Christ Church Bartlett

God Doesn't Believe in Athiests



God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists Genesis 1 1. God is the only necessary being who exists. (Genesis 1:1) 2. From the very beginning, the Bible establishes the existence of the Creator and describes creation as the supernatural work of God. (Gen 1:1) 3. God has revealed Himself through nature in a general way, so that every man is without excuse. (Romans 1:16-25) 4. Atheism ultimately is a moral rebellion, not an intellectual objection. (Romans 1:16-25) 5. Just as God created all things by His powerful word, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation! (Romans 1:16-25) Putting the Word into Practice We must pray for God to open the eyes of the blind so that they will be able to see and believe and we must never be ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation!