This Organized Life



Take a glimpse into my organized, but not-so-perfect world as a mom, author of the book HOT MESS: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized, and founder of Simply B Organized.


  • Ep 357: Clutter & Anxiety with Dr. John Delony

    12/10/2023 Duración: 51min

    Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!Hi Friends,Today we’re talking about a topic that many of us can relate to-Anxiety. Joining me today is Dr. John Delony. John is a mental health expert and host of The Dr. John Delony Show. He is the author of the bestselling books Own Your Past, Change Your Future, Redefining Anxiety and his latest book, Building a Non-Anxious Life, which was just released. During our conversation we talked about:The connection between Clutter and Anxiety The 6 daily choices that can help us to build a non-anxious lifeWhy Living in a culture of abundance is contributing to our anxiety alarmsJohn opens up about his own personal struggles with anxiety and clutter. Together we walk through what steps he’s taken to live a more organized life. This is an open and honest conversation that I hope sparks conversations for you to hav

  • Tip of the Week-Donate Old Books

    09/10/2023 Duración: 13min

    Today's tip is all about tackling that mountain of old books. We've all got them, right? Those books that have sentimental value or an "I'll read it someday" mentality. But it's time to make some tough decisions.First, ask yourself if the book is still relevant. Let it go if it's a technology book from the Stone Age or a textbook from your college days. Information evolves, and so should your bookshelf.Next up, be honest about whether you'll ever read those books you've been collecting. We've all been there—buying with good intentions, but they gather dust. Consider letting them find new homes if you'll unlikely dive into them.Now, what to do with these books? Donating is a noble path. Libraries, schools, and even your local doctor's office can often use them. You might also find second-hand bookstores that accept donations, but check their criteria first.Decluttering isn't a one-time gig; it's a way of life. Spice it up by hosting a book swap with friends. Declutter while bonding over books, and it's a win-w

  • Ep 356: Time and The Enneagram with Christa Hardin

    05/10/2023 Duración: 54min

    Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!Today we are wrapping up our series about the 5 Clutter Pitfalls with the one thing we never seem to have enough of…TIME.I invited my friend Christa Hardin to join me for this one because of her unique perspective of how she uses the enneagram with couples.Christa hosts the popular Enneagram + Marriage podcast, and has helped thousands of couples find refreshment, joy, balance, and connection together.I know first hand that although we all have access to the same 24 hours, how we choose to spend it looks different for each of us-which often results in a breakdown of communication, frustration and even resentment.For many, this disconnect shows up as CLUTTER.During our conversation, Christa and I talked about:Why couples are often talking about the same things, but communicate differentlyHow each of the 9 types

  • Tip of the Week-Digitize Old Videos

    02/10/2023 Duración: 07min

    Hi Friends,Let's dive right into today's tip—it's more relevant than you might think, especially with the holidays approaching. Today, we're talking about digitizing old videos, those VHS tapes or DVDs packed with cherished memories.Here's the deal: Many of us no longer have the means to play these old tapes, and finding a conversion service can be tricky. My recommendation? Find a local photo shop that offers in-house conversion. This way, you reduce the risk of mailing your personal videos, and you get immediate access to the digital files.Apart from being a fun project, it makes a unique gift, especially for aging parents. By making their old videos accessible on their devices, you declutter their digital lives and preserve memories for future generations.Join our email list for more tips, and subscribe to our podcast for past episodes and bonus content. Share the love by sharing this episode and find us on YouTube and Instagram atThis Organized Life podcast. For more resources, visit

  • Ep 355: Overwhelm and the Enneagram with Tracy O'Malley

    28/09/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Hi Friends,Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!Raise your hand if have ever felt overwhelmed by clutter

  • Tip of the Week- Renew Passports

    25/09/2023 Duración: 10min

    Today, I thought I'd share a little life hack - keep an eye on your passport expiration date! It's so easy to overlook, right? One day you're planning a big trip, the next you're scrambling to renew your passport. I've seen it cause some real headaches for my clients. Think of your passport as a safety net. No travel plans right now? Doesn't matter. Life loves to throw curveballs and that passport might come in handy. Here's a fun fact: some countries won't let you in if your passport expires within six months. So, it's not just about renewing before your trip, but way ahead of time. Finally, give your passport the respect it deserves! Chucking it in a kitchen drawer? Big no-no. Keep it safe—you never know when you'll need it. Happy traveling!XOLauriePS. Subscribe to our newsletter to get these tips straight to your inbox!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

