Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose



Surviving in the blogging and entrepreneur world is not an easy task. Jenny teaches you how to build a stronger business so that you can turn your part time hustle into your full time profession. She creates a focused vision for your business by teaching tested strategies for growth and development.


  • Must Have Systems for Small Businesses with Racheal Cook

    24/06/2024 Duración: 33min

    Discover essential systems for small businesses that are needed in order to improve your overall business.Racheal Cook is the founder of the CEO Collective and host of “Promote Yourself to CEO” podcast. She has been working with small business owners her entire career. She started her consulting business in 2008/2009 when she was burnt out from the traditional consulting career. Read more HERE

  • Unlock Creating a Customer Journey Map for a Successful Funnel

    17/06/2024 Duración: 12min

    Learn how to craft a strategic customer journey map that maximizes engagement, conversions, and customer satisfaction for your business.What is a Customer Journey Map?A customer journey map is a way to record, plot and analyze the interactions that you have with a potential customer in order to create a successful sales funnel.We talked about the stages of a customer journey as Know (awareness), Like (consideration), Trust (decision/customer) and Loyalty.In order to get to these stages, we need to know the end game or product or service that we are trying to sell and work backwards.Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off!

  • How to Improve Your Mindset as a Small Business Owner with Brooke Elliott

    10/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover effective strategies to enhance your mindset and drive success as a small business owner.Brooke Elliott is a “Champion for Change” in her coaching and consulting business. She lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina, and is a wife and mother. Two years ago, she started her business, Be Complete, and is a keynote speaker, coach, talent developer, and culture consultant. She is dedicated to empowering leaders and organizations to become catalysts for change.    What is an entrepreneurial mindset? How would you define it?Your entrepreneurial mindset is your ability to succeed in the entrepreneurial world. There are several aspects to this, including personality traits, skill sets, attributes, and attitudes. Read more HERE

  • Mapping What is a Customer Journey

    03/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Discover the intricate path an audience takes to becoming a customer by understanding the customer journey.What is a Customer Journey?A customer journey is the interactions that your audience has with your business.It begins with the awareness of your brand through the interactions of the content that you create and ends with purchase loyalty where they recommend your product or service to others.Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off!

  • What is Attraction Marketing & How to Effectively Use It

    20/05/2024 Duración: 14min

    Learn effective techniques of attraction marketing to captivate your audience and build lasting connections that drive results.What is attraction marketing?Attraction marketing is simply content that you are putting out that is meant to bring in your ideal audience.You are more answering the why of the problems that your audience have because you have the solution on how to fix that problem.Read more HERE.Join Insiders for 40% off!

  • The Future of Digital Copywriting Using AI & Emotional Intelligence

    13/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    Explore the cutting-edge synergy of AI and emotional intelligence in digital copywriting, shaping the future of communication.Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off.

  • How to Find Your Target Audience

    06/05/2024 Duración: 12min

    Unlock the secrets to pinpointing how to find your target audience with precision.A target audience is the perfect person for you.The perfect type of people that are going to get knowledge from your content because of the problems that you are aiming to solve for your audience.When we're looking at that target audience, you want to be able to put some specifics into it as far as what age, what are their profession, what are the problems that they're running into.Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off.

  • How to Use a Blog as a Creative with Tonya Lawson

    29/04/2024 Duración: 23min

    Discover the art of how to use your blog as a creative in order to increase your visibility and build your business.A blog is the best way to get your website found on Google. As creatives, we are all on social media but organic traffic is the “holy grail.”Read more HERE.Join Insiders for 40% off.

  • Why Is Blogging Important? 13 Reasons Why It Is Essential for Your Business

    22/04/2024 Duración: 16min

    Unlock the power of blogging for your business! Discover 13 compelling reasons why blogging is a must-have strategy for success in today's digital landscape.We all know that there are a ton of ways that people can find out about your businesses.They can Google it, they can go to YouTube, they can go to all the different social media platforms, or they can listen to a podcast.There are lots of different ways in which people can consume information about your business, but we're going to talk specifically about the 13 way reasons that you want to make sure that you have a blog that is a business.Join Insiders at 40% off!Read more HERE.

  • Achieving Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs with Meg Robertson

    15/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover essential strategies for entrepreneurs to strike the perfect balance between work and life.Read more HEREJoin Insiders at 40% off!

  • Is Blogging Dead?

    08/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    Discover the truth about the fate of blogging in today's digital era. Explore strategies to revive and thrive in the evolving landscape of online content creation.Blogging from 2010 is absolutely dead.You cannot put content out there and just expect that people will come. It is not that simple.So to answer the question, is blogging dead for 2024, which we are in right now? Absolutely not. How do you think you found this?Some of you may be listening on your podcast app, while others may be reading the blog post that goes along with this and if you google the question "Is blogging dead?" the answers that you are getting are because they're coming from blogs.Join Insiders at 40% off!Read more HERE!

