Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk



Shawn Shewchuk, the #1 results coach in the country, is here to inspire, inform, and connect entrepreneurs and high achievers. This show is focused on YOUR actual, measurable results.


  • 14: Dwayne Klassen - Dreams Happen Because Opportunities Exist

    25/09/2017 Duración: 33min

    Show Notes: “If you have a dream, the universe has given you that because there is an opportunity.” - Dwayne Klassen (Click to Tweet) Do you ever look at your bank account and feel like the numbers you see are too small? That means you’re probably in the wrong place in life. You need to find your purpose, and run with it. Most importantly, you can’t give up. Making your dreams and goals come true take a lot of work, and it starts out feeling very stagnant. Most people consider the road to being an entrepreneur to be like a hockey stick. It starts out flat, and feels like you aren’t going anywhere for a while. You don’t really see growth, but when it happens it happens fast. You just can’t give up before that growth happens, but always be ready for the moment it does. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by Dwayne Klassen. Dwayne is the creator of the Remarkable Man Project, and an amazing coach for men who are ready and willing to ask for help. Download this episode today to

  • 13: Tom Ziglar - What You Focus on is Where You Will Be

    11/09/2017 Duración: 26min

    Show Notes: “At the end of the day all of life and all of business is about relationships.” - Tom Ziglar (click to tweet) Everyone wants to achieve success and happiness. It’s simply human nature. In the end it’s not about trying to make a sale, beat the competition, or treat people differently at work than you would at home. Being happy and successful is all about nurturing relationships. If you want to build your business the right way, don’t go out and try to make a sale. No one wants to be sold. People want to be helped. When you encounter a potential customer you need to put their needs first. Do whatever it takes to help them. If you don’t have what they need, find it for them - don’t try to push what you do have on them.  When you take the time to help someone in need they will come back to you every time, and that’s how you build lasting wealth. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by a very special guest, Tom Ziglar. Tom is the son of the famous Zig Ziglar, and

  • 12: Scott Fay - How To Find Your Sweet Spot

    28/08/2017 Duración: 36min

    Show Notes: “Lead leaders, not followers.” - Scott Fay (Click to Tweet) Being a good leader isn’t about having loyal followers. You’ll just end up surrounded by compliance, and things won’t get done. If you want to be a good leader, lead leaders. If you’re working on a project, find people that are just as passionate about your projects as you are. They’ll want to lead teams to see it succeed. You’ll be able to make more progress than if you just had someone following your direction. To really be a leader you don’t want to control the people around you. You want to support them, and nurture them. You want them to feel valuable, and in control. If they feel like they are being controlled, or are too afraid of you to take control they are only going to end up doing just enough to get by. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by Scott Fay, author of Discover Your Sweet Spot. He gives amazing insights on how to be a good leader, when you should and shouldn’t sweat the small stuff,

  • 11: Loral Langemeier - The Millionaire Maker

    14/08/2017 Duración: 35min

    Show Notes: “It’s up to the individuals to learn what’s right for them, and I don’t think there’s enough education...” - Loral Langemeier (click to tweet) Everyone wants to be a millionaire. That goes without saying. The problem is few people are willing to do the work to get there. I oftentimes hear people say, “It’s easy for you to make a million dollars. You’re smarter than me.” I don’t think that true. What is true is that I am constantly learning, and seeking out knowledge from other people who are more successful than I am. It’s not that my brain can magically hold more knowledge, I seek out knowledge. There’s no IQ test to being a millionaire. There are, however, proven strategies that can get you on track to becoming a millionaire. This week I bring you someone who has spent her life making millionaires through strategies anyone can start doing today. Her name is Loral Langemeier, and she’s gone from the farm to a mansion and has developed ways to stay on top through any market

