Pep Talks For Side Hustlers



If you have a side hustle or you've been thinking about starting one, these daily pep talks from former side-hustler turned full-time entrepreneur Shannon Mattern will educate, motivate and inspire you to take action to build a successful side hustle so that you can quit your day job and earn a living doing what you love. Growing a business while working full time is challenging, but it can also be extremely rewarding! Get Shannon's best insider tips, tactics and actionable strategies for starting a side hustle, including mindset, time management, work-life balance, relationships, marketing strategies, money, and how to grow a business while working full time. Learn more about Pep Talks for Side Hustlers and find freebies, resources and show notes at


  • Ep. 316 - Systems + Strategies for Growth with Amy Lockrin of The Operations House

    09/12/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Eventually you’re going to need some help… trust me. You can’t do it all on your own forever. I tried to do it by myself for so many years, and you know if you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while that I have a tendency to overwork myself. I’m finally finding out in year 7 of doing this that getting support & dedicating time to building & empowering a team is something I need to take seriously. Amy is the third person in this series of powerhouse online business managers (starting with Sarah Noked in episode 311, Tasha Booth in episode 315, and now Amy Lockrin) that I talked to about the business of running a business and the behind-the-scenes of making it all hap

  • Ep. 315 - From Solo Side-Hustle to CEO with Tasha Booth of The Launch Guild

    02/12/2020 Duración: 56min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Tasha is not only an OBM who helps her clients launch their courses, podcasts and systems that business owners need to launch their businesses, but she also helps VA’s and OBM’s scale profitable businesses. She teaches entrepreneurs how to start as a VA, get to the next level as an OBM, and scale to an agency model. She not only followed this method herself in her own business, but she now teaches others how to do it as well. I can totally relate to this as a web designer and a teacher to others on how to run their own web design businesses. Talking to Tasha happened at the perfect time because we chatted around the same time I was feeling completely maxed out. I had yet to grow m

  • Ep. 314 - October 2020 Income Report

    25/11/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    Find out how much money I made in October 2020 and exactly how I made it, what my expenses looked like and lessons learned along the way! Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review!

  • Ep. 313 - Finding a Mentor with Kelsey Chapman

    18/11/2020 Duración: 56min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Asking for help is something that does NOT come naturally to me. I like to blaze my own trail, and I don’t like to be slowed down. I always hated group projects in high school because I wanted to do the work on my (super-fast) timeline and on my own terms. So it’s no surprise that when I started my business, it didn’t even occur to me to ask for help. My method was figuring it out for myself, trial and error, and banging my head against the wall trying to figure things out because I didn’t have anyone that had been in my shoes before able to show me the way. Now, mentorship means everything to me as a business owner. I finally figured out that I can only go so far by myself, and t

  • Ep. 312 - Mastering Your Personal + Business Finances with Nick True of Mapped Out Money

    11/11/2020 Duración: 57min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Anyone that emails me saying, “Hey can I be on your podcast? I travel the country in my RV,” the answer is pretty much always YES! I couldn’t wait to talk to Nick because anyone that’s able to start a business and travel at the same time needs to be my friend. As a fellow RV owner, I know how hard it is to make time to travel, but I’ve always wanted to get in our RV and travel to Alaska! It’s one of those bucket-list things for me… I mean, I do need my husband to be able to work remotely too and agree to the drive… Hopefully in one of my future income reports - in like 2022 - you’ll hear all about how I ran my business from my RV on my way to Alaska. That’s why learning how Nick a

  • Ep. 311 - How to Become (or Hire) an Online Business Manager with Sarah Noked

    04/11/2020 Duración: 52min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! I hear it all the time -- Online Business Manager, OBM, How to become an OBM… and I never understood what it meant or how it was different from being a virtual assistant! That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to Sarah Noked, who’s here today to explain the difference between an Online Business Manager and a Virtual Assistant, what kind of people are best for both roles, and what business owners would hire each role for. From the moment I met Sarah I knew I had to have her on the podcast ASAP! What resonated with me about Sarah was her story -- Going from overworked and underpaid, desperate to leave her 9-5, to a multi-6 figure OBM business-owning queen. I know many of you lis

  • Ep 310 - September 2020 Income Report

    28/10/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    Find out how much money I made in September 2020 and exactly how I made it, what my expenses looked like and lessons learned along the way! Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review!