  • Ep 354: Guilt, Fear and The Enneagram with Steph Barron Hall

    21/09/2023 Duración: 52min

    Hi Friends,Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!Today we are continuing with our series on the 5 Clutter Pitfalls: Procrastination, Indecision, Guilt/Fear, Overwhelm & Time (If you haven’t listened to the other episodes in this series, I encourage you to go check them out after this!). Joining me today is Steph Barron Hall. Stephanie is a certified Enneagram practitioner, author, and host of the Enneagram IRL podcast. You can also follow @NineTypesCo where she shares Enneagram insights to a community of over 275k people. I invited Steph on the show to talk about the roles of GUILT & FEAR within the 9 core Enneagram Types, and how they impact our relationships with clutter.During our conversation we talked about:The impact of Emotional Clutter on our stuffThe importance of open communication What living an organized life looks like to h

  • Tip of the Week-Centralize Passwords

    18/09/2023 Duración: 13min

    Hey there, and welcome back to "This Organized Life"! I'm absolutely thrilled to have you joining us for another episode. First off, I want to extend a massive thank you for your continuous support. It's mind-blowing to witness the growth of our show, and we're truly grateful for you being part of this incredible organizing journey.Now, let's jump into this week's tip: the eternal struggle of forgetting passwords. We've all been there, right? Whether it's Netflix, your email, or work-related accounts, password chaos is frustrating. But fear not, we've got a solution: centralize your password management. No more jotting down passwords on paper or digging through old notebooks. Instead, go digital with password management apps or tools like Google Sheets. These not only keep your passwords secure but also offer the convenience of access from anywhere with an internet connection. Plus, sharing passwords becomes a breeze!Remember, update your password list regularly for accuracy. Instead of hitting "forgot passwo

  • Ep 353: Indecision and The Enneagram with Evan Doyle

    14/09/2023 Duración: 58min

    Hi Friends!Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!We are continuing our series on the 5 Clutter Pitfalls (If you haven’t listened to last week’s convo with Brittany Thomas, I encourage you to go check it out!).Today I am joined by Evan Doyle, an expert in the areas of leadership, people development, teamwork, conflict resolution, and personal growth. His work can be found at Enneagram an online publication, and Enneagram with Evan and Evan Doyle Thinks YouTube channels.I invited Evan on the show to talk about how INDECISION shows up in each of the Enneagram Types and how that can have an impact in how we navigate (or avoid) clutter and organization in our lives.During our conversation we talked about:Life as an Enneagram 5 (The Investigator) and how he navigates IndecisionWhy Trust is a huge factor for several typesWhy mental paralysis c

  • Tip of the Week- Throw Away Empty Boxes

    11/09/2023 Duración: 13min

    Hey friends,In our last episode, we tackled the thrilling topic of updating insurance info (I know, riveting stuff!). Today, we're talking about something that might be lurking in your home – empty boxes.Now, we've all been there, right? Holding on to shoe boxes, luxury jewelry boxes, and goodness knows what else, just because they look nice or make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.But here's the deal: these empty boxes are like little emotional clutter bombs.So, I'm challenging you, to take a look around your place and really evaluate those empty boxes. Sure, repurposing is great, but what about those boxes from big-ticket purchases? You know, the ones that make you think, "What if I need to return this?" or "What if something bad happens?"Well, here's my take on it. If you haven't needed that box in the past 60-90 days, it's time to let it go. Trust me, the world won't come crashing down, promise!And if you're not quite ready to say goodbye, set a time limit to make the parting a bit less painful.Empty box

  • Ep 352: Procrastination and The Enneagram with Brittany Thomas

    07/09/2023 Duración: 01h11min

    Hi Friends!Special shout out to our sponsor for today's episode: MYLIO PHOTOS. A safe, simple and practical platform for storing all of your digital photos and more! Visit to create your free account!Today we are kicking off a new series about the 5 Clutter Pitfalls (Procrastination, Indecision, Guilt/Fear, Overwhelm & Time). Over the next 5 weeks we are going to look at why each of the 9 Enneagram types struggles for different reasons.Joining me today is Brittany Thomas. Brittany is a certified Enneagram coach and educator. She is also the founder of the popular Instagram account @eneagramexplained.Today’s topic is all about PROCRASTINATION. During our conversation Brittany opens up about her own struggles with procrastination as an Enneagram 1 (the perfectionist).We talk about clutter and organization in her home as a parent of 5 kids ranging in age from seventeen to eight.Brittany walks us through each of the types and shares her insights into how procrastination looks with all nine t

