There is much more to life than just getting by. You were created to take risks, and let Jesus lead you to a life bigger than your plans. On Adventurous Faith, join author and entrepreneur Ben Weaver and discover this journey where you will learn how to take the risks you need so you can thrive in your relationships, balance everyday performance and lead in your career. You will hear stories of real-life struggles and wins from people who are learning what it looks like to navigate life with Adventurous Faith at their core and the practical steps you'll need to get there yourself. You dont have to suck at the pursuit of an adventurous, Christ-centered life. You can have it now.
#040: Healing the Masculine Soul w/ Gordon Dalbey
23/01/2019 Duración: 01h17minGreatness is something that eludes every man. We want it, long for it and at times go to great lengths to achieve it. Our problem ensues when we think we have achieved such greatness, only to find out we are still fragile, breaking easily on the turn of a dime. HEALING THE MASCULINE SOUL My guest on today's show understands the pursuit of becoming a great man. But even greater, Gordon Dalbey understands the power of what it means to do great work on the heart before you can become great. Great healing must occur before you can become great. This extended interview with Gordon is full of a lot of years of wisdom and direction on how to find the healing you need to move forward into the greatness you're looking for. RESOURCES MENTIONED ON TODAY'S SHOW Healing the Masculine Soul Sons of the Father
SUP | Chapter 20: My Word for 2019
18/01/2019 Duración: 12minHear about my start-up in real time as it unfolds. All my struggles, all of what I am learning and what God is teaching me about starting a business.
#039: Learning to Hear the Voice of God in a Noisy World
16/01/2019 Duración: 26minWe long to pursue and achieve great things in life. It's in our hard wiring - to experience life and adventure to the full. But most of us spin our wheels wanting more of this "full life" but never knowing how to experience it. We want God to speak to us, but we're not sure if we know how to listen. On today's episode of Adventurous Faith, we are going to talk about the ever-important practice of letting God out in front to lead your life and four straightforward but basic practices you can begin doing today to hear God's voice more clearly in this noisy world. RESOURCES MENTIONED ON TODAY'S SHOW Walking with God by John Eldredge Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day SUP Chapter 15 - Practicing Listening Prayer
#038: How to Optimize Your Life for an Incredible 2019
09/01/2019 Duración: 38minI want you to think about these important two questions before listening to today's episode: For you to have a successful 2019 - both personally and professionally, what do you think you'll need? What do you want to see happen in 2019? Many of us would say that we want an epic 2019. We want this year to be better than lasts. There is nothing wrong with that desire. We run into problems when our desires outrun our disciplines. For you to have the incredible year you are looking for, you are going to need to be intentional about how you spend your time. And it doesn't begin by thinking about the year as a whole. It begins by thinking of how you intentionally spend your days. EPIC YEARS BEGIN WITH INTENTIONAL DAYS I want to watch you crush it in 2019, but not before you learn to find a greater balance to your life. This episode is all about the 7 areas of balance you'll need to use to get your life, both personally and professionally, in order. RESOURCES MENTIONED ON TODAY'S SHOW The Lead With Balan
The Best of 2018 - My Favorites & Yours
02/01/2019 Duración: 57min2018 was an incredible beginning to the Adventurous Faith podcast. After a launch in late April, the audience kept growing and the incredible conversations kept piling up. I thought a good way to begin this new year would be to take a step back and to re-visit some of those episodes and pull out some of the great clips that make Adventurous Faith what it is. I hope you enjoy this throwback! We'll be back next week with a fresh, brand new episode of the podcast! 2019 is going to be epic.
BONUS: Reflections on 2018 & Where We're Going in 2019
27/12/2018 Duración: 13min2018 will go down as one incredible year. There were a lot of great things that happened. Tune in on this short, bonus episode to hear about all that happened and where I believe God is leading me in 2019.
