Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau



Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews ministry guests and influential ministry leaders from around the United States. Discussions will range from items of interest in that individual's ministry to current events and prophesy.This is a daily podcast


  • Ugly Mug Marketing - Wayne Mullins

    21/06/2024 Duración: 34min

    Ugly Mug Marketing Wayne Mullins If you are in business – especially if you have an online business – it is almost 100% guaranteed you need a website. In this day and time, a website is the “business card” of just about everyone. I remember back the late 1980’s when I had my own business… I knew I was professional looking because I had a great business card!  Amen!  I know I’m showing my age – but if you were doing business back then – you were right there with me!  Amen! If you were pitching a client or prospective client, almost to the person, they would ask, “Do you have a business card?”  You better have one… otherwise, you were considered untrustworthy…  Anyway – fast forward 40 years and here we are today!  If all you have is a business card, you are running way behind the crowd today…  If you are pitching your services to someone, what are they going to ask in today’s business climate?  “Do you have a website?”   If you say, “N

  • Leadership in Ministry - Don Pardum

    20/06/2024 Duración: 38min

    Leadership in Ministry Don PardumHaving been in leadership positions since the ripe old age of 21 when I was in the military… as an E-4 put in charge of a squad of five men… responsibility, leadership, motivation and accomplishment of the mission has been instilled in me for over 40 years.Having answered the call to ministry in 1995 and working for a major national music ministry, handling everything from scheduling, to travel to stage management and production, I soon learned the leadership training in ministry was not something taught in Bible School. I praise God that I had the background in leadership because it served me well in those first few years I was involved in large scale ministry operations.Because of my leadership background, I was quickly identified as a “leader” while at the police academy – and then rose fairly quickly into leadership positions on the department.Once I retired and entered full time ministry on my own – those skills help to keep me focused, on target, and managing

  • Reigning With Jesus- TS Wright

    19/06/2024 Duración: 35min

    Reigning with Jesus TS Wright Can there be any doubt that we are living in, what the Bible describes as, “The Last Days?” What is especially concerning to me is how the entire world is coming against Israel right now – when all they are doing is reacting to an unprovoked, barbaric attack on innocent civilians. The United Nations is even trying to impose their authority over Israel’s sovereignty!  Just over the last day or so, the UN has “demanded Israel stop all attacks on Rafa and withdraw from the area.”  Three nations came out and “demanded” a “two state solution” – in effect, telling Israel to “surrender” to Hamas. In addition, there is the radical leftists in Congress who also want Israel to surrender and give land to the terrorists… In case you haven’t read your Bible, this is the exact scenario depicted in the Book of the Revelation that will take place in the End Times. If there was ever any doubt that we are living in the last of the last days – what we see ha

  • Three Proofs of God – James Brown

    16/06/2024 Duración: 34min

    Three Proofs of God James Brown Have you ever tried to conduct your own Bible study about timelines in the Bible?  Especially trying to calculate the “Soon Return of Jesus?”  It’s difficult to do… and when you finish – or at least when I finish – my notes are so jumbled, I’m more confused than when I started… Amen! Well, today we are going to have a very special discussion on the soon return of Jesus! We are living in times where many are wondering just how close we are to this pivotal moment.  To help us dive into this topic, I am thrilled to introduce our special guest, James Brown, the esteemed author of "Three Proofs of God." His book provides detailed information on the prophetic timeline of the first coming of Jesus, the timeline of His life, and most intriguingly, the timeline of His soon return.  James has pinpointed exact dates that bring new insights into our understanding of these events. He’s conducted detailed research and I'm excited to get into today's i

  • Self-Publishing Made Easy – Michele DeFilippo

    15/06/2024 Duración: 30min

    Self-Publishing Made Easy Michele DeFilippoHow many of you have traversed the unfriendly seas of self-publishing a book?  I know I have. Being a published author is awesome!  It gives you authority, credibility, etc. It can also give you some extra income, and in some cases – great income! But it can also become a nightmare… Book publishing used to be simple, but not anymore. Authors browsing the internet are unaware that a publisher is unnecessary and that hiring one can significantly reduce their income from book sales. Too many authors become victims of unscrupulous companies that abuse their trust, and some of the worst offenders are "Christian" publishing companies that deliberately target people of faith.  Just remember the warning Jesus gave us, “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Amen! That is the reason for our interview today with a woman who is out to change that narrative and actually HELP authors – Christian authors – to navigate those dangerous seas and ar

