For God's Sake



The Podcast For Christian Millennials.


  • 18-44 Christmas Conundrum (Part 2) - O Christmas Tree, Are You Pagan?

    25/12/2018 Duración: 19min

    Last week we explore the origins of the Christmas holiday, but what about the popular Christmas tradition of putting up a Christmas Tree? Even if we could celebrate Christmas, should we skip Christmas Trees and Gift giving?

  • 18-43 Christmas Conundrum (Part 1) - Is Celebrating Christmas Forbidden?

    18/12/2018 Duración: 19min

    There are many groups which oppose the celebration of Christmas. One of the most common arguments is that the celebration is pagan and the Bible does not direct us to celebrate it. Is this true? Is the celebration of Christmas contrary to scripture?

  • 18-42 Santa Contradiction

    10/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    There are many Christians who flock to malls so their children can visit Santa, encourage their children to write letters to Santa asking for toys, and insist on perpetuating the idea that Santa is real in their households. All of this seems pretty innocent, but could it be a contradiction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

  • 18-41 #FBF One Single Thing: Where Are All The Single Men In Church?

    03/12/2018 Duración: 18min

    If you look around your church, you problem see two main groups: married couples and single women. Where are all the Christian single men? and why are we "shushed" when we ask? In this episode I vented a little about being a Christian single female in a church with very few Christian single men.

  • 18-40 #FBF Interview With Rod Reedy, Founder of The Financial Destination

    26/11/2018 Duración: 29min

    Earlier this year I spoke to Rod Reedy, Founder of The Financial Destination about finances, tithing, and tax deductions. Rod first started a blog called The Christian Principle which provided Biblically-based financial device. Now, with The Financial Destination, Rod is looking to expand his influence to include one-on-one consulting and financial recovery. 

  • 18-39 #FBF Universalism: Can't Everyone Eventually Go To Heaven?

    19/11/2018 Duración: 20min

    Universalism is becoming more and more popular. You may have seen Universalist churches in your area and wondered : What does this church believe? Are these beliefs biblical? In this episode, I discussed the history and beliefs of Christian Universalism.

  • 18-38 #FBF "Confessions" | Understanding The Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis

    12/11/2018 Duración: 20min

    It's seems that lately Catholic Church is synonymous with abuse, pain, and disappointment. What is behind what seems to be an epidemic of sex abuse cases we've been hearing about? Is it an epidemic at all? and more importantly, why should a non-Catholic Christian care?

  • 18-37 Interview With The Founders Of @KissDatingHello

    05/11/2018 Duración: 30min

    This week's interview is with @KissDatingHello! The KDH Squad (or the Kiss Dating Hello Team) started out as a challenge among three marriage-minded friends and grew into a support ministry for Christian singles who feel stagnant in achieving their God given desire for marriage.  The challenge is loosely based off of the book, "How to Get a Date Worth Keeping" by Henry cloud and consists of the mindset shift that the goal of dating is NOT to find a spouse. Participants are expected to intentionally go out and meet 5 new men (or women) a week for a period of three months.  The purpose is to learn about one's own relationship blocks and likes/dislikes in the opposite sex. By faithfully doing this challenge, the participant will encounter breakthrough and experiences that will launch them into a new mindset, and cause self awareness and confidence that can lead them to meeting their mate.  The challenge has been adapted to accommodate the modern, independent, Christian woman but is useful to all marriage minded

  • 18-36 Why I'm No Longer Participating In Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

    29/10/2018 Duración: 14min

    I've been participating in Operation Christmas Child (OCC) since I was kid and continued participating as a adult. When I considered organization a OCC drive amongst my friends, I gave across information about the program that made me question my involvement. In this episode I explain why I will no longer be sending Christmas shoeboxes to children with Operation Christmas Child. 

  • 18-35 "The Harm In Harmony" (Wicca)

    22/10/2018 Duración: 20min

    Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States with many variations and combinations of practice. When people hear "Wicca" they think witchcraft, satan, and evil. Then, they may simply run away! But how can Christians approach people within this religion? This week we talk about the history, beliefs, and Biblical approach to the religion of Wicca. 