#037: How to Set Goals You Can Reach in 2019
19/12/2018 Duración: 29minAt the end of every year, I have a few things on my mind. – the holidays, eating good food, resting, spending time with family and goal setting. I could spend an entire episode or more talking about how important each of these are (especially food) but I won’t. Today, I wanted to take some time and talk about the process I use to set goals. SETTING GOALS YOU CAN REACH IN 2019 Over the years, I have adopted different ideas and practices for goal setting. In the last couple of years, I have invested a lot of time & money in the goal setting system Michael Hyatt uses in his “Best Year Ever” program. This online course, coupled with the everyday use of his Full Focus Planner, not only help me to stay on track but help me to set and reach goals every year. This year is no different. But, as I approach this upcoming year, there is a 3-layer grid that I have developed and began implementing into setting my goals. Here are the 3 areas that I want to make sure my goals line up with: 1. I WANT MY GOALS TO B
SUP | Chapter 19: Seek God. Pursue People.
14/12/2018 Duración: 08min2018 is beginning to come to a close. This will be the last episode of my start-up story for this year. On today's episode and chapter, I wanted to take just a few minutes and talk about where we have come and where I believe God is leading us: Seek God. Pursue People. I haven't been short on telling you that this business is all about God. You have probably figured that out about now. From the very inception of this business, I have wanted God to guide and direct this entire thing. If I take control, all is lost. SEEK GOD. PURSUE PEOPLE. A couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with my fiance, Shauna about something happening in the business. Her response caught my heart in the best way possible. "Yeah, it's Seek God, Pursue People." My heart leaped with joy. That is it. Those were the words I had been looking for that summarize why we are doing what we are doing and what it all means to us. Adventurous Faith is a business that seeks God first. We then pursue the heart of those God puts in our path
#036: 5 Lessons I'm Learning About Gratitude Right Now
12/12/2018 Duración: 23min5 LESSONS I'M LEARNING ABOUT GRATITUDE RIGHT NOW 1. Gratitude has helped me to remain present. When we learn to be thankful and cultivate a heart of gratitude, we set our minds on the present. 2. Gratitude has helped me to build stronger and healthier relationships. When I can learn to show gratitude towards those I love and care for, our relationship bond cannot be broken. 3. Gratitude has helped me to form a stronger mental fortitude. Sometimes, the name of the game is mental toughness. Expressing and showing gratitude helps me to form it. 4. Gratitude has helped me to remember what God has already done. When I can stop and think about what I am grateful for, my heart remembers what God has already done and brought me through. 5. Gratitude has helped me to remember my place in this world. God is God, and I am not. When you use gratitude as a way of life, it helps put you in your place. You begin to realize that all that has been given to you was handed to you by God. Adventurous Faith
#035: Learning How to Focus in a Distracted World w/ Curt Steinhorst
05/12/2018 Duración: 01h01minLet's be honest - we suck at focusing anymore. Our ability to focus is terrible. Attention spans have plummetted to the floor. Distraction has become a major problem in the workforce. My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith knows all about it. Curt Steinhorst is the founder of FocusWise. FocusWise is an organization built to help reduce distractions and improve communication in the workplace. Curt is the author of "Can I Have Your Attention?" where he shares his thoughts on research on what it looks like to help yourself, your team and company get the focus you need to get better work done. LEARN HOW TO FOCUS This conversation with Curt was a lot of fun. There are a lot of great practical tools and application he gives in how you can help yourself get more work done. Here are some takeaways you'll get from this episode: Addressing the major problem of distraction we have in the workplace. Practical ideas and principles on learning how to focus. How to create communication compacts with your team, fr
SUP | Chapter 18: Let's Talk Money & Self Worth
