Journey Church :: Raleigh, Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 11:56:11
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Journey Church is located in Raleigh, NC and exists to make Jesus famous in our city, nation and world.


  • Sovereign God


    In our lives, there are times when we have questions for God. Why did He allow this? Why didn’t He do something about that? What on earth is He up to? There is nothing wrong with asking the questions. God invites those, as long as we remember that He offers Himself to us more often than He offers explanations.

  • Faith or Fear


    It is so easy, especially in a crisis like the one our world faces, to get distracted by what is going on around us and operate in fear instead of by faith. But if we can keep our eyes on Jesus, then nothing is impossible.

  • Easter


    It’s Easter! For those of us who have been captured by the good news of the gospel, today is a time to celebrate the surprise and the thrill of hope. Of course, this will not be like any Easter we’ve had before, but then again, nothing has been the same for 2000 years. Join us for the virtual celebration of a lifetime. King Jesus has risen from the grave!

  • The Priesthood of the Believer


    Almost every religion the world has known follows a similar pattern: sacred people in sacred spaces working to help people access a divinity. But Jesus envisioned something different. In his new movement, everybody would have direct access to God in any place and at any time.

  • Salvation and Eternal Security


    Most people believe in some kind of life after death. But how can we be confident in what we believe? What can we really know about a future we have never encountered? As disciples of Jesus, we take a cue from the only man who ever experienced death and lived to tell about it.

  • Blood Atonement


    For those outside the Christian faith, it can often be difficult to understand why we make such a big deal about the blood of Jesus. On any other occasion, the death of the cross would have been nothing more than a violent defeat. But in the case of Jesus, it was the moment of decisive victory.

  • The Virgin Birth


    The extraordinary life of Jesus began with the most unexpected birth story in human history. Some find the story too hard to believe, and others don’t see why it matters either way. But the truth is that so much of the Christian hope rests in what happened when God chose a young woman named Mary to be the mother of the King.

  • God's Word


    The Bible is the most widely read, studied, talked about, debated, disputed, and trusted book in history. Everybody, it seems, has an opinion on what the Bible is, how we should view it, and what we should do with it. The question for us is this: What should disciples think about the Bible and why is it foundational to following Jesus?

  • Justice and Our City


    At Journey, we want to be a church that embodies our prayer to seek God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. So we’ve identified six initiatives in our city where we desire God to use us to make a difference. Meet our Champions, hear their powerful stories, and find out how they can help you join us on mission in these six areas.

  • Justice and the Story of the Church


    For centuries, Christians have taken the mission and message of Jesus seriously, making the world a better place. But there is still work to be done. Today, we have a rich inheritance to build upon, and an urgent responsibility to serve a world that still needs the transforming gospel of Jesus.

  • Justice and the Least of These


    Today, we believe everyone has dignity, worth, and value. Still more, we claim that this idea is a self-evident truth. In the ancient world, though, nobody thought that everybody mattered. What changed? Perhaps it has something to do with the radical vision of neighbor love that Jesus unleashed on the world.

  • A Vision for Justice


    Despite what is portrayed on TV and in the news, disagreements and debates around justice are rarely fights between the ‘good’ people and the ‘bad’ people. In reality, our divisions usually boil down to a difference between the underlying values informing competing visions of justice. The question is: What should followers of Jesus value most when it comes to justice?

  • A Theology of Justice


    The concept of justice is not something we invented during the course of human history, but rather something we have discovered along the way. We care about justice because we have been created by a God who cares about it. For the Church, justice is best defined and understood by gazing at God’s heart for His world.

  • Strategy


    The certainty of purpose, clarity of vision, and conviction of mission are nothing but lofty, abstract ideas unless you ground them in a strategy. The question here is: What practical steps, what systems, what daily habits do I need to employ to ensure that I don’t miss my destiny?

  • Mission


    In life, it doesn’t take us long to figure out that we can’t have it all. We all have limits--time, energy, resources, relationships, and opportunity--which means you must answer an important question: What do you want to accomplish with your life? Everything else is secondary.

  • Vision


    Do you know where you’re going? Not where you’re going for lunch or vacation, but where your life is going. Without a vision, there is no telling where you may end up or who you may become. After all, the best way to evaluate the decisions you make today is by where they take you tomorrow.

  • Purpose


    Good questions have the power to shape or alter the trajectory of your life. There may not be a more important question to ask than “Why am I here?” Your answer defines your purpose for existence, the reason for which you were created.

  • Discover the Wonder


    Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” As you have gotten older, have you lost some of the wonder of Christmas? We’d like to invite you to “Discover the Wonder” of the season and begin to see Christmas again through the eyes of a child.

  • World


    Since Journey began, we’ve always looked to partner with a few organizations around the world that share our heart for reaching the lost. As the sun sets on another year of ministry, join us as we celebrate our partners and the ways they are having a gospel impact by making Jesus famous among the nations.

  • Nation


    As a local body of believers, we are in a unique position to have a national impact for the Kingdom of God. With such an opportunity comes incredible responsibility--to work hard and not become complacent, to model the changes we wish to see, and to share what we learn with others. We believe God wants to use our influence to bless countless churches all around the country through a movement of eternal significance.

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