Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

14: Dwayne Klassen - Dreams Happen Because Opportunities Exist



Show Notes: “If you have a dream, the universe has given you that because there is an opportunity.” - Dwayne Klassen (Click to Tweet) Do you ever look at your bank account and feel like the numbers you see are too small? That means you’re probably in the wrong place in life. You need to find your purpose, and run with it. Most importantly, you can’t give up. Making your dreams and goals come true take a lot of work, and it starts out feeling very stagnant. Most people consider the road to being an entrepreneur to be like a hockey stick. It starts out flat, and feels like you aren’t going anywhere for a while. You don’t really see growth, but when it happens it happens fast. You just can’t give up before that growth happens, but always be ready for the moment it does. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by Dwayne Klassen. Dwayne is the creator of the Remarkable Man Project, and an amazing coach for men who are ready and willing to ask for help. Download this episode today to