30/11/2018 Duración: 13minOver the last eight months, Adventurous Faith has grown and shaped in several different ways. One of those more significant ways has been with my coaching practice. This hasn't come easy for me. When I first began coaching, I was sure if I had the skill set, knowledge, and ability to do the high-level coaching I had been dreaming of. My self-worth wasn't there yet. LET'S TALK MONEY & SELF-WORTH Over the last several months of growing this coaching practice, one of the more vital lessons I have learned is that the process I am offering men in finding a balanced life is virtually priceless. I not only have the skill set, but I have the tools, experience, and ability to coaching high-achieving men to even greater success in their businesses and personal lives. I am more convinced of this than ever. That is what this episode is all about. It's about me needing to raise my coaching rate, but more importantly, it's about me finding greater self-worth in what I am doing. The Prosperous Coach 500B6
#034: How to Move Towards Meaning in Your Life w/ Dan Cumberland
28/11/2018 Duración: 52minThere's a good chance that throughout your life you will hold several different jobs. There may even be a greater chance that those jobs span across several different careers, skill sets, and even passions. There is nothing wrong with these different pursuits. God may even ordain many of them. But if we are honest with ourselves, most of the changes we make in our career and life path come down to one very simple idea: meaning. Each of us in our way is searching for meaning in this life. We want our time, energy, effort and work to mean something. HOW TO MOVE TOWARDS MEANING My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith knows all about the pursuit of finding meaning. Dan Cumberland is the founder of The Meaning Movement - an organization that helps people find meaningful work in their life by exploring their story and other vital areas of their lives that are often neglected. Dan is doing fantastic work, and I cannot wait for you to hear his energy behind what he is doing. It is contagious! RESOURCES MENT
#033: On Finding Success & Forgetting Who You Are w/ Jeff Goins
21/11/2018 Duración: 39minMost of us can admit that we'd like to be successful. This isn't difficult. What is difficult is how you define it. Defining success in your own life and then sticking to your own guns, hell or high water is not easy. Many times through this process of finding success we lose ourselves. We forget who we are and what we originally set out to be. In the end, our version of success suffocates our own lives. My guest on today's episode, Jeff Goins, knows all about this. ON FINDING SUCCESS On this episode of Adventurous Faith, I sit down with Jeff Goins. Jeff is a best-selling author and very successful entrepreneur. Over the course of about a year, he was able to launch a successful writing business and make over six-figures. His story only goes up from there. Over the course of a couple of years, he successfully made over 7 figures while achieving all sorts of success But in the middle of his journey, he found himself lost, no longer doing what he really started out to do. There is plenty to learn from Jeff's st
SUP | Chapter 17: Grow Where You Are Planted
16/11/2018 Duración: 12minA few weeks ago I was catching up with an old friend on the phone. We began talking about the new business I had launched. He decided to share some much-needed wisdom he had gained in attempting to launch out on his own. In our conversation he shared a lot of interesting thoughts about business, starting a company and reaching people with your message. But there was one piece of advice that stuck out to me that I'm not sure I'll ever forget. He told me to grow where I am planted. GROW WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED Such a novel idea isn't it? Most of us believe we should grow where we are planted but rarely live out our lives according to this great purpose. We love scaling and growing things, ideas and companies beyond our means and reach. It's a beautiful pursuit - but is it a necessary one? What might it look like for you and I to grow our ideas and businesses in the communities in which we live? Sure, there are people all over the world that need to hear our thoughts (and yes, I DO believe that). But the greatest
#032: A New Branch: Shauna & Ben's Story
14/11/2018 Duración: 51minI suppose that I have been waiting quite a while to post an episode such as this. I have wanted to find a way for Shauna and me to share our story for a while. Bringing her on the Adventurous Faith podcast was an obvious choice. You will hear us tell our story in full on this episode of the podcast! Jonathan Knepper Instagram Andrew Knepper Instagram WATCH OUR SHORT FILM: A NEW BRANCH
#031: How to Thrive as a Digital Nomad w/ Ricky Shetty
07/11/2018 Duración: 56minMany of us wish we could spend our lives traveling the world. God knows I have thought about it from time to time. Who needs to work from home when you can choose to work from anywhere in the world? Because of the advances we have in technology, you and I can spend our 9-5's not stuck in cubicle nation. We can live abroad and pursue the life we've always wanted to live as a digital nomad. My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith has stopped wishing he could live abroad and started doing it. Ricky Shetty is the founder of and the host of Digital Nomad Mastery. DNM is a resource dedicated to people who want to want to learn how to live abroad and make a living. THRIVING AS A DIGITAL NOMAD As you'll learn on today's show, Ricky didn't always live this way. It has only been in the last couple of years that Ricky has decided to take his life on the road. Over the last few years, Ricky has learned a lot of great lessons on how to live as a digital nomad. He is now inviting others to come al