  • The Fragrance of Jesus - Scott Wright

    07/06/2024 Duración: 19min

    The Fragrance of Jesus Scott WrightScott Wright is back today and last time he was on, we had a great discussion about the “Anointing of Jesus” – what was involved and the symbology, etc. There were a lot of interesting things brought out during that discussion… if you missed it, go back to the archives and dig it out. Amen.  Today, and we are going to be talking  about some very interesting things which we just “breezed over” during the last program – but are also a very important component of the worship of Jesus – and that is the aroma or “FRAGANCE” of Jesus. What are we talking about, “The Fragrance of Jesus?” Well, to find out, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, it’s good to have you again – I’ve been looking forward to the conversation today! The Bible discusses the aroma of the offerings and things like that… being a “sweet smell” to God.  Does all this relate to the “Altar of Incense?”  How is the aroma of offerings a worship of

  • To My Spouse I Write – Lloyd Portman

    06/06/2024 Duración: 37min

    To My Spouse I Write Lloyd Portman I’ve known our guest today for quite some time. He and I joke that we are “twins.” We were born on the same day, only in different time zones and opposite ends of the earth! Amen! Lloyd Portman is a Christian entrepreneur for “down under” in New Zealand. He is the founder of a magnificent website and coaching program called, “To My Spouse I Write.” It is designed to draw couples even closer together in ways that, well – only God can tell. Amen!  Lloyd is an excellent poet and writer – and I know you are going to get a lot out of this interview today… To share all about this great program, help me welcome to the program, my great friend, Lloyd Portman. Lloyd – Praise God, welcome to the show! First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Lloyd Portman?” I know that you were born again milking cows, is that right?  Did a cow kick you in the head and you heard God, or what? You also felt called to the ministry. Fo

  • Mind Kinetics Coaching Session with Betska K. Burr Pt 2

    04/06/2024 Duración: 31min

    Mind Kinetics Coaching Session Betska K. Burr Pt 2 This is part 2 of a great conversation with Betska K. Burr. Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from  Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics.  She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”  Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.” What is Mind Kenetics?  Well, to help us understand this, Pastor Bob believed if he participated in a coaching session, it would help you to understand more of Betska’s program which was discussed during the initial interview. This is an coaching session between Pastor Bob and Betska K. Burr.  This is referenced back to episodes 1484 and 1485 where Betska shared about “Mind Kinetics.” Folks, we all want to draw closer to God. We all want to know why sometimes our prayers seem not go any higher than the ceiling. Amen! I urge you drop down into the show notes and reach out to Betska and ch

  • Mind Kinetics Coaching Session with Betska K. Burr Pt 1

    03/06/2024 Duración: 36min

    Mind Kinetics Coaching Session Betska K. Burr Pt 1 Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from  Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics.  She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”  Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.” What is Mind Kenetics?  Well, to help us understand this, Pastor Bob believed if he participated in a coaching session, it would help you to understand more of Betska’s program which was discussed during the initial interview. This is an coaching session between Pastor Bob and Betska K. Burr.  This is referenced back to episodes 1484 and 1485 where Betska shared about “Mind Kinetics.” Folks, we all want to draw closer to God. We all want to know why sometimes our prayers seem not go any higher than the ceiling. Amen! I urge you drop down into the show notes and reach out to Betska and check out her chapter in the book, “Unleashing Potential: Strate

  • Sparky the Broken Mirror – Joe Schimmel

    30/05/2024 Duración: 27min

    Sparky the Broken Mirror Joe Schimmel Since 1987 Pastor Joe Schimmel has been equipping Christians with the truth of God’s word. His testimony of the transforming power of Jesus Christ in his own life can be seen in his powerful exposé, They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll. This presentation has been heard during live presentations at churches around the world in which he describes his own deliverance from the bondage and satanic influence of Rock Music at the age of 18. In addition to the video production, “They Sold Their Souls for Rock & Roll,” Good Fight Ministries has produced other film and television exposés, including “Marvel & DC’s War on God,” and “Hollywood’s War on God,” among others. Joe has been on our program a couple of times before and it is always a blessing to have him share this information with us. Today, we will be talking about something new!  A book written with sharing the Gospel in a simple way… so simple – even children can do it!  He has published a book titled, “Sparky t

  • Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault – May Alirad pt 2

    29/05/2024 Duración: 21min

    Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault May Alirad pt 2 As an immigrant from Laos with her family, May Alirad was hoping to live the American dream… but, at age 7 she experienced her “first” sexual assault.  I say “first” intentionally. Because it continued by several people, on and off, until she was 32 years of age. After 30 years of unintentionally living as a victim of multiple sexual assaults, May finally found freedom from guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, and condemnation. This happened when she was in a prayer group and everyone was praying for her. Amen. May went to work and actively put faith in her ability to heal and help others do the same. May is now sharing this proven, life-tested, (not time tested, but LIFE-TESTED), personally verifiable approach - with you. She is the author of a great book titled, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor.” This is part two and the conclusion of a very, very important interview on a very sensitive topic - please pay attention and share this int

  • Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault – May Alirad pt 1

    28/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault May Alirad pt 1 As an immigrant from Laos with her family, May Alirad was hoping to live the American dream… but, at age 7 she experienced her “first” sexual assault.  I say “first” intentionally. Because it continued by several people, on and off, until she was 32 years of age. After 30 years of unintentionally living as a victim of multiple sexual assaults, May finally found freedom from guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, and condemnation. This happened when she was in a prayer group and everyone was praying for her. Amen. May went to work and actively put faith in her ability to heal and help others do the same. May is now sharing this proven, life-tested, (not time tested, but LIFE-TESTED), personally verifiable approach - with you. She is the author of a great book titled, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor.” Help me welcome to the program, May Alirad.  May, it is such a blessing to have you come on the program and share your story – helping, I k

  • Sensory Friends – Christine Goulbourne

    27/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    Sensory Friends Christine Goulbourne Often, special needs families are unable to attend church services or participate in faith-based and community events due to challenging barriers like, access (ramps and space to accommodate their equipment, etc.), sensitivity and acceptance of intellectual differences and appearances, accommodations needed and more. This sadly leaves the disability community disconnected and isolated. It continues to isolate and ostracize members of the disability community and their families even more. Which is why our guest is here today to help us understand this and how she is helping to “Get the Word Out” about how we – who are not familiar with what they go through on a daily basis, can better understand and offer help. Christine Goulbourne is a special needs mom, advocate, and writer. She started a blog about eight years ago to help other families like theirs. Her son, Richie, she says, is a great guy who is intelligent, funny and has autism. Their family is actively involved in s

  • Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 2

    24/05/2024 Duración: 24min

    Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 2 How many grandmothers out there are interceding for their children and grandchildren?  Let’s not just leave it grandma’s – how many grandfathers are out there interceding, too?  Praise God!  I’m a grandpa to 7 grandkids – and I pray for them every single day, often multiple times a day! Amen! The reason I ask this question is simple… out guest today is the author of a magnificent book titled, “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!”  Amen! I’m telling you folks, I read this book through and, don’t tell anyone, but there’s stuff in there that will preach…amen!  Praise God! Maureen Broderson is the author of this great book and is an ordained minister in the Foursquare Church and serves on the pastoral ministry team at “The Church on the Way” in Van Nuys, California. She is also a Certified John Maxwell Team Coach, speaker, trainer and a Certified Human Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights, Inc. To

  • Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 1

    23/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 1 How many grandmothers out there are interceding for their children and grandchildren?  Let’s not just leave it grandma’s – how many grandfathers are out there interceding, too?  Praise God!  I’m a grandpa to 7 grandkids – and I pray for them every single day, often multiple times a day! Amen! The reason I ask this question is simple… out guest today is the author of a magnificent book titled, “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!”  Amen! I’m telling you folks, I read this book through and, don’t tell anyone, but there’s stuff in there that will preach…amen!  Praise God! Maureen Broderson is the author of this great book and is an ordained minister in the Foursquare Church and serves on the pastoral ministry team at “The Church on the Way” in Van Nuys, California. She is also a Certified John Maxwell Team Coach, speaker, trainer and a Certified Human Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights, Inc. I’v

