Andy Talks



Join Andy Stoddard as he goes a little deeper with the text from his weekly sermon.


  • Friday Morning Reflections - October 30, 2020 - Works of Mercy - Justice

    30/10/2020 Duración: 10min

    Today we look at what it means for us love our neighbor in a public means. These are at the works of justice.  In the Lord's Prayer, we see that we are supposed to, as a public body, the church, work to live out God's will here on earth, as it is in heaven. That means we are the church are supposed to work against hatred, evil, and sin, wherever it is found.  

  • Bonus Episode - Eight Life Enriching Practices - Renewal and Healing

    29/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    Join us for our Wednesday Night Bible Study as we continue in our book The Eight Life Enriching Practices of United Methodists.  Today we are talking about Renewal and Healing and will be talking specifically about the church year.  

  • Thursday Morning Reflections - October 29, 2020 - Works of Mercy - Compassion

    29/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today we look at what it means for us love our neighbor in an individual means. These are at the works of compassion.  Matthew 25 shows us to for us to love our neighbor, it is not simply enough to "feel" compassion or love for our neighbor, but we are called follow through with these works of mercy with our individual compassion.  

  • Wednesday Morning Reflections - October 28, 2020 - Works of Piety - Devotion and Worship

    28/10/2020 Duración: 08min

    Today, we look look at both of the works of piety, the personal work - devotion and the public one - worship.  Our love for God is seen (and increased) through our personal devotional life and through our public worship life. This is what it means to "love God."  

  • Tuesday Morning Reflections - October 27, 2020 - The Means of Grace

    27/10/2020 Duración: 10min

    This week as we talk about what it means to actually love our God and Neighbor, we see that God has given us gifts, certain "Means of Grace."  These means give us the grace that we need to b faithful with the works of piety and works of mercy that God has called us to.  

  • Monday Morning Reflections - October 26, 2020 - What it Means to Love God and Neighbor

    26/10/2020 Duración: 10min

    If you've known Andy for any length of time, you know that one of the things that he believes is most important to our Christian faith is that we love God and Love our Neighbor.  But what does that mean?  Love of God and Neighbor is short hand for a certain way of life and certain "works."  Join us this week as we unpack exactly that this means for us and our lives.  

  • Bonus Episode - Sunday Sermon - Take Care of Each Other

    26/10/2020 Duración: 26min

    In our Traditional Message from October 25, Andy shares with us from Hebrews 12:14-17.  We are called to run the race. But what race is it exactly that we are called to run?

  • Friday Morning Reflections - October 23, 2020 - Jeremiah 11:18-19

    23/10/2020 Duración: 08min

    Today we look at Jeremiah's word that he what like a lamb being led to the slaughter. But, we also know that this passage is a prophecy about what will happen to Jesus, He is the lamb that is led the slaughter. But, His suffering at the cross leads to our freedom and forgiveness.  Thanks be to God! 

  • Bonus Episode - Eight Life Enriching Practices - Word and Table

    22/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    Tonight we look at "word and table," specifically what does worship look like and mean to us? 

  • Thursday Morning Reflections - October 22, 2020 - Psalm 37

    22/10/2020 Duración: 08min

    Today we look Psalm 37.  In this passage we are told that God will grant us the desires of our heart. This passage is one that can be greatly misunderstood, yes, God will grant us the desires of our heart, but first God will change what our hearts desire.  Our hearts will, through His grace, desire Him, above all else! 

  • Wednesday Morning Reflections - October 21, 2020 - Luke 10: 25-37

    21/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today we look at the parable of the Good Samaritan.  When we look deeper at this story, we see there is a lot there that we may not have seen.  This is a powerful story of God's grace and who we are called to love.  

  • Tuesday Morning Reflections - October 20, 2020 - Revelation 7: 9-12

    20/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today we see the song of worship giving to the Lamb of God.  We see that the saints from all over the world, people of all ages, nations, and races make up this beautiful body of Christ.  Today our God is worthy of all our worship, and all of us have a place around the throne of God.  

  • Bonus Episode - Sunday Sermon - The Body

    19/10/2020 Duración: 22min

    In our Traditional Message from October 18, 2020, Andy shares with us from 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26.  In this we see that every part of the Body of Christ matters, everyone one of us matter. We need the body and the body needs us. 

  • Monday Morning Reflections - October 19, 2020 - Luke 1: 1-4

    19/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today in our morning reflections, we look at Luke 1: 1-4.  Today we reflect upon Luke.  God used this this Gentile doctor in amazing ways to spread the Good News all across the world, in the just the same way He desires to use each of us.  

  • Friday Morning Reflections - October 16, 2020 - Luke 9: 28-37

    16/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    In our Friday reflections we look the Transfiguration.  In this passage, we see Jesus in His full glory.  Peter, James, and John get a glimpse of Jesus fully power, they get an awesome experience. But, they couldn't stay on the mountain forever, they had to come down.  We are the same. We need to have powerful experiences with God. But we've got to come down from the mountain and share what we've seen and heard.  

  • Bonus Episode - Eight Life Enriching Practices - Scripture

    15/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    Join us for Bible study as we talk about why and how we can read Scripture. Reading they bible can do more to grow our faith than nearly anything! 

  • Thursday, October 15 2020 - Jonah 3: 10 - 4:3

    15/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    In our passage today we see Jonah come to see that God is going to bring mercy, even to Nineveh, when they repent.  God is a God who abounds in steadfast mercy and grace.  God is a God who loves to forgive His people.  Today, may we show the world His grace.  

  • Wednesday, October 14 2020 - Luke 9: 10-17

    14/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    In our reading today, we see Jesus feeding the 5,000.  What is interesting though is the reaction of the Disciples when Jesus tells them to feed them.  They can't do it.  Though earlier, they had done many great deeds. Why could they do it in one setting, but not in another?

  • Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - Luke 8: 40-56

    13/10/2020 Duración: 09min

    In our reading today we see two people in desperate need of Jesus' power and healing.  We see Jarius and we see the woman who was ill and bleeding.  In their moment of great need and desperation, they turn to Jesus and they find what they need. So will we.  

  • Monday, October 12, 2020 - Acts 26: 1-18

    12/10/2020 Duración: 07min

    In our Monday morning reflection, Andy shares with us from Acts 26:1-18.  This is one of the times in Acts when Paul shares his testimony.  Here it includes a neat line - he kicks against the goads.  What does that mean?  This was a very powerful truth for him, and for us!  

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