Homeschool Inspired



It's about finding joy in the journey. Homeschooling isn't just about educating our children, it's about discovering the beauty in all the everyday stuff.


  • It's been a long time... but I'm back

    08/11/2013 Duración: 36min

    Ok... Let's try this again.  Take 4!  It's been a long time, but I'm determined to reconnect!!    

  • Overcoming Fear to Homeschool

    08/02/2013 Duración: 55min

    This week Leah interviews fellow homeschooling mom, Jacqueline Howe.  With so much upheaval in our school systems, there is a growing sentiment that homeschooling is the way to go, not only to protect our children but to truly educate them.  We discuss why and how to get started, and then how to stay motivated along the way.  If you or someone you know is considering homeschooling, this week's episode will definitely prove to be a resource.

  • Getting Into the Groove...Again

    01/02/2013 Duración: 29min

    After a long hiatis, it's time to get back into the groove again.  In this show Leah talks about the importance of community and having good friends in the journey.  She discusses her Classical Conversations co-op and how she got involved with this growing community.  She also reveals her favorite resource for inspiration... it may surprise you.

  • The thing about depression is...It's depressing.

    21/12/2012 Duración: 40min

    Homeschooling can feel very isolating for many reasons... maybe we feel judged by friends and family for pulling our children out of school, or we feel stuck in our homes day in and day out.  Besides the normal feelings of isolation, many homeschooling parents battle with depression.  Leah Ramirez shares her own struggle with depression, and three practical tips for overcoming the cycle.  

  • Preparing for the End of the World

    30/11/2012 Duración: 36min

    I'm not a doomsday prepper, although the nightly news gives me pause to reconsider what to do with that extra closet space!  I'm not inclined to watch the sci-fi channel generally speaking, or watching the latest internet thread on conspiracy theories... but the truth is we are living in tumultuous times.  This week my 7 year old has been obsessed with tsunamis, asteroids and the reality of getting old.  Homeschooling is more than arithmetic fundamentals and social study lessons, it's preparing our children for the real challenges that will come their way.  How do you instill peace when the days ahead are filled with certain uncertainty?  Let's talk it through...  Here's the title of the documentary I mentioned on Netflix: Kingdom of David:  Saga of the Israelites  Also, here's the link to our ministry website if you are interested in the theology classes I mentioned: