Cities And Memory

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 44:21:38
  • Mas informaciones



Cities and Memory is a global field recording & sound art work that presents both the present reality of a place, but also its imagined, alternative counterpart remixing the world, one sound at at time.Every faithful field recording document is accompanied by a reworking, a processing or an interpretation that imagines that place and time as somewhere else, somewhere new. The listener can choose to explore locations through their actual sounds, or explore interpretations of what those places could be or to flip between the two different sound worlds at leisure.There are currently almost 2,000 sounds featured on the sound map, spread over more than 70 countries. The sounds cover parts of the world as diverse as the hubbub of San Franciscos main station, traditional fishing womens songs in Lake Turkana, the sound of computer data centres in Birmingham, spiritual temple chanting in New Taipei City or the hum of the vaporetto engines in Venice.The sonic reimaginings or reinterpretations can take any form, and include musical versions, slabs of ambient music, rhythm-driven electronica tracks, vocal cut-ups, abstract noise pieces, subtle EQing and effects, layering of different location sounds and much more.The project is completely open to submissions from field recordists, sound artists, musicians or anyone with an interest in exploring sound worldwide more than 400 contributors have got involved so far.


  • Rispetto per la montagna

    25/08/2024 Duración: 05min

    While most mountain excursions pass off without a hitch, every year there are accidents in every mountain range, and the Dolomites is no exception. This composition was spurred by hearing that someone had unfortunately fallen to their death on the same mountain we had been hiking on just the previous day.  The composition begins and ends brightly, representing a typical day on the mountain, but the central section is overlaid with news reports of recent incidents in the mountains beneath a bed of strings, serving as a reminder to anyone visiting the mountains to exercise extreme caution and remember that accidents can happen, tragically, to even the most experienced climbers and hikers. Respect the mountain.  Mountain stream at Monte Civetta reimagined by Cities and Memory. 

  • Mountain stream, Monte Civetta

    25/08/2024 Duración: 02min

    A mountain stream close to Torre Trieste, part of the Monte Civetta group in the Dolomites, Italy. Recorded on a long hike around the complete circuit of Monte Civetta, at 8.30am in the still-fresh morning air at the beginning of a hot August day.  Mountain soundscapes are surprisingly silent, with occasional bird or animal calls and a slight wind the other main sounds to be heard other than the gentle trickling of water down the mountainside. Recorded by Cities and Memory. 

  • Justice on the streets of Pailoucun, 1987

    18/08/2024 Duración: 06min

    "Rain at night in big cities hits differently. Against the backdrop of neon lights, throbbing traffic and pulsating crowds of people, the steady beat of rain adds a deep cinematic quality to a city.  "This sound of night rain in Beijing has been reimagined with the soundtrack of a 1980s thriller/mystery in mind, as perhaps an intrepid detective pulls his collar up to face the rain and head out onto the streets in his dogged pursuit of justice. The piece is intended to be reminiscent of underscoring, perhaps in an early scene-setting fragment of this hard-boiled (imaginary) movie." Night rain in Beijing reimagined by Cities and Memory. 

  • Night rain, Pailoucun, Beijing

    18/08/2024 Duración: 02min

    It's raining on the summer night of 24 July, 2024. Raindrops falling on the ground present the real natural sound of a summer night. Recorded by Denver Wang. 

  • Upon the slowest night

    13/08/2024 Duración: 06min

    The sounds of an open fire cooking food are very gradually transformed into a sweeping ambient soundscape in this composition, representing the slow speed at which a few scraps of kindling and some logs becomes a open camp fire. The slow transformation of matter into flames and ash.  Every sound in the composition apart from the guitars is derived from the original field recording, as convolution reverbs, delays and resonators are gradually applied to the sound, causing it to evolve into an ambient sweep. The title comes from Emily Dickinson's poem: You cannot put a Fire out— A Thing that can ignite Can go, itself, without a Fan— Upon the slowest Night— You cannot fold a Flood— And put it in a Drawer— Because the Winds would find it out— And tell your Cedar Floor— Open fire cooking reimagined by Cities and Memory. 

  • Cooking on an open fire

    13/08/2024 Duración: 03min

    Cooking potatoes wrapped in foil, and sausage in a pan on an open wood fire while camping in the Brecon Beacons national park in Wales. In this recording you can clearly hear the fire flickering and licking the wood while the food cooks.  Recorded by Cities and Memory, summer 2024.