  • Tip of the Week-Update Insurance Information

    04/09/2023 Duración: 15min

    Happy September! It's the perfect time for a fresh start in the year. Today, we're diving into the importance of updating your insurance policies. It's a smart practice to review your policies annually and make necessary changes to avoid future complications.Have you had any significant life changes, like adding a family member, expanding your home, or relocating? If so, revisiting and adjusting your insurance policies is essential.Here are some policies that should be reviewed annually:1. Home Insurance2. Auto Insurance3. Life Insurance4. Renter's InsuranceThe key takeaway is to prevent being caught off guard during a crisis with outdated or inadequate coverage. In today's digital age, accessing and updating your policies is convenient and easier than ever. So, take a moment to ensure your insurance is current and suits your current circumstances.And speaking of a fresh start, be sure to register for the upcoming free webinar: 5 Ways to Make Money as a Professional Organizer. You can get on the list here.If

  • Ep 351: Habit Hacks with Emily Nichols

    31/08/2023 Duración: 50min

    Hi Friends!Joining me today is Emily Nichols. Emily is the host of the popular podcast Habit Hack Your Health—which helps working moms and entrepreneurs habit-hack their health in less time, guilt-free.From her own struggles, Emily finally found that women have to do habits differently, and she's sharing the solutions on how to live a healthy lifestyle that doesn't feel overwhelming or complicated but rather sustainable and empowering through the power of HABIT HACKING! Think of this as Atomic Habits For Women!Emily is on a mission to redefine what health means and equip other women with these sustainable habit hacks to help transform your life from the inside out, starting by putting yourself first without the guilt.She's also a wife, boy mom, and Taco Tuesday enthusiast! During our conversation, we talked about:The "All or Nothing" MentalityHow to incorporate a Healthy Habits Calendar into your scheduleEmily's 5-step habit change methodRegardless of where you are in your life, this conversation is filled wi

  • Tip of the Week-Choose Your Hard

    28/08/2023 Duración: 07min

    Hi Friends,Today, I'm diving into the concept of choosing your hard and how it plays a role in every corner of our lives, even organization. Let's talk about those tempting shortcuts and how they might seem like a breeze now, but trust me, they often lead to more hassle down the road.Think about it – polishing off that bowl of ice cream might bring instant joy, but the health aftermath? Not so great. Same goes for leaving those videos unsorted – it's a headache to locate them later. So, what's the key? It's all about the bigger picture.I'm really putting emphasis on the long game. Sure, it might mean some extra elbow grease now – like making that bed or resisting those impulse buys. But believe me, this groundwork paves the way for a simpler, more serene life later on. It's like choosing a challenging trail that prevents chaos further down.Remember this: Choose your hard, make those intentional choices that declutter your life.XOLauriePS if you're enjoying these talks, hit that subscribe button, drop a review

  • Ep 350: Back to School Routines with Jenny Layton

    24/08/2023 Duración: 47min

    Hi Friends!It’s that time of year when routines kick into high gear. Parents are dealing with mixed emotions-from doing a happy dance that the kids will be out of the house, to feelings of dread knowing what’s to come for the next 10 months— school lunches need to be prepped, uniforms need to be washed, and alarm clocks are going off before we are mentally ready to face the day.Joining me today is Jenny Layton, a leading organization expert, mindset coach and the creator of the Life Organized podcast. She is also a mom to 5 kiddos so she is no stranger to the Back to School woes. I invited her to sit down and share some strategies on how to keep everyone afloat during the “Back to School transition”.During our conversation we talk about:The power of Brain Dumping to address internal clutterThe 5 “themes” she uses to keep her home/life organizedScheduling Family Meetings, open communication and setting expectationsI loved this quote from Jenny: “The more you want to do, the more organized you need to be”You do