  • How to Recognize Limiting Money Beliefs & Overcome Them with Julie Foucht

    01/04/2024 Duración: 24min

    Discover practical strategies to identify and overcome limiting money beliefs. Empower yourself to unlock financial success and achieve your goals with confidence.Grab Insiders at 40% off!Read more HERE

  • Content Sprint: One Month of Content in 5 Days

    25/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    In order to increase productivity and consistently create content, a content sprint will create one month of content in just five days.What is a Content Sprint?The idea behind a content sprint is that you are able to knock out content not only for your blog, but your social. and your email in which it is done in just five days so that you can have everything ready to go. Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off

  • Techniques that Build Authority to Position You as the Industry Leader

    18/03/2024 Duración: 33min

     Building authority in your industry helps create the “know, like, and trust” factor that sells your product or service. In this episode, we talk about the best techniques to position you as a leader in your industry and the importance of doing so.Renée Warren is an award-winning entrepreneur, angel investor, speaker, author, andfounder of We Wild Women, an agency that helps women-led businesses build confidence andposition themselves as the authority in their industry by way of public relations, and gain industry recognition by landing the media exposure they deserve. She has been in the industry for 12 years and knows that you have to be adaptive since it is changing. She thrives in writing killer pitches and pitch angles and creating procedures and processes. She’s also the host of the celebrated podcast, Into the Wild, a show in the top 1.5% that features curated interviews with women entrepreneurs and provides actionable advice to women growing their dream businesses. Read more HERE

  • Email Batching as a Task Batching Technique

    11/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    Uncover the secrets of email batching as a powerful task management technique that will allow you to schedule your emails a month in advance.We've talked about the importance of email marketing in the past.You understand a welcome sequences and how to have a sales sequence as well as the importance of consistently emailing your people.You cannot simply email them once a month. It's not enough. They're not going to know who you are.Too many other people are emailing them more often and if you're only getting in there inbox once a month, they're going to open your email and have no idea who you are.Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off

  • Boundaries in Business: How to Protect Your Time & Energy While Growing Your Business

    04/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    Setting boundaries in your business is important to protect your energy and still allow you to grow. This episode teaches the importance of time batching, delegation, taking care of yourself, and avoiding boundary mistakes in business.Selina Johnson is the founder of Selina & Co. She specializes in helping CEOs reclaim their time and energy by building an efficient team that doesn’t rely on the business owner 24/7. She focuses on operations, time management, hiring, and delegating. She feels it is important to live an enriched life with more joy and fun without the headache. Read more HERE.

  • Batching Content for Social Media

    26/02/2024 Duración: 12min

    Transform your blogging routine by batching content in order to streamline your workflow, and enhance productivity to become a more efficient and successful blogger.What is Content Batching?Content batching is when you are looking to be able to put content that is somewhat similar into a the same categories and be able to build upon it so that people start to see you as an expert within that category or within that specific problem that your audience may have.Content batching often incorporates task batching because you are going to be using time batching in order to do it more efficiently and effectively.Read more HEREJoin Insiders at 40% off!

  • Mastering the Social Media Marketing Funnel

    19/02/2024 Duración: 21min

    Mastering the social media marketing funnel is important to help you grow your business and doesn’t have to be just throwing spaghetti against the wall. In this episode, Jenny and Lynsey teach how to master your social media marketing.Lynsey Mahoskey is a social media coach and marketing agency owner at Her Hive Social. She offers coaching, management, branding, and other services to content creators.She started as a mommy blogger in 2013 to help other moms in similar situations and then moved into influencing, network marketing, and currently into coaching.Lynsey has a podcast called Confident Content Creators and a Facebook community with the same name.Read more HERE.Join Insiders for 40% off!

  • How to Batch Content Like a Pro as a Blogger

    12/02/2024 Duración: 12min

    Master the art of how to batch content for efficient and effective blogging success by uncovering time-saving strategies.Benefits of Batching ContentCreates an SEO StrategyYou have heard me multiple times on the podcast talk about how you want to create a spider web of content.By creating that spider web of content for your readers to come to and to then click to get more information about another post and another post and another post, It increases their time on your site.It also gives you interlinking to your content, which is then creating that SEO strategy where you are showing them you have the complete answer.You are that expert that is going to be able to help them through whatever problem that they have.Read More HERE.Join INSIDERS at 40% off!

  • How to Sell Digital Products Online

    05/02/2024 Duración: 17min

    Unlock the secrets of successful online selling with how to sell digital products using email in order to build a thriving business.Digital products can be a consistent and significant part of your income as an influencer. In this episode, Becky Beach teaches us how to sell digital products online with email.Becky Beach is the owner of, a blog for moms to help them make and save money. She also talks about parenting topics and has a printable store. She sells courses, financial spreadsheets, and other things that add about $15,000 of income per month. She uses her blog to drive traffic to her printable store.Read more HERE.Join Insiders at 40% off!

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