Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast



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  • 45 Acts 13:27-41 God's Greatest Gift

    23/06/2024 Duración: 50min

    Title: God’s Greatest Gift Text: Acts 13:27-41 FCF: We often struggle believing the good news of Christ crucified for sinners. Prop: Because God’s greatest gift is a fulfillment of his promises leading to forgiveness and a right standing with Him in Christ, we must believe on Christ alone. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts 13. In a moment we’ll begin reading in verse 13 from the Legacy Standard Bible. You follow along in whatever version you prefer. Last week, Paul and Barnabas traveled to Pisidian Antioch. Paul stands to preach in a synagogue on a Sabbath day and his entire sermon points to the faithfulness of God in spite of the faithlessness of Israel. Since their formation, God has walked with Israel providing for them every single step of the way. And now God has given all of them, Jews and Gentiles alike, the message of salvation… The Savior Jesus of Nazareth. But Paul still needs to prove that this Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the Savior – for such a title can re

  • 44 Acts 13:13-26 Perfect Record

    16/06/2024 Duración: 50min

    Title: Perfect Record Text: Acts 13:13-26 FCF: We often struggle paying attention to the glorious message of our faithful God’s salvation of His people. Prop: Because God has always provided for and protected His people and most perfectly in the gospel, we must believe Him. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 13. In a moment we will read from the Legacy Standard Bible starting in verse 13. You can follow along in the version you prefer. Last week we saw how the Lord actively expanded His church by sending Barnabas and Saul west to take the gospel to new people and places. Saul, also known as Paul, has a confrontation with a sorcerer and blinds him. As a result of this sign miracle, the proconsul of the Roman province becomes a Christian. But this is only the first leg of their missionary journey. Now Saul, Barnabas, and John Mark head North, crossing the Mediterranean sea to what was then Southern Galatia. It is here that Paul will preach his first recorded sermon

  • 43 Acts 13:1-12 Two Missionaries, A Proconsul, And A Sorcerer

    09/06/2024 Duración: 50min

    Title: Two Missionaries, A Proconsul, and A Sorcerer Text: Acts 13:1-12 FCF: We often struggle obeying the Lord’s often daunting command to make disciples. Prop: Because our God is Lord of all and puts down all opposition, we must obey the Lord’s command to make disciples. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 13. In a moment we’ll read from the Legacy Standard Bible starting in verse 1. You can follow along in whatever version you prefer. Because this chapter lacks Lukes typical transition to a new narrative, we see this inherently connected to the previous one. The previous narrative focused on the troubles the church faced as the gospel goes to Gentiles in primarily gentile cities in the middle east. Today we’ll see more troubles, but the setting changes. Now the gospel goes west. And because it is another episode in the same narrative, we will see similar themes running through this sermon as we have in the previous two. However, the application diverges. What wil

  • 42 Acts 12:18-25 Herod's Demise

    02/06/2024 Duración: 56min

    Title: King Herod’s Demise Text: Acts 12:18-25 FCF: We often struggle trusting the Lord because we doubt that He is truly in control. Prop: Because God’s Sovereign hand destroys the wicked and rescues the righteous, we must trust Him in all things. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 12. In a moment I’ll begin reading from the Legacy Standard Bible beginning in verse 18. You can follow along in the version of your preference. Last week we saw the miraculous release of Peter from prison. We noted God’s ability to save and keep saving His people. He is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or think and has given us great promises. While we saw that He doesn’t always protect us from physical harm or even death, we do know that He sometimes does rescue us from these and will ultimately deliver us safely into His Kingdom. Today, we will continue this thread in what could be a part two of the previous sermon. Today we will see the further defeat and ultimate demise of

  • 41 Acts 12:6-17 Exodus Revisited

    26/05/2024 Duración: 51min

    Title: Exodus Revisited Text: Acts 12:6-17 FCF: We often struggle to trust the Lord in great tragedy and persecution. Prop: Because God saves and keeps saving His people, we must trust and obey Him while preserving ourselves from harm. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 12. In a moment I’ll begin reading in the LSB starting in verse 6. Today we continue the episode begun in chapter 11. The church’s troubles are multiplying. Last week we saw how the most recent incident with Peter eating with the Gentiles had caused hatred to build in Jerusalem from the Jews toward the church. This hatred combined with a ruler who desired power and popularity was a perfect recipe for persecution. James the brother of John and leading apostle of the church has been killed. Herod executed him. Peter is now in prison. Herod’s plan is to execute him too. But the church is praying fervently for him. What will happen to Peter? Will he join James in martyrdom? Or does God have other plans?

