Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 309 - Becoming Unhackable with Kary Oberbrunner



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! If you’re anything like me when I first started my side hustle, you might have found yourself thinking… “I already have so much to do, how am I gonna find the time to build my business too?” But then I looked at how I was spending my time. Waking up at 7AM and lazily watching Bravo reality TV as I slowly got ready to drag myself into a day job that I hated. Leaving for work at the last minute and trying to come home as early as possible just like everyone else, which had me sitting in rush hour traffic. Binge-watching Netflix after dinner and on lazy weekend days. Scrolling Facebook in my spare moments to see what my old high school friends were up to. Never planning ahead, always