  • We walk in the sun in hundreds

    26/07/2024 Duración: 05min

    Early morning English village ambience takes inspiration from Tomas Transtromer's wonderful poem "The Half-Finished Heaven", as we attempt to translate these words into a reimagination of the source sound that evokes some of the simple joy and complex melancholy of a bright summer morning: Despondency breaks off its course. Anguish breaks off its course. The vulture breaks off its flight. The eager light streams out, even the ghosts take a draught. And our paintings see daylight, our red beasts of the ice-age studios. Everything begins to look around. We walk in the sun in hundreds. Each man is a half-open door leading to a room for everyone. The endless ground under us. The water is shining among the trees. The lake is a window into the earth.

  • Early morning birdsong at a stream

    26/07/2024 Duración: 05min

    An early morning recording next to a quiet stream in Gittisham village, England.  Birds are singing all around us as the stream rushes past, glistening in the June sunlight.  Recorded by Cities and Memory. 

  • Solympics

    26/07/2024 Duración: 04min

    "I wanted to compose something as a clarion call for cities across the world in an Olympic year, so this was perfect. Using the sound of the traditional Chinese instrument which was then stretched and chopped up into a 'siren' sound, which was then turned into a loop on which the whole track was based. "The sound was then stretched and modified using granular synth plugins to act as a basis for the main melody sounds. This inspired a woozy analogue-style piece with added guitars and slightly trip-hop beats." Chinese violin in Boston reimagined by Graeme Worsfold.

  • Chinese violin vs. leafblower, Boston

    26/07/2024 Duración: 03min

    A busker plays an amplified Chinese traditional stringed instrument in the Boston public park for passers-by, competing with the industrial drones of leaf-blowing machinery, but cutting through very clearly as we pass closer and closer by him.  Recorded by Cities and Memory. 

  • Foam and flow

    22/07/2024 Duración: 05min

    "When I first considered the themes relevant to the Migration Sounds project I instantly thought of the oceans. Living in the UK, an Island surrounded by water, we often hear of people attempting to cross the channel to find safety, with frequent news reports of drownings due to unsafe, overcrowded boats. All too often, these people are dehumanised by simply being referred to as 'migrants', as if lesser individuals. "Living in Edinburgh, we are next to the sea where the mist, or ‘haar’, often roles in over the water and only the silhouettes of people can be seen walking on the beach or swimming in the waves.  "When I first heard the lapping water sounds of the sample, I found myself visualising people through the haar getting into boats ready to make the treacherous crossing to a better life, knowing that some may be taken by the sea and not survive. I wanted my piece to reflect this scene and so in ‘Foam and Flow’ I try to paint that picture. It was also important for the sample to continue through the who

  • Portland

    22/07/2024 Duración: 03min

    "My piece "Portland" is my emotional response to the field recording of anti-Trump protestors following an election in Portland, Oregon. "Say it loud, say it clear" they chant about welcoming immigrants to the USA.  "In the second part of my piece I incorporate the chant, manipulating it to time with the music as if they were performed together. My aim was to give an emotional companion to the chanting that mirrored my own response."  Portland protest reimagined by Kid Kin. Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration.  For more information and to explore the project, see

  • Flower devotion

    22/07/2024 Duración: 03min

    "When I first heard the field recording before even reading the description it really took me back to conversations in the temple (Cambodian and Vietnamese where I am from). The chatters between elders and sense of calm flew over me. When I read what the field recording was about that is when I knew this was right up my alley. A lot of my music has field recordings of moments in time that mean a lot to me, which is why I chose this particular sounds to work with.  "I knew I wanted to add in some zither samples to ensure that it flowed with the story, I then added some ambient sounds and foley to complete the track. I wanted it to be calm, mediative but also impactful, as someone who is constantly rediscovering my roots, it’s important to share music that not only upholds tradition, but also brings the future children/people into the sounds so that we can grow with tradition and not go backwards."   Xiamen temple reimagined by Maggie Tra. Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of

  • A space for Joseph

    22/07/2024 Duración: 05min

    "Joseph describes himself as a painter by profession - this piece attempts to paint musical scenery around the edges of Joseph's story, recounting his own journey of migration, and wanting to place him very much at the centre, and highlight rather than draw attention away from his words. The tone of the accompanying music is a simple reflection of some of the emotions his story generated in me when listening to it. A field recording taken elsewhere in the Mediterranean flows underneath much of the piece as a reference to the journey. "The piece is dedicated to Joseph, about whom I have thought very frequently since hearing his story for the first time. Above all I hope he's doing well, and I hope in some small way this piece helps others to think not just about his story, but also the mostly untold stories of many hundreds of thousands like him, who are making journeys "between life and death" that most of us cannot even comprehend every single day."  Joseph's story reimagined by Cities and Memory. Part of