  • Ep. 309 - Becoming Unhackable with Kary Oberbrunner

    21/10/2020 Duración: 52min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! If you’re anything like me when I first started my side hustle, you might have found yourself thinking… “I already have so much to do, how am I gonna find the time to build my business too?” But then I looked at how I was spending my time. Waking up at 7AM and lazily watching Bravo reality TV as I slowly got ready to drag myself into a day job that I hated. Leaving for work at the last minute and trying to come home as early as possible just like everyone else, which had me sitting in rush hour traffic. Binge-watching Netflix after dinner and on lazy weekend days. Scrolling Facebook in my spare moments to see what my old high school friends were up to. Never planning ahead, always

  • Ep. 308 - Create a Social Platform with a Purpose with Kristen Boss

    14/10/2020 Duración: 01h00s

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Every day I hear from people who are struggling with social media. It’s overwhelming to them to think of having to be everywhere, they’re intimidated by it, or they can’t stand the thought of adding to the noise. This is something I can totally relate to, which is why I’m so excited to have my guest Kristen Boss on the podcast today. Kristen is a mindset and business coach who specializes in helping women build their influence and grow successful businesses that deeply align with their purpose. Kristen is going to break down how to use social media in a strategic way. Her method eliminates the hustle and incorporates your most authentic self, which I love. I think you’re all going

  • Ep. 307 - Doing What You Really Want to Do with Pete McPherson from Do You Even Blog?

    07/10/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Pete McPherson & I immediately connected on our journey away from “The American Dream” and that’s why I’m so excited for you to listen in today. Pete is the founder of Do You Even Blog? An award-winning blog, podcast, and YouTube channel dedicated to helping creators build impactful and profitable online businesses. Upon meeting Pete, I immediately resonated with his journey out of corporate and his struggle to make his side-hustle succeed. We both gave up the idea that we were supposed to get day-jobs, work our way up, and make a lot of money -- with the price being all of our freedom. Today, we’re going to talk about Pete’s struggles, failures, and everything he overcame in

  • Ep 306 - August 2020 Income Report

    30/09/2020 Duración: 47min

    Find out how much money I made in August 2020 and exactly how I made it, what my expenses looked like and lessons learned along the way! Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review!

  • Ep. 305 - Finding Your Calling with Katie Sullivan of Rise Through Strife

    23/09/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! I tell you guys all the time that one of the most rewarding things I do in my business is make this podcast, and it’s because I get to meet amazing people who introduce me to amazing people like today’s guest, Katie Sullivan of Rise Through Strife. I was introduced to her by Sasha Korobov from Episode 273 - who I’ve kept in touch with and I really should record every convo I have with her and share it with you guys because she’s amazing - but Sasha introduced me to Katie and basically said, “You two need to meet and be on each other’s podcasts” and just made that happen. I had the pleasure of being on Katie’s show, Rise Through Strife, to talk about the inseparable nature of per

  • Ep. 304 - Search Engine Optimization Secrets with Erica Glessing

    16/09/2020 Duración: 59min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Today’s guest is Erica Glessing, a marketing and search engine optimization expert whose superpower is getting her clients ranked on the first page of Google.  I met Erica in a forum for podcasters and she invited me on her show, and our conversation was so interesting that I wanted to have her come on to Pep Talks for Side Hustlers to share with you guys how she leverages the power of niching, podcast and search to get herself and her clients found online. Erica and I talk about: Erica’s journey to self-employment. Why you don't have to be the expert in everything to run a successful business. How to do SEO research. The strategic reason why Erica started her podcast. The bigges

