Podcast Neil Wilkins



Alchemist, Marketer, Author, Speaker


  • Building Online Reputation with Michael Baker

    25/09/2023 Duración: 45min

    Turn your marketing into rockstar content by watching this interview with Michael Baker on the Neil Wilkins Podcast. Prior to launching Perception Content Media, Michael was also known for being the lead singer and songwriter for Fall of Envy, a melodic, hard rock band which has been streamed over 20 million times worldwide, and is a solo artist at THR3E 6IX FOUR as well. Being born into a family that toured the country as a Christian singing group and spending the first 6 years of his life on a tour bus, you could say that he was destined to be creative. Michael has been featured in movies and television, and has performed with acts such as Guns N Roses, Papa Roach, 30 Seconds To Mars and James Brown. In this conversation they explore how to build online reputation through authenticity, humility and being humble, but importantly through actively listening to customers. Connect with Michael at https://perceptioncontentmedia.com/contact-marketing-firm/ For more content like this visit Neil Wilkins Online at h

  • Living your Authentic Self, with Colin Kingsmill

    20/09/2023 Duración: 58min

    Colin Kingsmill is on a mission to help people rediscover their humanity, live in integrity, and become fearless and free.In this episode of the Neil Wilkins Podcast, Neil explores with Colin, the topics of fear, ties to the past, living in the present and ways we can all live our best lives. Colin is the Co-Founder of Whole Human Coaching and invites everyone to continue the conversation by connecting with him at Colin Kingsmill https://colinkingsmill.com/ For more content like this, visit Neil Wilkins Online http://neilwilkins.online

  • Facebook Advertising Insider Tips with Trevor Goodchild

    19/09/2023 Duración: 38min

    In this episode of the Neil Wilkins Podcast we are joined by Facebook Ad Policy Specialist, Trevor Goodchild. Trevor W. Goodchild has worked at Facebook, then later Meta for years and is a Facebook ad policy specialist. He helped launch the Xbox 360 for Microsoft, worked at Apple and his most recent project at Facebook was announced by Mark Zuckerberg. Goodchild specialises in Facebook bans, and has worked with the engineers who created the automations that shut down Facebook ad accounts. He's worked with SMBs to billionaires and celebrities including ad agencies of Tony Robbins, Harv Eker, Dean Graziosi, and more. Called the "horse whisperer" of Facebook ad policy, Trevor shares a host of Insider Tips for mastering Facebook Advertising. You can book a free discovery call with Trevor at https://calendly.com/trevorwgoodchild/facebookexpert and more free information is available on his blog at https://jetskishaman.com For more content like this visit Neil Wilkins Online at http://neilwilkins.onlin

  • Finding a Work Life Balance

    15/09/2023 Duración: 45min

    10 tips to foster a better work life balance based on the insights from the webinar: Create a Priority List: Begin each day with a to-do list, categorising tasks based on urgency to streamline your work process and reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. Set Clear Work Boundaries: Establish definite start and end times for your workday to prevent burnout and maintain a clear distinction between professional and personal life. Embrace Regular Breaks: Implement techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break) to enhance productivity and reduce mental fatigue. Dedicate a Workspace: If working from home, set aside a specific area solely for work to help mentally differentiate "work mode" from "home mode." Unplug Regularly: Designate specific times in the evening where you disconnect from work-related communications to nurture your personal space and maintain mental peace. Focus on Physical Health: Incorporate short exercises or stretching r

  • The Seven Essential Stories, with Kurian Tharakan

    13/09/2023 Duración: 40min

    The Seven Essential Stories, with Kurian Tharakan “What is the number one reason people, companies, and their products fail? It's the opposite of the reason people, companies,  and their products succeed. And it's the core of your brand. If people don't buy into this, they won't buy anything else.” Neil Wilkins talks to Kurian Tharakan about culture, religion, core values and belief systems, the hero of your story being your customer, and how to craft stories that are so compelling, your products and services are merely the tools for enabling the successful journey together.  The Seven Essential Stories Charismatic Leaders Tell: Creation and Origin - how did you begin Identities Beliefs and Values - what drives you and never violate Big Idea - your central guiding concept around which everything rotates Enemy We Face - elements or challenges to solve, for which you are for or against The Mighty Wins - the macro trends upon which you ride Journey We Must Undertake - the next steps yo

  • The Value of Podcasting in Marketing

    13/09/2023 Duración: 32min

    Why Podcasting? Starting with Equipment Setting Up a Studio Selecting Interviewees Scripting Recording Platforms Editing Your Podcast Publishing & Distribution Promotion Building an Engaged Audience Benefits of Sponsorship Monetising Your Podcast Measuring Success "Your voice has the power to shape a brand." For more content like this, visit http://marketingcollege.com

