Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#030: Living Out Your Faith in the Marketplace as an Entrepreneur w/ Jordan Raynor



We are called for a great purpose. Even greater, we are called to create in the world in which we live. When we are living out this calling, creating every day and living out our faith in the marketplace as an entrepreneur, God's Kingdom pushes forward. My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith is Jordan Raynor. Jordan is the auth of Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate and Risk. He is a serial entrepreneur, former member of The White House staff under President Bush and is currently the CEO of Threshold 360. LIVE OUR YOUR FAITH AS AN ENTREPRENEUR  Jordan's message is simple. God is the first entrepreneur and he has called us to create. Whether inside the church or in the marketplace we have a responsibility to use the gifts and talents that God has given to us. While the journey isn't easy, it's necessary as the call doesn't wain, but only pushes us forward. Jordan had a lot of wise thoughts to give about the way we view entrepreneurship in the world and how that applies to thos