  • Ep. 303 - The Truth Behind Building a Million-Dollar Business with Inés Ruiz

    09/09/2020 Duración: 50min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Okay, you guys, this episode is absolutely fascinating, I can’t wait for you to hear it. It’s a tale of two businesses  - one that made a million dollars in revenue and left its owner burnt out and completely broke and in debt - and the other that made half as much but left its owner thriving and with a six-figure profit. That business owner is Inés Ruiz from Diary of an Entrepreneur, and both of the businesses in this story are hers.  And she’s here to share the starkly different story of those two businesses and all the lessons she learned along the way.  That’s all I’m gonna say about it, let’s just dive right in and I’m gonna let Inés tell you the whole story! Inés and I talk

  • Ep. 302 - Building a Multi-Million Dollar Blogging Empire with Lauren McManus of Create and Go

    02/09/2020 Duración: 58min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! I’m so excited to have Lauren McManus on the show this week to share her side of the story of how she and her business partner Alex Nerney built their multi-million dollar blogging empire, which they talk about on their website Create and Go. If you haven’t listened to my interview with Alex back in Episode 227, after you listen to this one with Lauren go check Alex’s episode out because it’s one of the most downloaded episodes of this show (and I’m sure this one will be just as downloaded!) Lauren basically travels the world because she and Alex can run the business from anywhere, so I think she was in the Czech Republic when we talked right before COVID really kicked up - so our

  • Ep. 301 - July 2020 Income Report

    26/08/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    Find out how much money I made in July 2020 and exactly how I made it, what my expenses looked like and lessons learned along the way! Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review!

  • Ep. 300 - Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Side Hustle with Sharon Hartwick

    19/08/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Welcome to episode 300 of Pep Talks for Side Hustlers!

  • Ep. 299 - Creating a Powerful Brand Strategy for Your Side Hustle with Kyshira Moffett of The Power Collective

    12/08/2020 Duración: 59min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! Kyshira Moffett is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, brand strategist, author and host of the Brand Your Power Podcast who specializes in helping ambitious women entrepreneurs package their expertise, brand their influence, and monetize their online presence. I can’t wait for you to hear this interview, because there were a couple of things that Kyshira said about marketing and money mindset that were SO GOOD they just gave me chills twice - once when she said them, and then again while I was producing this episode! I totally resonated with Kyshira’s story because like me, she grew her side hustle to six figures before quitting her day job - and she’s all about focusing on org

  • Ep. 298 - Getting Paid to Be You with Natalie Sisson

    05/08/2020 Duración: 01h03s

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! My driving motivation for starting my business was being able to do what I wanted when I wanted without having to ask for permission - and my guest today is one of those entrepreneurs that I started following early on in my journey that showed me that it really is possible. With a laptop and a smartphone, Natalie Sisson built a six-figure education business called The Suitcase Entrepreneur, that she ran from anywhere in the world - and now she’s pivoted to helping entrepreneurs like you tap into your unique potential, get paid to be you and create a purpose-driven life and business with her book The Freedom Plan, and courses like the Launch Your Damn Course Accelerator and Write Y

  • Ep. 297 - Live Your Purpose (And Get Paid) with Katie DePaola of Inner Glow Circle

    29/07/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! My guest today is Katie DePaola - an entrepreneur, author and the founder of Inner Glow Circle, an accredited training and certification company for women coaches, leaders and entrepreneurs where she’s taught thousands of women how to find their purpose, live it and get paid. And I’m so excited to have Katie on the show this week because I really resonate with her company’s core values. Work for yourself, not by yourself. Create the thing you wish existed. Say the thing no one else is willing to say. Change lives that change other lives. Find your GLOW (your greatest level of want). And this isn’t just marketing-talk. Inner Glow Circle truly lives up to its values. Katie and I d

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