  • Scalable Organic Growth Strategies, with Bryan Clayton

    12/09/2023 Duración: 42min

    Founder and CEO of GreenPal, a multi-million dollar business with over 300,000 customers, Bryan has leveraged the power of SEO and organic growth strategies to create a highly competitive and sustainable business that has the potential to significantly scale further. In this episode of the Neil Wilkins Podcast, Bryan and Neil discuss how to grow a successful business through passion, organic content and truly listening to customer feedback, not on an infrequent basis, but literally every day. “Don’t get mad about the results you didn’t get, from the work you didn’t do”, says Bryan. Bryan advocates we should “Use social media as an Activation Channel, rather than for customer acquisition” and this philosophy is a testament to the building of his online community and the engagement with all stakeholders, that fuels his business growth. On the topic of using social media in an organic growth strategy, Bryan is clear that we all need to help our customers to feel we have a “live thriving business that I want to d

  • Crafting Post-Purchase Experiences with Tobi Chapman

    11/09/2023 Duración: 34min

    Crafting Post-Purchase Experiences, with Tobi Chapman Founder of Everboost, Tobi Chapman, joins Neil Wilkins to talk customer retention and the importance of crafting post-purchase experiences. Neil and Tobi discuss how you approach the challenge of keeping content fresh and engaging, especially when sending out frequent email or SMS campaigns to customers. They share how you can achieve genuine personalisation in marketing campaigns and where AI fits in an integrated tech stack with data collection and analysis at the core. Tobi shares his recommended tools and platforms for brands looking to improve their retention and the role that storytelling plays in retention marketing for DTC brands, especially in the skincare and supplement sectors, in which he specialises. Tobi also shares his top three pieces of customer retention advice: Focus on the post-purchase experience to reassure the customer of their decision Use your data collection in implementing your strategy Reach out and listen to customers

  • Personal Engagement

    01/09/2023 Duración: 26min

    Neil Wilkins talks to Cambridge Marketing College's students and studying apprentices about the vast range of extra curricular resources, events and connection opportunities. Whilst focused on the College learning experience, there is value for everyone in this podcast episode as Neil explores the benefits of personal connection, being proactive and engagement with professional communities. For more content like this, visit Neil Wilkins Online.

  • Out Of Home Advertising

    30/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    “Growing urbanisation, increasing digitisation and accelerating technological innovation within the sector, mean Out-of-Home communicates faster, more effectively, with greater flexibility, and increasingly benefits from a more reliable accountability.” JCDecaux Join Neil Wilkins for this introduction to outdoor advertising and learn how it might fit within your customer journey to open up new possibilities for attention, engagement and potentially conversion.

  • 4 Pillars for Healthy Living

    18/08/2023 Duración: 59min

    Tips and Tools for Healthy Living Finding Balance in a Demanding World What is a healthy balance? Why is it crucial? The Benefits of Balance are seen in The Wheel of Life (a popular coaching tool), a visual representation of balance across various life areas, by Zimmerman & Puchalski. The Impact of Imbalance brings increased stress levels, burnout, reduced creativity & productivity and physical and emotional toll Pillar 1 - Healthy Emotions Understanding emotional health through mindfulness, journaling, and emotional check-ins. "Emotions can get in the way or get you on the way." Mavis Mazhura Try Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, a visual representation of primary, secondary, and tertiary emotions. Try apps like Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer and deep breathing exercises and grounding techniques, with an emphasis on short, daily practices. The STOP Method (Stop, Take a Breath, Observe, Proceed) helps in pausing and reframing responses. Pillar 2 - Balanced Thinking Challenge overwor

  • LucidMeme: Humour-Driven Social Media Marketing

    11/08/2023 Duración: 36min

    Neil Wilkins talks to Jacob and Jonah, Founders of start-up, LucidMeme. LucidMeme is a unique, humour-driven, meme-creation business, backed by Gary Vaynerchuk and driven by the passion and skills of the two dynamic founders. In this conversation, Neil, Jonah and Jacob, discuss how memes are embedded in Gen Z culture and how the carefully targeted use of humour can reignite often stale social networking. The debate of whether humour in marketing communications is too high a risk, is finally put to rest in this insightful conversation. Connect with Jacob and Jonah at http://lucidmeme.co.uk and follow them on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/lucidmemeuk/ and Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/company/lucid-meme/ For more content like this, visit Neil Wilkins Online at http://neilwilkins.online

  • Risk Management in AI Marketing

    09/08/2023 Duración: 45min

    Neil Wilkins interviews Tim Olsen from Emposo on the topic of risk management in AI Marketing. In the conversation, they explore the following issues and opportunities: What AI risk means. Examples of the potential risks associated with AI and how they could negatively impact businesses and customers. What marketers should know about data privacy and security when using AI-based tools and how can we ensure we are not inadvertently violating any privacy laws. How AI risks may manifest in marketing and some of the potential consequences. How marketers can balance the desire for personalisation and targeting in marketing, which AI can help achieve, against the risks of overstepping boundaries and creating discomfort or distrust among customers. What steps businesses can take to mitigate the risks associated with AI and how can they proactively manage these risks. Practical tips on how to conduct a risk assessment before implementing an AI solution in a business or marketing strategy. How important

