Cornerstone Church Of Parker Weekly Sermons



Welcome to Cornerstone Church of Parker! Sharing God's good news in a practical way.


  • Revelation

    22/09/2019 Duración: 40min

    In Luke’s gospel account, he especially emphasizes this aspect of Jesus’ ministry because he wanted the Greeks to know that Jesus was moved by their suffering, unlike the indifference of the gods that Greeks normally worshipped. Jesus’ compassion challenges us to move beyond pity and take action to help those who are suffering, especially those we encounter everyday.

  • Real

    15/09/2019 Duración: 37min

    Luke’s primary purpose in his writing his gospel account was to prove to the Greeks that Jesus was a real man who had a real birth, lived a real life, died a real death, and experienced a real resurrection. To do this Luke used scientific and historical evidence that could’ve been easily corroborated at the time. Even today there are people who must see historical and scientific evidence before they will believe that Jesus was a real man and humanity’s only Savior. Even those who feel their faith have moments when they need more than feelings to believe in Jesus. It is at those times that Christians need to fall back on the facts concerning Jesus to stabilize their faith.

  • Do You Believe?

    08/09/2019 Duración: 33min

    We are all children of earthly parents. We resemble them in many ways, both physically and temperamentally. People can look at us and see that we are our parents' child because we share similar features and modes of living. This was true of Jesus and His relationship with God the Father. When we believe this is true, we become children of God too. As children of God we are called to resemble Him in our mode of living, so much so that people can look at us and see that we are, in fact, children of God.

  • Worship

    25/08/2019 Duración: 15min

    Psalm 117 Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

  • Jesus, the Savior of the World

    18/08/2019 Duración: 32min

    In this sermon, we consider the resurrection of Jesus. While two gospel writers address Jesus' birth, all four writers mention Jesus' death and resurrection. Why? Because our faith hinges on the historical fact that Jesus died a real death and experienced a real resurrection.

  • Jesus, the Source of Eternal Life

    11/08/2019 Duración: 35min

    Jesus is more than a man. He is the sender of the Holy Spirit. In this verse we read that Jesus would send the Holy Spirit to believers. This was fulfilled in Acts 2. However, Genisis 1:2 shows us the Holy Spirit has been active in creation from the beginning.

  • Jesus, the Source of Eternal Life

    04/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    One of the most pressing questions that religions try to answer is, “What is the source of eternal life? And how does a person obtain it?” Today, we are going to hear how Jesus answered those questions and in the process we are going to see that Christianity is truly unique among the world’s religions.

  • Jesus, the Son of God

    28/07/2019 Duración: 32min

    We are all children of earthly parents. We resemble them in many ways, both physically and temperamentally. People can look at us and see that we are our parents' child because we share similar features and modes of living. This was true of Jesus and His relationship with God the Father. When we believe this is true, we become children of God too. As children of God we are called to resemble Him in our mode of living, so much so that people can look at us and see that we are, in fact, children of God.

  • Parenting, King David Style

    21/07/2019 Duración: 30min

    As David’s time to die drew near, he charged Solomon his son, saying, “I am going the way of all the earth. Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man. Keep the charge of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies, according to what is written in the Law of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn, so that the Lord may carry out His promise which He spoke concerning me, saying, ‘If your sons are careful of their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.’ - 1 Kings 2:1-4

  • Friendship

    14/07/2019 Duración: 57min

    Connected but not altered. The value of healthy friendships The value of forgiveness The value of transformation Connected + altered = transformation Four men in the New Testament whose lives were connected to the Holy Spirit and whose lives were altered.

  • God Calls Us

    30/06/2019 Duración: 43min

    1 Peter 1:13-20; 2:9-25 God chose us because of our faith in Christ. Now that we are identified as one of God’s special people we are called us by His name. This is very similar to a bride’s experience when she is chosen by a husband, married to him, and then takes his last name. As believers, we take on God’s name, even being called Christians by the world at-large. Since we share Christ’s name and eternal glory, we can now live a holy life like Christ would live. In this sermon we consider the type of life God calls us to live and what the cost of that calling really was.

  • God Completes Us

    23/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. - But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children.

  • That’s My Dad!

    16/06/2019 Duración: 32min

    Luke 1:11-17 How do we identify a great dad? What characteristics define a fantastic father? For those of us who are not dads, how do we know when we have a great dad? For those of us who are dads, how do we know if we are on the right track? There are so many conflicting messages about what dads do, that we can be easily confused if we don’t know who to trust. To answer these questions we are going to consider the characteristics of a fantastic father as defined in Scripture. As a result, everyone will know how to spot a great dad and men will know what to strive for in fatherhood.

  • God Changes Us

    09/06/2019 Duración: 36min

    1 PETER 2:9-10 We will never know who we are until we know Whose we are. We are chosen by God and as such, are His special people. His choice and, subsequently, our identity, does not change when our circumstances or people’s opinion of us change. The unchanging choice and love of God gives us confidence in who we are and what He calls us to do. It is reassuring to knowing that God chose us and that we are His.

  • God Chooses Us

    02/06/2019 Duración: 29min

    1 PETER 2:9-10 We will never know who we are until we know Whose we are. We are chosen by God and as such, are His special people. His choice and, subsequently, our identity, does not change when our circumstances or people’s opinion of us change. The unchanging choice and love of God gives us confidence in who we are and what He calls us to do. It is reassuring to knowing that God chose us and that we are His.

  • Beginnings & Endings

    19/05/2019 Duración: 33min

    Mark 16 Staying balanced during times of transition is easier said than done. When one season ends and another begins, naturally we do a poor job managing our emotions. In Mark 16 we learn how to smoothly transition from one season to another and in the process maintain our balance in world of constant change.

  • Past & Future

    12/05/2019 Duración: 37min

    Mark 14:12-25 Balancing the tension between where we’ve been and where we are going is not always easy to do. The only way we are able to do so if we remember that our times - past, present, and future - are in God’s hands. One of the ways that we can help ourselves remember this truth is by periodically using meals to facilitate important conversations about God’s movement in our lives, just as Jesus did with His disciples in Mark 14.

  • Love That Makes All Things New

    05/05/2019 Duración: 31min

    1 Corinthians 15:51-57 What does it mean for God to make all things new? Why does that matter for us, here and now? Does God offer us all new things, or can God really make all things new?

  • Love That Conquers Death

    28/04/2019 Duración: 33min

    1 Corinthians 15 In the death and resurrection of Jesus we see God in His love overcoming death and announcing that one day a new creation will come.

  • Love That Forgives Our Sins

    21/04/2019 Duración: 27min

    John 21 In the death and resurrection of Jesus, we see the love of God. And it is God’s love that frees us from sin. In this way, the resurrection changed everything.

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