Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#029: Seek True Adventure & Live Free w/ John Eldredge



After I hit the stop button I knew there was something special about this interview. I thought to myself "Every man on the planet needs to listen to this episode." Why? Because I believe that if taken to heart, it can radically change the direction of every man who listens to it. Buckle Up - We're going to learn how to seek true adventure & live free. Today's guest on the Adventurous Faith podcast is John Eldredge. John is the New York Times Best Selling Author of Wild at Heart among many other books. He is the founder of Ransomed Heart, a ministry based out of Colorado. John has made it his life's mission to call the heart's of men and women back to God. He's been at it for several years and has a global following with his podcast, books, conferences, and seminars.  SEEK TRUE ADVENTURE & LIVE FREE This interview is one for the books. It encapsulates so well the mission of Adventurous Faith and the call God has on our lives. In our interview, John and I discuss what it looks like to seek true adventur