  • Market Segmentation including secret Persona exercise

    04/08/2023 Duración: 55min

    One Size Does NOT Fit All : “No product or service has ever, or will ever, exist, that serves everyone in equal measure. If you hear a colleague or manager say ‘our product is for everyone’, it’s time to teach them about market segmentation.” Market segmentation is the process of dividing a broad target market into smaller, more manageable segments based on various characteristics like demographics, behaviours, and geographic locations. It allows companies to precisely target their offerings, create more effective marketing campaigns, and maximise resource efficiency. “Understanding the humans within the segment, is critical for true personalisation and customisation in your marketing communications.” To implement or refine your segmentation strategy, begin by identifying key characteristics of your target market. Then, divide your market into segments based on these traits. Next, develop targeted marketing strategies for each segment. Finally, monitor, measure, and adjust your strategies based on performance

  • How to Become More Commercial

    21/07/2023 Duración: 50min

    How To Become More Commercial "Marketing's job is never done. It's about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day." - Beth Comstock, former CMO at GE (Harvard Business Review, 2018) The importance of continuous innovation in marketing. Why maintaining a dynamic approach is key to successful marketing. Understanding the need for marketing evolution in line with industry and consumer behavior changes. Our journey today: Becoming more commercially-focused marketers. For more webinars like this, visit http://marketingcollege.com/events For more content like this, visit http://neilwilkins.online

  • GA4 Marketing Masterclass

    18/07/2023 Duración: 59min

    GA4 Marketing Masterclass Here are some of the reasons why you should be interested in GA4 as a marketer: GA4 is more privacy-focused. GA4 is designed to be more privacy-focused than Universal Analytics, and it uses machine learning to fill in the gaps in data that is not available due to privacy restrictions. This means that you can still get valuable insights from your data, even if you are unable to collect all of the data that you would like. GA4 is more cross-platform. GA4 is more cross-platform than Universal Analytics, and it can collect data from a variety of sources, including websites, apps, and even offline transactions. This means that you can get a more complete picture of your customers' behavior, regardless of how they interact with your brand. GA4 is more predictive. GA4 is more predictive than Universal Analytics, and it can use machine learning to predict future behavior. This means that you can use GA4 to identify trends and opportunities that you may not have been able to see befor

  • King of Video, Matt Hughes

    11/07/2023 Duración: 45min

    Neil Wilkins discusses all things YouTube video, with King of Video, Matt Hughes. Matt shares a host of YouTube video secrets in this fascinating conversation, designed to bring value to marketers, business owners and entrepreneurs. For more details about Matt Hughes and to register to be part of his community, visit http://kingofvideo.co.uk and his YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/realkingofvideo For more conversations and interviews like this, visit http://neilwilkins.online

  • Climate Perks

    09/07/2023 Duración: 26min

    Neil Wilkins talks to Possible campaign manager Hannah Bland about Climate Perks, an innovative initiative designed to help businesses and travellers, consider traveling more responsibly. For more details, visit Climate Perks http://climateperks.com For more interviews like this, visit Neil Wilkins Online http://neilwilkins.online

  • Planning, Scheduling and Managing Content Campaigns

    07/07/2023 Duración: 55min

    "Always start with a comprehensive plan. Know your goals, target audience, and metrics before diving into content creation." Micro-Moments Matter In today's digital era, decision-making happens in micro-moments. These are instances when users turn to a device to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. As a content marketer, understanding and capitalising on these moments can set your campaign apart. Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) AR and VR technologies can take your content marketing to the next level. They provide immersive experiences, leading to deeper engagement. For example, IKEA's AR app allows customers to see how furniture would look in their homes before making a purchase. Voice Search Optimization With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, optimising content for voice search is becoming increasingly important. This includes using more conversational language and long-tail keywords, as voice searches are t

  • Talking Safeguarding

    30/06/2023 Duración: 40min

    Neil Wilkins talks to Shane Minett, Safeguarding Lead at Cambridge Marketing College. Cambridge Marketing College has a Safe & Well Team, part of its duty of care to staff, colleagues, students and apprentices. Personal wellbeing is essential to aid navigation of challenges and work, in studies and at home. Having a safe harbour for those sensitive conversations and someone to listen and potentially signpost to supporting services, is all part of the role of a Safe & Well Team. Find out how Cambridge Marketing College supports wellbeing, by watching this important webinar. For more details, visit http://marketingcollege.com

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