  • UK/FR border crossing

    22/07/2024 Duración: 05min

    This recording was anonymously submitted from a recent migrant to the UK, who has a partner with a job in the UK but still works in the Netherlands themselves. Here, he is passing the border and going through the passportcontrol to get to and from work. It's illegal to record at the border crossing, but this restriction makes you wonder why - why can't the public record or document what is happening in this space? What would we expose? Going back and forth between UK and EU for work involves a lot of traveling and a lot of passport controls. The recording at Calais was taken in the middle of the night, after having been ordered off the night bus by rude bus drivers who work for Flixbus.The recording was made by someone who avoids short-haul flights for ecological reasons. But all in all it is tiring, and expensive.  Recorded by Anonymous. Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration.  For more information and to explore the project, see https://www.c

  • Double migrations, part two

    22/07/2024 Duración: 02min

    In 1196 AD, the Minnan people established the Quanzhou A-Ma Temple, dedicated to A-Ma, the goddess of the sea. The spread of A-Ma's belief led to the establishment of A-Ma Temples in Xiamen and later in Qingdao in 1467 AD, as maritime trade flourished from south China to the North. After relocating to Xiamen for work, I visited the Xiamen A-Ma Temple one afternoon. In this recording, administrators chat loudly in Minnanese on a quiet afternoon with few visitors. Amidst the chatter, faint sounds of lighters represent devotees offering incense to A-Ma. Their quiet devotion contrasts with the private prayers of believers in Quanzhou. The historical journey of A-Ma's beliefs parallels the migrations of the Minnan people, shaping the coastal regions' cultural landscape in China. As I reflect on my journey, I find solace and connection in the enduring traditions observed at these revered temples. Recorded by Jiyuan Sun. Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human mi

  • Double migrations, part one

    22/07/2024 Duración: 58s

    In 1196 AD, the Minnan people established the Quanzhou A-Ma Temple, dedicated to A-Ma, the goddess of the sea. The spread of A-Ma's belief led to the establishment of A-Ma Temples in Xiamen and later in Qingdao in 1467 AD, as maritime trade flourished from south China to the North. Growing up in Qingdao, I never visited its A-Ma Temple until I became a sailor and felt moved by the devotion to A-Ma. During my 2022 visit to Quanzhou. Although scenes of faith have vanished in Qingdao's A-Ma Temple, this recording captures the resonance of local music, now echoing within the temple walls as part of a folklore museum and documents visitors to the A-Ma Temple, unfamiliar with A-Ma's beliefs, seeking information from their companions. The historical journey of A-Ma's beliefs parallels the migrations of the Minnan people, shaping the coastal regions' cultural landscape in China. As I reflect on my journey, I find solace and connection in the enduring traditions observed at these revered temples. Recorded by Jiyuan

  • An elegy for birds in paradise

    22/07/2024 Duración: 02min

    In this audio recording, you can hear the gentle sound of small waves crashing onto the shore, accompanied by the sweet melody of birds singing and the distant chime of a train bell signalling its upcoming stop. The recording captures the beginning of spring as the sun rises, bringing in a new day.  After relocating to this city a little over a year ago, I was inspired to learn more about the indigenous birds in the area as a way to establish a deeper connection with the land. Delving into the avian population of this region has been an eye-opening experience, as I've learned of a rich and diverse array of species, each with their unique characteristics and songs. Ever since I've learned to recognize and differentiate the birds and their unique songs, I have found myself experiencing a profound sense of wonder and connection with the natural world around me. It's as though a whole new layer of beauty has been added to my surroundings, and I feel a deeper gratitude and intimacy.  Recorded in Hamilton, Canad

  • Say it loud, say it clear

    22/07/2024 Duración: 26s

    November 2017, Portland, OR - anti-Trump chants following the election in Portland, with this particular chant about welcoming immigrants to the USA - "say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here!"  Recorded Benjamin Glas-Hochstettler. Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration.  For more information and to explore the project, see

  • Joseph's story

    22/07/2024 Duración: 13min

    This is testimony from Joseph, an asylum seeker from Nigeria, onboard the charity rescue ship the Ocean Viking. Joseph along with over a hundred other people was rescued from an unseweaworthy rubber boat headed for Europe from Libya. Several days later, he sat down to record his story, leaving from Nigeria, across the desert to Libya and onto that rubber boat headed North.  He describes suffering extortion, robbery, detention, forced labour and other abuses in Libya. His story is very indicative of the treatment African migrants experience in Libya. He is now in the Italian asylum system. The audio has been lightly edited to remove identifying details.  Recorded by Frey Lindsay. Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration.  For more information and to explore the project, see

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