  • 40 Acts 12:1-5 You Will Be Hated

    19/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    Title: You Will Be Hated Text: Acts 12:1-5 FCF: We often struggle enduring persecution. Prop: Because the world will hate followers of Christ, we must endure suffering while seeking the Lord for relief. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 12. In a moment we will read the text from the Legacy Standard bible. You can follow along in the pew bible starting on page 1244 or in whatever version you prefer. Today continues the previous episode. While the church in Antioch experiences trouble in the form of spiritual immaturity, rejection and temptations toward selfishness, the church in Jerusalem faces a much greater form of trouble. Persecution. And although they have dealt with persecution before, it has never been to this degree nor has it been so widely accepted. But, as the gospel continues to expand to more cultures, lands, and peoples – should we really be shocked that the church is experiencing growing and intensifying hatred? No, we shouldn’t. In fact, we should tru

  • 39 Acts 11:25-30 You Will Have Trouble

    12/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    Title: You Will Have Trouble Text: Acts 11:25-30 FCF: We often struggle obeying God while we experience great trouble in this world. Prop: Because the church will always face trouble in this world, we must devote ourselves to growth and love. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 11. In a moment I’ll read from the Legacy Standard Bible starting in verse 25. You can follow along in the pew bible on page 1244 or in whatever version you prefer. Last week we began a new episode in the book of Acts. The Gospel has gone forward once again, this time to Gentiles who have no familiarity or adherence to Judaism at all. Pagans. Worshippers of false gods. Debauched. Wicked. And God saved them through the Lord Jesus. Barnabas arrives and devotes himself to encouraging them in remaining faithful to the Lord. And the Lord continues to add to their numbers of those who were trusting the Lord. Today, we’ll see this young church come under peril. They will face deficiencies in their mat

  • 38 Acts 11:19-24 Measuring Spiritual Success

    05/05/2024 Duración: 49min

    Title: Measuring Spiritual Success Text: Acts 11:19-24 FCF: We often struggle in our responsibilities to make disciples because we place too much or wrong responsibilities on ourselves. Prop: Because God’s sovereignty and human responsibility work in perfect concert in evangelism and discipleship, we must go and make disciples of all nations. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 11. In a moment we will read from the scriptures beginning in verse 19 from the Legacy Standard Bible. You can follow along in the pew bible on page 1244 or in whatever version you prefer. After officially concluding the episode of Corenlius, a God-Fearer now received into the body of Christ, Luke now continues his record of the unified and triumphant church. The Gospel continues to spread far and wide, geographically and culturally. And today we will see another first for the gospel. Up to this point, we have only seen people come to the Messiah of the Jews, Jesus of Nazareth, with a previous

  • Acts 11:1-18 Get With HIS Program

    28/04/2024 Duración: 51min

    Title: The Same Story Text: Acts 10:44-48 FCF: We often struggle with assuring ourselves of our and others’ faith. Prop: Because all true believers share a common conversion experience, we must observe these in all whom we give assurance and receive into fellowship. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 10. In a moment we’ll be reading from the LSB starting in verse 44. You can follow along in the pew bible on page 1243 or in whatever version you prefer. Today we will conclude the episode of Cornelius, saving the epilogue of chapter 11 for next week. God’s hand has been prevalent in this entire episode. Giving two visions, speaking through the Spirit directly to Peter, leading him to the home of a Gentile, finding many gathered there. And after Peter gives a focused explanation of the gospel that Jesus is Lord of all, now we’ll see the dramatic conclusion. And although there are few doctrinal issues that arise here in which Christians disagree, even amid those diffe

  • 36 Acts 10.44-48 The Same Story

    21/04/2024 Duración: 45min

    Title: The Same Story Text: Acts 10:44-48 FCF: We often struggle with assuring ourselves of our and others’ faith. Prop: Because all true believers share a common conversion experience, we must observe these in all whom we give assurance and receive into fellowship. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 10. In a moment we’ll be reading from the LSB starting in verse 44. You can follow along in the pew bible on page 1243 or in whatever version you prefer. Today we will conclude the episode of Cornelius, saving the epilogue of chapter 11 for next week. God’s hand has been prevalent in this entire episode. Giving two visions, speaking through the Spirit directly to Peter, leading him to the home of a Gentile, finding many gathered there. And after Peter gives a focused explanation of the gospel that Jesus is Lord of all, now we’ll see the dramatic conclusion. And although there are few doctrinal issues that arise here in which Christians disagree, even amid those diffe