the new year and today we're starting with your vision to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 48: How to Plan to Hit Your Business Goals with Nicole Culver

    29/11/2017 Duración: 20min

    Ready to have the best 2018 in your business yet?! We're diving into How to Plan to Hit your Business Goals so you are more organized and profitable.I am excited to welcome back the guest that I had on the podcast way back in episode 6. Nicole Culver and I are chatting all things goals today, as we look ahead to 2018. We aren’t just talking the numbers, but diving into performance goals so that you will be set up for success in the new year!One reason we are talking about this now is that this is a busy time of year. As the holidays approach, women are busier than ever with their families and holiday prep. Making plans and setting goals for your business can take a back seat if you aren’t super intentional about it. If January comes and you haven’t set any goals or made any plans, you are already behind. That’s no way to go into a brand new year!Click to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 47 - 6 Ways To Repurpose Live Broadcasts

    20/11/2017 Duración: 17min

    Wondering how to use those live broadcasts more than just once?We're diving into 6 ways to repurpose live broadcasts that will give you more content across your social media outlets.  Plus, it'll give you time back because you won't need to create so much new content.Today, I am concluding a 6-week series on live broadcasts. If you are new around here, be sure you go back and listen to all of those episodes, especially if you are interested in how live broadcasts can help you grow your business.While increasing your reach on Facebook is a good thing, your live broadcasts need to be about more than that. That’s why I am going into detail today on 6 ways you can repurpose your live to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 46: How to Make Your Live Broadcasts Go Viral

    13/11/2017 Duración: 15min to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 45: How to Build Your List with Live Broadcasting

    06/11/2017 Duración: 20min

    Jumping into live broadcasts?Don't do it, just to do it!Be sure you are building your list with them so that you're creating a loyal audience.Over the past few weeks I have given you a ton of information about how to do your live broadcasts; from how to structure them, to some amazing ideas for content, to overcoming the fears associated with going live. But even with all these great ideas, there is one thing I keep saying…If your live broadcasts don’t have a purpose, if it isn’t leading back to something, there is no reason to do it. Your live broadcasts should have a purpose behind them! Never do a Facebook live just to do a Facebook live! to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 44: 7 Tactics to Increase Engagement on Facebook Live

    30/10/2017 Duración: 15min

    Tired of talking to yourself on Facebook Lives?These 7 tactics to increase engagement on Facebook Lives are ones you need to see.You’re doing a live broadcast. You have maybe 1 or 2 viewers, but they are just listening. They aren’t commenting. You don’t even know if they’re even actually paying attention to what you’re saying. You feel like you’re talking to yourself. Ever been there? I have! And it’s no fun.So bookmark this post for later, because you’re going to want to come back to it as you put these tips into practice. Now, let’s get to those tips… to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 43: 10 Killer Content Ideas for Facebook Live You've Got to See

    23/10/2017 Duración: 23min

    Ready to incorporate Facebook Live into your marketing strategy, but struggling with what to do?It doesn't have to be as hard as you think and it's so easy to implement.  You've just got to take the leap and hit that start button!If you’re new to this podcast, you may not know that I’ve been running a series over the past couple of weeks on doing Facebook Lives. Why am I spending so much time talking about live broadcasts?Because I believe that as an influencer, you have to incorporate video into your to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 42: How to Attract Your Dream Sponsors & Get Paid What You're Really Worth

    15/10/2017 Duración: 14min

    Tired of working for peanuts on creating sponsored content?  Want to work with the brands that you know, use and love?  Today I'm sharing exactly how to attract your dream sponsors all while getting paid what you're worth.Today we have a bit of a different episode than what I usually do. It’s actually an interview that I did with Angel Clark of Craveable Content and we are talking about attracting your dream sponsors and earning the money you are worth.Starting on Monday, October 30th, I am doing a 5-day series on Facebook Live on how to find the perfect brands to pitch and exactly what to say when you do. Join the training here: to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 41: Ways to Overcome the Fear of Live Broadcasting

    10/10/2017 Duración: 18min

    Are you looking for ways to get more video into your content?If so, live broadcasts are a great way to do just that all while standing out to more brands because you are authentically sharing your story with your audience.  Brands want that relationship!Back in episode 38, I talked at length about the growth mindset you need for your business. In order to survive in online business, you have to see the glass as half-full as opposed to half-empty, and you have to find ways to approach your business with that growth to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 40: How to Structure Your Live Broadcast to go Viral

    02/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    Are you thinking of dipping your toe into live broadcasting?  Wondering how to structure it?I'm diving into how to structure your live broadcast in order for it to go viral.Viral content.It’s what we all want, right? To have a piece of content we have created to be shared millions of times and drive traffic to our sites. Today, I am going to do a deep dive into how to structure your live broadcast in order to go viral. I am in the middle of a series right now on doing live broadcasts, so if you missed last week’s episode, be sure to go listen to to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 39: How Live Broadcasting make you Stand Out as a Blogger

    25/09/2017 Duración: 22min

    Feeling as if it's impossible to stand out as an influencer? We're diving into how live broadcasting can you make stand out and get you paid.Yes, you read that right, PAID.  We recently made $500 for an eight minute Facebook Live broadcast over on The Melrose Family Facebook page.  The best part is that it reached more than 5 times the amount that a post with link usually reaches and the engagement was three times the amount that is typically seen.Live broadcasting is a simple and quick way to get video into your content and brands are understanding this and willing to pay for to view: show page on Awesound

  • IE 38: How to have a Growth Mindset as a Blogger

    18/09/2017 Duración: 23min

    Are you feeling stuck?  As if no matter what you do, it's just not good enough and you'll never get your online business to be as large as other bloggers?  In order to truly be successful and overcome the doubts that can often sneak in when you are running an online business, you need to have a growth mindset.As bloggers we are often left to our own devices.  We are navigating the online space by trying out new strategies on social media platforms without knowing if they will pay off.  It's sort of like the Wild Wild West, which can make many of us feel like we're just trying to throw something against the wall and get it to stick.You need to see the glass as half full.  That the new strategy you are trying on Facebook with live broadcasting, will lead you to increased engagement and the opportunity to know your audience better, even if it might not lead to traffic to your to view: show page on Awesound

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