  • Tip of the Week-Selective Minimalism

    21/08/2023 Duración: 13min

    Before we get started a quick reminder: We have an upcoming FREE webinar on Sept 20th called 5 Ways to Make Money as a Professional Organizer. Spots are limited, so make sure you sign up (even if you can’t make the live event) we’ll be sending out the replay, but you MUST be registered first! Now on to the show!Today, we're diving headfirst into the fascinating concept of selective minimalism. Let's set the record straight from the get-go: while minimalism has taken the world by storm, you don't need to go all Marie Kondo to rock an organized life. It's about finding your own rhythm, and that's what we're about to explore together. As the years have gracefully passed me by, I've found myself drawn towards simplicity, eager to untangle my physical surroundings to free up space in my mind. And guess what? You can do it too, in your own unique way!So, here's the scoop: I'm here to encourage you to hop on the selective minimalism train. It's like minimalism's cool cousin, and it's all about focusing on areas of y

  • Ep 349: Slowing Down with Stephanie O'Dea

    17/08/2023 Duración: 59min

    Hi Friends!Joining me today is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books and host of the Slow Living podcast, Stephanie O’Dea. I invited her on the show to talk about what it means to SLOW Down (you’d think it's simple, but we all know how hard it can be to put it into practice!) During our conversation Stephanie shares how she transitioned from “The Crock Pot Lady” where she built a brand and business sharing crock pot recipes, to now teaching people how to slow down in their everyday lives.While society is promoting bigger, better, newer, faster, Stephanie is advocating for a slower more intentional way of living.She walks us through her SLOW acronym which stands for “SIMPLY LOOK ONLY WITHIN.”Her Peace Pyramid covers 5 areas that we all need to achieve peace in our lives:Time ManagementHealthFinancesOrganizationRelationshipsStephanie has a ton of resources on her website including a daily worksheet with guided prompts to help you intentionally slow down where you need it most. Make sure to check out

  • Tip of The Week-Declutter Your Computer

    14/08/2023 Duración: 13min

    On today's tip of the week, it's important for you to declutter your digital spaces, specifically your computer. Let me emphasize the significance of digital detoxing in reducing invisible clutter and improving ease of retrieval for you. Let's start with the first tip: delete old files. You've probably been using the same computer for a while, which means there are likely unnecessary files that can be deleted. Just like decluttering a physical space, consider when you last accessed those files and if you truly need them.Furthermore, take a look at old drafts or multiple versions of files and feel free to delete them to free up storage. If you have larger files, especially related to video content, I recommend moving them to cloud-based platforms like Dropbox or Google Drive. This will help you create more space on your computer. To simplify your digital life, it's crucial for you to declutter your inbox as well. Get rid of old files, unread emails, notifications, and emails from sources that are no longer rel

  • Ep 348: Organizing Tips You Learned From Your Mother with Janet Taylor

    10/08/2023 Duración: 48min

    Hi Friends,You are in for a treat today! Joining me today is Janet Taylor, founder of Totally Organized, a company she started back in 1994 after leaving her corporate job. Since then, Janet has gone on to help hundreds of clients declutter and get organized, earning her the title “Clutter Free Queen” when she appeared on the Rachael Ray Show! Janet is also the host of the “Got Clutter! Get Organized! podcast.I invited Janet to come on TOL to talk about a topic that has a huge impact on our habits and behaviors, but one that is often overlooked–Organizing Tips that You Learned from Your Mom.We often underestimate the things that we deem as “normal” and it isn’t until we grow up and live with other people that we realize not everyone does things the way we do.During our conversation we talked about the countless things that Janet’s mom, Ida taught her such as:Labeling freezer food with datesCreating a grocery list the follows the layout of the storePurging before purchasingWhen to add syrup to the grocery list

  • Tip of the Week-Declutter your phone

    07/08/2023 Duración: 11min

    Hey friends,Today's episode is all about taking charge of your digital clutter and boosting your productivity. Simplify and streamline your life with these phone organization tips:Delete Any Unused Apps- Make your phone work for you, free up some space and get rid of the overwhelm.Turn off Notifications-Notifications can be distracting when you’re in your most productive zone. Turn them off or turn on focus mode so you can get back to productivity.Housekeeping-Check your storage, in-app purchases and updates.Keeping your phone organized and up-to-date is key to smoother digital life. Schedule an hour or so to go through your phone and get it organized!By following these simple tips, you can simplify your life and focus on the stuff that truly matters. So, whether you're a digital clutter warrior or just starting your journey, this episode is packed with valuable insights to streamline your phone and boost your productivity. Register Now for the highly anticipated Free Webinar: 5 Ways to Make Money As A Profes

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