  • 10: Warren Whitlock - You Don’t Need Everyone to Be a Customer

    31/07/2017 Duración: 27min

    Show Notes: “You can’t get anything done without other people.” - Warren Whitlock (click to tweet) Selling a product is easy, or at least it should be. The goal is not to land a sale, or try to persuade someone to buy something they don’t need. If you want to be a good sales person, make a connection with people and find out what they need. Making a sale shouldn’t be about making money. It should be about helping people, plain and simple. If you can’t tell the difference between working and having fun then you are in the wrong business. There’s plenty of ways to earn a paycheck that are far simpler than trying to hustle money out of people. When you are looking for a customer, know that not everyone is the right customer - and that’s ok. If people don’t need what you have, don’t force it down their throat. It’s also important to know that people aren’t commodities to be tossed away just because they can’t help you at that moment. Treat everyone with love and respect, and help them figu

  • 09: Bob Burg: Your Needs Aren’t What Matters

    17/07/2017 Duración: 41min

    “Great influencers attract people to themselves and their ideas.” - Bob Burg Everyone wants to be able to influence people, and influence is something we need in order to survive. In our free market no one has to help you or buy from you, and so being able to persuade someone is extremely important. Notice I said persuade, not manipulate. Many people think influencing someone means being manipulated. In fact, to a lot of people the word influence has a negative connotation because so many people do it improperly. Manipulating someone can achieve the results you want at that moment, but it will have lasting negative effects. No one likes to be manipulated, and people aren’t dumb. When they realize they’ve been manipulated, they became weary of the manipulator. If it was for a sale, the customer is unlikely to come back for repeat business and they certainly didn’t enjoy the process. If it was an employee, you’ll be lucky if they will be willing to do the bare minimum to survive from then on out. So how do you

  • 08: Chris Hadfield: Practice Failure Regularly

    03/07/2017 Duración: 17min

    “You have no chance for a do over. You have to perform the first time, and you have to do it right.” - Chris Hadfield One of the biggest things we have to be ready for as entrepreneurs is failure. We are going to go through a lot of it, and it’s the thing that keeps most people from success. It’s not that we don’t aren’t successful because we fail, we aren’t successful because we don’t push through the failures. You have to be mentally ready for things to go south, and really have a plan of action. You’ll never see what will actually become the problem, otherwise you would have fixed it before hand. Putting your mind in a place to visualize the possibilities of failure will get you in the right mindset to take on whatever is thrown at you, instead of just giving up and calling it quits. That’s the key to surviving in this world, not just in business. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by famed astronaut and captain of the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield. Chris tells us all about how he

  • 07: Wes Schaeffer: If You Can’t Sell It, Don’t Build It

    19/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    “Make less statements and ask more questions.” - Wes Schaeffer (Click To Tweet) When people start their own business they often set the wrong goals. They try to make the sale and just worry about getting the money. They try to get every potential customer to like them. They try to make the perfect product then find the customers. These sound like good ideas, but are all recipes for a long term disaster. When you make a sale you’re only halfway to your goal. You really want to establish a relationship with your customer so they come back for more business. You don’t do this by getting them to like you, but by getting them to trust you. People only buy from people they trust, not necessarily the people they like. Lastly, you really need to find what people really want and then sell it to them instead of trying to force a product on people. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by The Sales Whisperer, Wes Schaeffer. Download this episode to to get the tips you need to be a successful entrepreneur and se

  • 06: James Malinchak: Don’t work hard or smart, work RIGHT!

    05/06/2017 Duración: 30min

    Show Notes: “Hard work gets you hard work. People say you have to work smarter. Not true. You have to work right.” - James Malinchak (click to tweet) Our current situation is a result of choices we make and influence we are around. If you hand out with people making twenty thousand dollars a year, you’ll only ever make twenty thousand dollars a year. You need a support group that makes at least the amount of money you make. We aren’t talking about having one or two rich friends, but you need to have all of your friends be where you want to be.  Having this group of friends will change your mentality almost immediately. You’ll learn to think with a different mindset. You’ll stop thinking about what something costs, and start looking at investment. The broke mentality of a short term price and not the long term investment are what keep you in the poor house. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by an amazing entrepreneur and coach you may have seen on ABC’s The Secret Milli

