Journey Church :: Raleigh, Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 11:56:11
  • Mas informaciones



Journey Church is located in Raleigh, NC and exists to make Jesus famous in our city, nation and world.


  • Affluence and Influence


    When it comes to money, no one needs to convince us that having some is important to our lives and well-being. But when it comes to how much is “enough,” and what it means to use it to maximize well-being, there are a lot of conflicting opinions. What we need most is a clarifying voice with an eternal perspective, and that’s exactly what James is here to provide.

  • Patience


    In the modern world, patience is a virtue in short supply. Sure, busyness, hurry, and desire for instant gratification don’t help, but the deeper issue is our need to be in control. As long as we try to control our lives, we will never become the type of people who can wait for God’s direction.

  • The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly


    In the course of everyday life, and over the course of our entire lives, we are going to have a lot of experiences, both good and bad. Hardship and blessing, opportunity and obstacle–these are the two sides of the coin of life. Both matter because both are opportunities to move in God’s direction. And the best way to do that is to pray.

  • The Battle Within


    Relationships are essential to our lives, which means that even in the best of circumstances relational conflict is inevitable. The problem is not how complicated our issues can become, but how simple the explanation and solutions really are...because simple and easy are not synonymous.

  • Do You Have the Time?


    When it comes to time, we all have some pretty important metrics in common: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. But that doesn’t mean we all spend it the same way. One thing makes all the difference between those who maximize their limited time and those who waste it. Do you know what it is?

  • Trials


    Trials are inevitable obstacles we all face, and which we all wish we could avoid. But trials are also a kind of examination. They unveil our present character, and they create the context for our formation in Christ. So, says James, when trials come, count it all joy.

  • Real Faith


    Faith is a word we use often as followers of Jesus. The problem, though, is that its meaning varies for each of us. Instead of coming up with our own definitions, let’s allow God, the Giver and Rewarder of faith, to reveal to us what He desires and requires for faithful followers.

  • The Power of the Tongue


    The power of life and death is in the tongue. But you already knew that. We’ve all given and received a bit of both in our relationships with others. The goal for followers of Jesus is not to simply get better at controlling this powerful tool, but to become the type of person whose manner of speech is, by nature, life giving.

  • Temptation


    Sooner or later, we all find ourselves at a crossroads between the difficult right thing and the desirable wrong thing. What you do when you get to this proverbial intersection has a lot to do with the type of person you were becoming before you got there.

  • Wisdom


    Let’s face it, we’ve all made decisions that we later came to regret–a job, a post on social media, or perhaps a relationship. It’s not like we set out to embarrass ourselves, hurt someone, or wreck our reputation, but somehow it happened anyway.  That’s why we all need wisdom. The good news is that’s precisely the kind of gift God loves to give His children.

  • Opening Up


    We may not have chosen to go through this moment of global pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been left with choices. Years from now, when this season of our lives is nothing more than a memory, what kind of story will we tell?

  • The Messy Reality of Family Life


    Like any organic movement, the early Church experienced its share of issues and growing pains. Their solutions illustrate for us how today’s Church is designed to work in any context.

  • The New Normal


    When bringing a vision to life, success depends on our ability to conform reality to guiding values and principles. The amazing thing about the book of Acts is the glimpse we see of what the very first followers of Jesus thought He wanted the Church to look like: a family.

  • Stay Home


    The first Christians faced a seemingly impossible task. Jesus charged them to take the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth. But before He said ‘go’, Jesus told the disciples to stay home. They needed something, or rather someone, before they could begin their mission.

  • Esther


    Today, we'll look at the story of Esther, and learn that our lives are just a small part of the story God is writing. The good news is that we all have an equally important part to play in His story.

  • Hannah


    Have you ever wanted something so bad you would do just about anything to get it? Or, do you know what it feels like when dreams don’t come true? It may seem counterintuitive, but peace and pain can coexist within us at the same time. Just ask Hannah.

  • Sarah


    In our culture of instant gratification it seems like waiting is a bad word. But actually, waiting is one of the indispensable skills all followers of Jesus must develop. We know that God has made a number of incredible promises to us, but when and how He will keep His promises is often much harder to discern.

  • Jesus is Coming Again


    Studying prophecy helps us stay focused and effective on the mission that God has given to us while we await the return of King Jesus. When He comes back, will Jesus find you prepared and excited or asleep on the job?

  • The Week That Changed Everything


    Life is full of mundane events and unremarkable days. Sometimes, though, life provides us with occasions that alter the trajectory of our lives forever. For Christians, the moment that changed everything happened 2,000 years ago when a few women discovered that the tomb of Jesus was empty.

  • Preparation in the Valley


    Life is a series of ups and downs. God is constantly preparing you for what He wants to do through you. But the unsettling truth is that God often does His best work on you in the valleys of life, not on the mountaintops.

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