Voice Of The Soul



Welcome to Voice of the Soul; an empowering place to inspire your life.



    23/10/2020 Duración: 01h25min

    This podcast was originally recorded last week.  I heard, through my own intuition, that I needed to do this particular subject months ago.  I didn’t listen.  I waited.  I’m sorry I waited.  I have tried not to mix my spirituality with politics for multiple reasons but I finally could not reconcile separating the two.  The truth is, I cannot be the Spiritual person I hope to be and ignore what is going on in this Country.  Thirty minutes ago the last Presidential debate started and I told my husband I wasn’t going to watch it.  I could not stand one more spectacle of insanity that stood against everything I believe.  I did watch the first thirty minutes and decided I was not going to watch any more.  ALL of the reasons I walked away are addressed in this podcast.  I have already voted so watching the debate was just another agonizing image of how far this Country has fallen in the last four years.  NOTHING is going to change the insanity if we don’t vote.  This is life and death and the future of the free wor


    23/10/2020 Duración: 30min

    This meditation was not streamed for this topic.  This meditation was streamed days after terrorists attacked the Twin Towers in New York, on September 11th, 2001. We were all so afraid of what it meant to our Country and to our belief about being safe.  This meditation doesn’t just talk about being protected from a planetary standpoint.  It goes much further and discusses how individuals can hurt us by spewing their negative energy everywhere they go.  It is a very old, yet very deep and pertinent mediation to our times.  It is a guided imagery meditation that will help you create protective boundaries around yourself and those you love.  Those boundaries are very necessary with the polarizing politics that have pitted family members against each other.  Those boundaries are important so you can be a part of the “light” that will bring change.  The meditation is designed for you to feel protected from the negativity of relatives, of strangers, of government, of the entire human race.  It is filled with an em

  • Easter - 2020 Awakening the Christ in You

    12/04/2020 Duración: 01h15min

    EASTER 4-12-2020 - AWAKENING THE CHRIST IN YOU This Easter podcast is the first podcast I have recorded in over two years.  It’s also probably the longest one.  I’m not sure why it’s long, I am called to follow the message, regardless of the length.  The “calling” to put this message “out there” came through the inspiration and encouragement of my husband, my daughter, my clients and my relationship with “My” Jesus.  This is NOT, in any way a traditional service regarding Jesus dying for your sins and rising from the grave three days later.  This message may seem like a controversial view of the life of Jesus and what we believe was his real purpose….  It’s purpose is to help reach those who are seeking some kind of spiritual understanding.  It is our hope to share in the empowering wisdom of a personal resurrection, the belief that Jesus was born to teach us that the light of the Creator is WITHIN us, waiting to resurrect and guide us to a place of peace and a deep connection with our own Divine Purpose. 


    12/04/2020 Duración: 07min

    EASTER MEDITATION – APRIL 12-2020 “AWAKENING THE CHRIST IN YOU” This brief meditation is a guided imagery meditation that will take you directly to a personal connection with Jesus.  The goal is to find a quiet place you can mentally connect with the empowering presence of the Jesus.  In the awakened part of your spiritual mind you will hear and feel his Divine message of your personal ability to rise above the challenges in your life by awakening your Divine DNA (the Christ light within you).


    27/03/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    It’s hard to believe we sabotage our own dreams, but we do, or I should say, the lowly human Ego does.  We unknowingly allow blocks to permeate our life causing unending setbacks.  We perpetuate blocks by allowing the power of our personal Ego to relive the past and animate negativity in our present while creating “fantasy fears” of the future.   We allow “it” (the Ego… dark side of our own self) to become the dominant voice that destroys the contact with the Divine wisdom that our Divine Self is trying to awaken.  Hidden behind the challenges of our daily life is the dream of our ultimate destiny.  Our dreams may be hidden behind a wall of ego-self created blocks, but they are still alive, waiting for us to manifest them.  Committing to a powerful spiritual belief system, guided by the Empowered Divine Self, gives us strength to eliminate the blocks. Fears will be replaced with courage and the limitless power of the Divine Self will guide every area of our life.   


    27/03/2018 Duración: 30min

    The companion meditation for “Removing blocks that destroy your dreams” is a simple but powerful guided imagery meditation.  The visual journey will help you see and eliminate blocks with the power of active imagination.  Sometimes our blocks seem like formless negative “thoughts” that just move around in our mind repetitively.   This meditation gives the thought an actual form while giving you a weapon to destroy the form and see the definitive path of your Divine Self in front of you.  *Please remember to do meditation some quiet. Earbuds or headphones are great.  It’s best not to do a meditation when you are driving.

