Pep Talks For Side Hustlers

Ep. 302 - Building a Multi-Million Dollar Blogging Empire with Lauren McManus of Create and Go



Build a website in just 5 days (even if you're not techie) at Learn how to market yourself online without ads, algorithms or spending all your time on social media at Learn how to get your first web design client at Leave a Review! I’m so excited to have Lauren McManus on the show this week to share her side of the story of how she and her business partner Alex Nerney built their multi-million dollar blogging empire, which they talk about on their website Create and Go. If you haven’t listened to my interview with Alex back in Episode 227, after you listen to this one with Lauren go check Alex’s episode out because it’s one of the most downloaded episodes of this show (and I’m sure this one will be just as downloaded!) Lauren basically travels the world because she and Alex can run the business from anywhere, so I think she was in the Czech Republic when we talked right before COVID really kicked up - so our