  • Secrets Beneath Scars – Cyndi Brec

    22/05/2024 Duración: 27min

    Secrets Beneath Scars Cyndi Brec As a child, Cyndi Brec is a Christian who grew up struggling through school. She was diagnosed with learning disabilities and dyslexia and had to attend the “learning disabilities class.” But she never let that hold her back. She became a “Recreational Therapy Technician” that helped the mentally challenged elderly folks – and she has incorporated some of those experiences into her stories as well. Fast forward and she met and married the man of her dreams, and they purchased a 200 year old mill and built their home out of a “blacksmith shop.”  That’s not something you see everyday. Amen! Cyndi enjoys her writing and sets a struggling, affection and tension building pace in her writings. Full of conspiracies, intrigues and little twists on historical facts mixed in. All of this involves the mysterious ancient world in her “Theran’s Series.”  Her first book in the series is titled, “The Secrets Beneath Scars.” Although not released as of today, as we do this interview, I’m sure

  • True Grace of God – Pastor Chad Wagner

    21/05/2024 Duración: 24min

    True Grace of God Pastor Chad Wagner There are many voices in the world and most of them are of deceiving spirits. The Bible is clear on that. In fact, there is only ONE VOICE we need to listen to and that is voice of Jesus as we hear by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! When we learn to discern the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we are able to minister to others and pray effectively with others. We are able to discern between “good and evil” and when things being presented are not Biblically grounded in the Word of God or when things are actually proclaiming the Truth from the Word of God. One man who has taken this to the next level is Pastor Chad Wagner. Chad is the pastor of the “Excelsior Springs Church” which is an Independent Baptist Church located in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Chad is also the author of a great book titled, “The True Grace of God.” This book uses scripture to expound upon the “True Grace of God” while refuting the errors of both Arminianism and Calvinism. Amen! To open this great

  • The Anointing of Jesus – Scott Wright

    20/05/2024 Duración: 35min

    The Anointing of Jesus Scott Wright In the Old Testament, the High Priest was “anointed with oil” as he took his office. This anointing oil was a mixture of several, very expensive oils and fragrant spices. Before we get into this, I want you to imagine something here… Now, just imagine, if someone poured just one the little squirt bottles of perfume on you in a store (by accident, I hope)… but the entire bottle. Imagine how strong that fragrance would be… Now, imagine you had a BIG important meeting you had to attend, no backing out, no excuses, in 10 minutes. And the meeting would last a few hours. What would people say as you were entering the conference room?  Imagine if you were one of the attendees in the conference room – and someone else had the perfume poured on them? Back to the High Priest… this oil was literally, poured over his head – not just a little dab… but the equivalent of about 3 gallons. His hair and beard was totally soaked. His raiment and clothing was totally saturated. It was so soak

  • Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis – Guy Gane pt 2

    17/05/2024 Duración: 30min

    Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis   Guy Gane pt 2 Each one of us, everyone listening to my voice right now, has a calling by God for their life. Whether you listen to and obey that calling is your choice. Whether you align your life with God’s plans and everything works out for our good – or you run the other way and experience the consequences – we are always growing. Amen! Our guest today had it all. He was a successful businessman. He had a good income, great family and was living the lifestyle most wanted to aspire to. But then… I’ll leave it there and allow him to share the “but then” story. During the “but then” aspect of his life, he dove deeper into this relationship with God. And soon found this time of his life was a time of change. A time of transformation. A time to become what God wanted him to be all along. Amen! Guy Gane is our guest today and his story will, I believe, “transform” someone listening to us today. He is the author of a great book titled, “Chrysalis: Awakening to God's Path, Protection and

  • Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis – Guy Gane pt 1

    16/05/2024 Duración: 29min

    Gane Wisdom By Chrysalis   Guy Gane pt 1 Each one of us, everyone listening to my voice right now, has a calling by God for their life. Whether you listen to and obey that calling is your choice. Whether you align your life with God’s plans and everything works out for our good – or you run the other way and experience the consequences – we are always growing. Amen! Our guest today had it all. He was a successful businessman. He had a good income, great family and was living the lifestyle most wanted to aspire to. But then… I’ll leave it there and allow him to share the “but then” story. During the “but then” aspect of his life, he dove deeper into this relationship with God. And soon found this time of his life was a time of change. A time of transformation. A time to become what God wanted him to be all along. Amen! Guy Gane is our guest today and his story will, I believe, “transform” someone listening to us today. He is the author of a great book titled, “Chrysalis: Awakening to God's Path, Protection and

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