Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

09: Bob Burg: Your Needs Aren’t What Matters



“Great influencers attract people to themselves and their ideas.” - Bob Burg Everyone wants to be able to influence people, and influence is something we need in order to survive. In our free market no one has to help you or buy from you, and so being able to persuade someone is extremely important. Notice I said persuade, not manipulate. Many people think influencing someone means being manipulated. In fact, to a lot of people the word influence has a negative connotation because so many people do it improperly. Manipulating someone can achieve the results you want at that moment, but it will have lasting negative effects. No one likes to be manipulated, and people aren’t dumb. When they realize they’ve been manipulated, they became weary of the manipulator. If it was for a sale, the customer is unlikely to come back for repeat business and they certainly didn’t enjoy the process. If it was an employee, you’ll be lucky if they will be willing to do the bare minimum to survive from then on out. So how do you