SUP | Chapter 16: A Major Life Update
02/11/2018 Duración: 11minSometimes things happen in life that you can't help but share with the world. On October 20th, under the starry skies of St. Augustine Florida I asked my girl to spend forever with me. She said yes! So, I'm engaged! This is a major life update! MAJOR LIFE UPDATE I know that most of the Chapters of my Start-Up Story are of me talking about the business. Those are all important and real conversations to have. But most importantly, this business is all about relationships. And those relationships aren't all always just about business. They are real, raw and personal. ADVENTUROUS FAITH JUST ISN'T ABOUT BUSINESS Adventurous Faith is about planning a life with the ones you love and allowing God to take the lead. This is why talking about my engagement on the podcast is that important. My personal life and Adventurous Faith aren't two separate things. They are one and the same. I cannot wait to see the life that God has for both Shauna and I as we moved forward in our relationship and further into this business. Sha
#030: Living Out Your Faith in the Marketplace as an Entrepreneur w/ Jordan Raynor
31/10/2018 Duración: 42minWe are called for a great purpose. Even greater, we are called to create in the world in which we live. When we are living out this calling, creating every day and living out our faith in the marketplace as an entrepreneur, God's Kingdom pushes forward. My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith is Jordan Raynor. Jordan is the auth of Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate and Risk. He is a serial entrepreneur, former member of The White House staff under President Bush and is currently the CEO of Threshold 360. LIVE OUR YOUR FAITH AS AN ENTREPRENEUR Jordan's message is simple. God is the first entrepreneur and he has called us to create. Whether inside the church or in the marketplace we have a responsibility to use the gifts and talents that God has given to us. While the journey isn't easy, it's necessary as the call doesn't wain, but only pushes us forward. Jordan had a lot of wise thoughts to give about the way we view entrepreneurship in the world and how that applies to thos
#029: Seek True Adventure & Live Free w/ John Eldredge
24/10/2018 Duración: 49minAfter I hit the stop button I knew there was something special about this interview. I thought to myself "Every man on the planet needs to listen to this episode." Why? Because I believe that if taken to heart, it can radically change the direction of every man who listens to it. Buckle Up - We're going to learn how to seek true adventure & live free. Today's guest on the Adventurous Faith podcast is John Eldredge. John is the New York Times Best Selling Author of Wild at Heart among many other books. He is the founder of Ransomed Heart, a ministry based out of Colorado. John has made it his life's mission to call the heart's of men and women back to God. He's been at it for several years and has a global following with his podcast, books, conferences, and seminars. SEEK TRUE ADVENTURE & LIVE FREE This interview is one for the books. It encapsulates so well the mission of Adventurous Faith and the call God has on our lives. In our interview, John and I discuss what it looks like to seek true adventur
SUP | Chapter 15: Practicing Listening Prayer
19/10/2018 Duración: 10minWe've all read the latest books about plans, productivity and getting stuff done. They're good books. If you do what they say they will likely set you on a course to growing your life, business and reaching your goals. But, they may not get you the life you're looking for. I mentioned in the last chapter of my Start-Up Story that after my interview with John Eldredge that he gave me a few moments to ask him a couple more questions. I only asked him one: "John, what wisdom or advice would you give to 35 yr old John when starting this business." On the last episode of my Start-Up Story, I shared piece of wisdom number one. This week, I want to share piece of wisdom number two with you. PRACTICE LISTENING PRAYER Most of us plan our lives or businesses by doing all the hard work and then asking God to bless it. There isn't anything wrong with this approach. But, if you think about it, we're only getting the lesser half of what is possible. What if we ran our decisions through God first and asked him what He desir