  • "THE SCHOOL OF LIFE" - A reason for everything

    06/03/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    THE SCHOOL OF LIFE – A REASON FOR EVERYTHING 3-6-2018 “The School of Life” podcast is one of the most controversial topics I do because it makes us question everything we have been taught about life and death.  It’s one of the most important because it will ultimately give us a reason for everything.  It will lift us above the effects of our challenges and guide us to understanding the reason for every difficulty.  We will have the key to why our life is unfolding exactly as it is. We can find great peace in understanding that every event has a purpose for our soul’s highest growth. When we come face to face with a spiritual understanding about our challenges, we also come face to face with our purpose. We are no longer just floundering in life, a victim of circumstance.  We become empowered to be an active co-creator with everything that happens to us.  We also become empowered to transform negative challenges into opportunities to grow and become who we are meant to be. Our purpose becomes clear and our li


    06/03/2018 Duración: 37min

    “SCHOOL OF LIFE” – Reincarnation Meditation The companion meditation to “The School of Life” is a guided imagery meditation that will guide you through understanding the concept of reincarnation, even if you have never really questioned it as a possibility.  The meditation is a calm and peaceful experience allowing you to feel what reincarnation may mean to you if you choose to e open minded about the experience.  There is no pressure, at any time, to pull you away from other belief systems.  It merely opens the door as an option in a calm, peaceful, empowering way.  As always, it is best to do a meditation somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed.


    22/02/2018 Duración: 57min

    EMPOWERED TO CHOOSE – Key to your success This is undoubtedly one of the most important topics we do.  It is the foundation of “The Voice of the Soul” projects from the books to the meditation. It is what I believe is the single most important lesson we can learn in order to take control of our life and stop falling victim to the destructive forces that attempt to sabotage our dreams.  It is the empowered choice to follow the “Voice of your Soul” (the Third Voice) while discovering the intense destructive temptations of the ego.  We all have an Ego and it is the greatest sabatour of our success.  It’s goal is to keep us as low as possible by guiding us to destructive behaviors and addictions so we will become powerless.  The good news is that the “Voice of the Soul” is so powerful that all we need to do is choose to let it become our guiding force.  It will lead us beyond the temptations, control, and negativity of the Ego.  Once we connect to the Third Voice “The Voice of the Soul” it will guide us away fro


    22/02/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    EMPOWERED TO CHOOSE – “THIRD VOICE” MEDITATION This companion meditation to “Empowered to Choose” is called “The Third Voice”, which IS the “Voice of the Soul”.  Through the guided imagery of this meditation you will be able to visualize and understand the Ego, and how it feels when it is trying to take over your life.  You will also be guided to understand the “Voice of Your Soul/The Third Voice” and how wonderful it feels when you surrender to it’s light and power.  This meditation will make it very clear why you are Empowered to Choose, and that your success is determined by YOU and your ability to live a life guided by The Voice of Your Soul.  


    13/02/2018 Duración: 01h09min

    OVERCOME THE VALENTINE'S DAY CURSE!  REMOVE THE STIGMA AND PRESSURE OF "NEEDING" A RELATIONSHIP BY LIVING YOUR OWN EMPOWERED LOVE!  This podcast, as promised, is focused on personal, intimate relationships.  With Valentine’s Day a few days away, the subject of “love” relationships becomes a greater focus.  I believe the holiday itself creates pressure for people in relationships and as much pressure, if not more, for those who are not in a relationship.  The question is whether you can feel complete alone or buy into the hype of “needing” to have someone to feel whole.  The truth is, you cannot have a truly empowered love until you DO have a complete relationship with yourself.  This podcast will focus specifically on what you need to do in order to experience and maintain the “right” relationship to live true Empowered Love.  The companion guided imagery meditation will help cut cords with past relationships in order to be energetically open to manifest an Empowered Love, with, or without, a personal relatio


    13/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    MEDITATION: This meditation is the companion meditation for the Empowered Love podcast.  It is a guided imagery journey that will help you cut ties with negative or unhealthy past relationships while empowering you to know exactly what you want in a personal love relationship.  Although the ultimate message of this meditation is surrender the past attachment to unhealthy relationships, so you can draw your “soul mate” into your life, it is also filled with much more information to help you live a life of wholeness without the “need” for someone to make you feel complete.   


    02/02/2018 Duración: 51min

      MASTERING RELATIONSHIPS – Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner personal relationships, or lack thereof, seem to be of greater importance.  Next week’s podcast will specifically deal with personal “love” relationships, including how to manifest a “soulmate” if you so desire.  This podcast, however, is about dealing with the dynamics in ALL relationships.  Nothing drains our energy more than human relationships.  The closer the relationship the more nurturing or destructive it can be.  This podcast will cover how powerful relationships can be and how they impact every part of our life; good and bad.  It will give specific techniques on how to protect ourselves from negative, draining relationships while also making sure we are bringing the most empowered and positive aspect of ourselves into the world.  Nothing impacts us as intensely as relationships and nothing is as important to learn then how to stand protected and empowered while sharing our greatest positive Self with the world. 