  • 18-34 "Who Pays The Price?" (Voodoo/Hoodoo)

    15/10/2018 Duración: 18min

    In 1804, the slaves on the island of Haiti executed a successful slave revolt, creating the second independent American country (after the U.S. in the 1700s). Legend has it, that the success of this revolt is due to power granted by the spirits of Voodoo. Voodoo, a religion from Northwestern Africa, is practiced around the world especially in Haiti and New Orleans. Had this religion been completely misconstrued by Western Media? This week we'll talk about Voodoo, Hoodoo, and the legend of Zombies.

  • 18-33 "Sacrificial System" (Santeria)

    08/10/2018 Duración: 20min

    Santeria ("The Way Of The Saints") is an Afro-Cuban religion which is becoming more and more popular in the United States. Today, I talk about about the history of this cultural rich religion and the beliefs of Santeros and Santeras (adherents of Santeria).

  • 18-32 Interview With Hosts of Frontstabbers Podcast

    01/10/2018 Duración: 30min

    Ogeline, Nayanka, Shawn, and Elin are the hosts of “frontstabberspodcast,” a podcast that helps millennials understand that the struggles they are facing in life are not individually unique, but universally common. The goal of the podcast is to inspire, encourage, and empower millennials to live out their faith in Jesus-Christ by applying biblical principals in their daily life. In this episode, I interview the hosts about their personal journeys to christ, their views on feminism and social media, and their reflections on the challenges of Christian life.  Follow the Frontstabbers Podcast on Instagram at @frontstabberspodcast Listen to the Frontstabbers Podcast on Soundcloud at  

  • 18-31 #FBF One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other (Jehovah's Witnesses)

    24/09/2018 Duración: 36min

    How many of us have dreaded that knock on our door from two fervent Jehovah's Witnesses? Many of us are simply annoyed by their teachings and doctrines but feel the organization is otherwise harmless. However, a closer examination of this organization reveals that it may not be just another harmless church after all.   Documentary: Jehovah's Witnesses - History Of The Watchtower Organization - From (Watchtower Official Website) - 1914—A Significant Year in Bible Prophecy- 1968 Talk given by Charles Sinutko titled "Serving with Everlasting Life in View"  -  

  • 18-30 "Wait, There's Moor." (The Moorish Science Temple Of America & The Sovereign Citizen Movement)

    17/09/2018 Duración: 19min

    Have you seen those videos of people during traffic stops or in court who claim to be "exempt" from laws and/or taxes? Have you heard of people claiming to be "Moors", citizens or a sovereign nation within U.S. Borders? Today we talk about the Moorish Sovereign Citizen movement and its origins. 

  • 18-29 #FBF Should Christians Be Involved In Politics?

    10/09/2018 Duración: 19min

    There's not much that needs to said about the viciousness of politics these days. Where should Christians be in the battle for political dominance within our country?

  • 18-28 "Confessions" | Understanding The Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis

    03/09/2018 Duración: 20min

    It's seems that lately Catholic Church is synonymous with abuse, pain, and disappointment. What is behind what seems to be an epidemic of sex abuse cases we've been hearing about? Is it an epidemic at all? and more importantly, why should a non-Catholic Christian care?

  • 18-27 #FBF Let Me See You 1, 2, LevelUp

    27/08/2018 Duración: 16min

    In honor of the #LevelUp Challenge, here's a episode from earlier this year regarding an incident when Ciara encouraged women to "Level Up". She posted a sermon from Pastor John Gray about singleness and marriage and received considerable backlash. In this episode, I talk about the sermon, singleness, and everything in between. 

  • 18-26 Why God, Why?

    19/08/2018 Duración: 27min

    In this season, I question God a lot about His will and His plans. When I went on a retreat recently, I learned that I'm a lot like Jonah. In this episode, I share some of these similarities between me and him and maybe you and him.

  • 18-25 #FBF Modest Bae

    13/08/2018 Duración: 22min

    Why does God Care about our clothes?  In this episode, I discuss Biblical modesty, why it matters, and what I can mean to those around us. I also discuss some personal tips that I employ when dressing modestly. 

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