  • 05: Leonard Kim: The Power of Authenticity In Your Personal Brand

    22/05/2017 Duración: 29min

    Show Notes: “Failure is part of the journey. It hurts badly in the moment, but it’s an important part of the process” - Leonard Kim Personal branding is a hot topic right now for a variety of reasons. Some people are in it to sell more, some people for the sense of importance that comes from people knowing who you are, and some for a variety of other reasons. But what holds so many people back when it comes to effectively communicating with your audience, building it, and connecting with it in a strong way, is the bravery required to really be vulnerable and authentic with your following. As Mr. Kim says, “If you’re holding on to something that you’re scared to share, chances are that sharing it will really connect with your audience.” This is what separates those who are able to turn their personal brand into a powerful force from those you struggle. Listen to today’s episode to find out more about why personal branding is so valuable in today’s environment, and how to go about buildin

  • 04: Kevin Harrington: Stop Planning and Start Acting

    07/05/2017 Duración: 28min

    "If you're sitting there wondering, is now the right time? I'm going to tell you that it is." - Kevin Harrington Act is a verb. It means to move, to make a decision, to exert energy. Acting without a plan might get you into a mess, but always planning and never acting will get you nowhere. Kevin Harrington is an entrepreneur and internationally successful businessman. He’s the inventor of the infomercial, an Original Shark on Shark Tank, and has launched over 500 products, $5 billion worth of sales on a global scale. He’s the master of knowing when to act. Kevin and I are talking about creating products that solve problems, the hard work of getting started, and knowing when to start acting on your ideas. He’s sharing how he created the infomercial, and where he gets his motivation from. Remember all those great product ideas you’ve got? Take some time with what Kevin’s got to say and then act! "Why do we choose to do these things? Because we're entrepreneurs and we're looking for the infinite oppo

  • 03: How to Approach Negotiation for Success

    07/05/2017 Duración: 23min

    “Negotiation is something you do with your life. You're always negotiating something" - George Ross No one is born a flawless negotiator. It takes practice and experience to know how to approach negotiations so that you’ll get the best result. My guest today is expert businessman and negotiator and right hand man and senior counsel for the Trump Organization, George Ross. Along with his own business successes, George has written several books about real estate strategies and expert negotiation skills. Are you uncomfortable negotiating? Unsure when and how to begin negotiations? Even George Ross says it’s learned skill. He’s talking about how to approach negotiations, what to expect from them, how to think about what you’re opponent’s after.  He’s also getting into risk management and why it takes some losses to become a winner. You won’t want to miss this. "What is creative marketing other than good negotiation to get the buyer or the seller to accept what you're trying to buy or sell?" - George R

  • 02: How Do You Define Success? Paying Attention to Your Moral Compass

    07/05/2017 Duración: 25min

    "You have a chance to do what's right every time you make a decision. If you ever compromise your integrity you're losing sight of your moral compass.”  W. Brett Wilson What does success look like, for you? What are you willing to do to get there? How much are you willing to risk? These are questions that every entrepreneur has to ask themselves eventually. Brett Wilson is an investor, businessman, philanthropist and best-selling author, but he might be best known for his appearance on CBC television’s Dragons’ Den. Brett’s on this episode to get you to think about how you define success and what you’re willing to do in your pursuit of it. Brett’s talking about his own experiences starting a business, investing in the community, and writing his new book. He’s sharing what he’s learned to value--in business and in his personal life--and why philanthropy is not just about obligation. This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to be successful and

  • 01: Michael E. Gerber: The Difference Between Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

    07/05/2017 Duración: 13min

    “The entrepreneurial leader is the one with the vision, the one with the dream, the one with the purpose, the one with the mission.” - Michael E. Gerber (click to tweet) So many small businesses stay small. Not every entrepreneur wants to own a multi-million dollar company, but why is it that so many companies that really want to expand don’t make it? I’ve got a very special episode for you with Michael Gerber--the legend, the myth, the author of the E-Myth. Michael’s getting into the difference between a business owner and a true entrepreneur, and why only the individual with the entrepreneurial mindset will have the vision to turn their idea into millions.  He’s sharing why true growth comes from thinking beyond the next level into an idea that’s bigger than life. This is a really special opportunity to hear from a true expert, and you don’t want to skip this episode. "A great company is a visual company, an emotional company, a functional company, and a financial company." - Michael E. Gerber

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