    02/02/2018 Duración: 32min

    MASTERING RELATIONSHIPS – MEDITITATION -  This is one of the most important meditations you can do if you are struggling with multiple dynamics in various relationships.  As with all the mediations, it is a guided imagery meditation that will guide you on an intimate journey to understanding the power of relationships in your life and how to detach and protect yourself from anyone, especially those you are most likely to let control or dominate you through various control dramas and behaviors.  It ends by leading you to a place in your private mental space to create empowering and meaningful relationships that bring out the best in you, and everyone in your world.  It is also one of the most important relationships to do on a regular basis to empower you to remember that you, and only you, with the help of the Divine Ones, oversee your life. 

  • "MASTERING FEAR” – A message of strength and empowerment

    22/01/2018 Duración: 01h11min

    “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears” Les Brown.  We are living in a very difficult and uneasy time.  There is negative mass consciousness that is growing and thriving on fear, which causes us to amplify our own personal fear.  This podcast is focused on how we can become empowered to master fear, regardless of the shape it takes in our lives.  All of us have some type of fear but it doesn’t need to paralyze our dreams and stop us from living our true purpose.  In fact, in order to truly do what we came here to do, we must master fear and manifest our destiny.


    22/01/2018 Duración: 41min

    Please remember the meditations (especially the long meditations) should be done in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.  Headphones are ideal but if they are not possible, it is best to try to use a sound system.  Falling asleep is perfectly OK.    This meditation is a long guided imagery meditation that takes you on a soul journey to align with the “Powers that Be” in the heavenly realm.  This journey is filled with visual imagery that creates a powerful connection with Divine Beings who will diffuse fear and empower you with tools to bond with the Divine Wisdom that is guiding your life.  Not only will you feel the deep connection of hope, peace and protection in your personal life, you will see the role you are meant to play to create hope, peace and protection in the world. 

  • Empowered to Master 2018 with Serenity, Courage, & Wisdom

    07/01/2018 Duración: 01h01min

     The goal of this Podcast is to address any block that can literally stop our forward progress before it begins.  One simple and powerful tool is “The Serenity Prayer” and I don’t mean it as a recovery tool, even though it can be.  It is not a new subject for me, as I have been sober for 30 years. Sadly, many people in recovery created exclusive ownership by adopting it as a “Recovery Creed.”  The Serenity Prayer, when embraced as an inspired, universal message, NOT just for recovery, is filled with wisdom that can transform anyone’s life, on any level, addict or not, IF you are willing to delve deeper into the meeting.   I truly believe this is one of the most powerful tools we can use to find peace and courage simultaneously.  Everyone must face change, and this prayer is the key to overcoming fear, finding peace, embracing courage and unlocking the inner wisdom which will guide our transformation and spiritual commitment this year.  Embracing and applying its deep inner meaning is life altering. 


    07/01/2018 Duración: 34min

    MEDITATION (LONG)– EMPOWERED 2018 THROUGH SERENITY, COURAGE & WISDOM    This meditation is one of my personal favorites.  It combines multiple visions that are connected to the powerful example of nature.  Through a visual journey, you will be greeted by a special spiritual guide who will take you on a journey to see the beauty of nature, showing you through example, the message of serenity.  It will also take you on a visual journey to demonstrate the power of courage.  The purpose of the meditation is to show you that you have these same abilities.  (This meditation is the long version; around 30 to 40 minutes).  As always, it is best to be in a private space without distractions, if possible.  Headphones or ear buds always amplify the experience.   


    07/01/2018 Duración: 15min

    MEDITATION – EMPOWERED THROUGH SERENITIY, COURAGE & WISDOM – SHORT   This meditation uses the same visual imagery of nature that is used in the long version.  It is inspiring and empowering.  It’s less than 20 minutes which gives you an opportunity to listen to the mediation during a break at work, or home, or wherever you can get quiet and tune out the chaos around you.  The short mediations are a quick alignment to protection and inspire your day, especially when you need a quick pick me up.


    31/12/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    There are two times in the year that the energy is deliberately aligning for us to clean the slate and start over… We actually get a “do over”.  We need to earn the right to move forward by doing whatever it takes to clear the negativity of the previous year and open a connection with the empowered Divine voice that will guide us to healing, growth and the manifestation of new opportunities.  This message is complete with specific guidance on how to surrender the last year while creating a positive empowering New Year.

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