Grant Writing & Funding



Holly Rustick, creator of WEGO Consulting, is known as the grant girl. Shes been on both sides of the grant writing coin writing them for over a decade as well as managing and reviewing them on behalf of numerous organizations. She also conducts grant training workshops, offers grant-related products, and hosts this podcast. Holding a Masters in International Political Economy and a Bachelors in Political Science, Holly is not only a successful technical writer for federal contract bids but also facilitates fundraisers, crowd funding campaigns and solicits in-kind donations from large corporations. "Grant Writing & Funding" offers you tidbits of tips, advice, and answers about grants and funding. Check out these nuggets!Check out for FREE grant writing and funding templates!


  • Ep.227: How to Prevent Losing Your Nonprofit's Tax-Exempt Status

    12/07/2022 Duración: 48min

    How to Prevent Losing Your Nonprofit's Tax-Exempt Status Do you know if your nonprofit organization is in jeopardy of losing your tax-exempt status? Or if you are a nonprofit consultant, do you know how much money you should be setting aside for taxes? Find out today with the red flags that Noura Almasri discusses! ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 226: Where to Find and Manage Grants for Nonprofits

    05/07/2022 Duración: 47min

    Knowing where to find grant funding sources is so crazy important to win grant funds. But just Googling ‘grant funding’ is not a good use of your time. In fact, you will go down a never-ending rabbit hole that will lead to a full-time potato chip obsession. Plus, you will waste your time. The other thing that is trying? ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 225: Why Becoming a Nonprofit Consultant is a Good Career Move

    28/06/2022 Duración: 27min

    Why Transitioning into Nonprofit Consultants is a Good Career Move Do you want to transition into a career by working with nonprofit organizations? If you said, "YES!" then there is more than one job out there for you! One job, often overlooked, is to serve nonprofit organizations by running your own business. ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 224: Do Not Use These Words In Your Grant Proposals

    21/06/2022 Duración: 12min

    Do Not Use These Words In Your Grant Proposals There are certain words and things that you should NOT include in your grant proposals! I often teach about what to DO in your grant writing (such as in the Grant Writer Master Course), but I haven’t really said, “Don’t do this!” Therefore, this episode is dedicated to what NOT to do in your grant writing. #1 Don’t Use Ambiguous Language #2: Don’t Use the Word Very or Rarely #3 Don’t Use Emotional Language #4 Don’t Use Poetic Language #5 Don’t Use Academic Language #6 Don’t Use Too Much Scientific Language There you have it! Those are some tips on what NOT to do when writing grant proposals! For more information: ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 223: Tips for Grant Writers to Work Better With Nonprofits Clients

    14/06/2022 Duración: 46min

    Tips for Grant Writers to Work Better With Nonprofits Clients Communication is key with any relationship. If you are a freelance grant writer, being able to be transparent with your work is key in ensuring that all the grants are getting written on time. If you are a nonprofit leader, getting those documents over to your grant writer is instrumental in making sure the grant gets submitted on time. —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 222: How Much do Freelance Grant Writers Make?

    07/06/2022 Duración: 28min

    How Much do Freelance Grant Writers Make? The answer to “What Can Freelance Grant Writers Make?” can be complex. The thing is, freelance grant writers can earn as much money as they want. ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 221: Lessons Learned as a Nonprofit Executive Director & Nonprofit Consultant

    31/05/2022 Duración: 51min

    Lessons Learned as a Nonprofit Executive Director & Nonprofit Consultant Being a nonprofit executive director isn’t always easy or simple. There are definitely challenges that nonprofit executives face, such as: ✅ Keeping focused on the vision ✅ Not mission drifting ✅ Finding money to fund the nonprofit’s programs ✅ Keeping up with payroll ✅ Understanding strategic planning ✅ And so much more… —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 220: 4 Benefits of Becoming a Federal Grant Reviewer

    24/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    4 Benefits of Becoming a Federal Grant Reviewer Becoming a federal grant reviewer is so important for the following reasons: #1: Increases your grant writing skills #2: Improves your ability to get grants #3: Increases professional development #4: Increases your income —------------------------------------------------------

  • Ep. 219: How Much Time to Spend Working In vs. On Your Business

    17/05/2022 Duración: 41min

    Finding out how much time to spend working in your businesses vs. on your business can be overwhelming. Even the most seasoned nonprofit consultants and freelance grant writers can find themselves scratching their heads and working on the weekends to “get it all done” (which is impossible). —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 218: Top Tips from a Researcher: How to Write a Logic Model Template

    12/05/2022 Duración: 44min

    Top Tips from a Researcher: How to Write a Logic Model Template What We Discuss In This Episode: ✨ What a logic model is ✨ All the elements in a logic model ✨ The difference between outcome and output ✨ How a logic model can help create your evaluation plan ✨ Added logic model samples and examples James Pann received his Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Texas at Austin. He obtained his M.S.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Miami. Dr. Pann completed his clinical internship at Nova Southeastern University Community Mental Health Center in neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, and adult and child psychotherapy. Additionally, he had a postdoctoral fellowship in pediatric behavioral medicine at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami/ Jackson Memorial Medical Center. He also completed a Family Therapy Externship at the Center for Family Studies at the University of Miami. —---------

  • Ep. 217: Top 10 Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Executive Director

    03/05/2022 Duración: 35min

    Top 10 Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Executive Director —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 216: Key Differences Between a Nonprofit's Program vs. Administrative Budget

    26/04/2022 Duración: 48min

    Key Differences Between a Nonprofit's Program vs. Administrative Budget —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 215: Leadership Skills to Develop when transitioning to a Nonprofit Executive Career

    19/04/2022 Duración: 36min

    Leadership Skills to Develop when transitioning to a Nonprofit Executive Career —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 214: Toolkit for Nonprofits to Get Social Media Influencers and Ambassadors

    12/04/2022 Duración: 37min

    Toolkit for Nonprofits to Get Social Media Influencers and Ambassadors —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 213: How Nonprofits Can Use Technology to Increase Donor Retention

    05/04/2022 Duración: 47min

    How Nonprofits Can Use Technology to Increase Donor Retention —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 212: Why Grants are Start-Up Funding and How Services Can Sustain Programs

    29/03/2022 Duración: 53min

    Why Grants are Start-Up Funding and How Services Can Sustain Programs —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 211: A Grant Writer’s Dream: The System To Build Relationships With Funding Sources

    22/03/2022 Duración: 56min

    A Grant Writer’s Dream: The System to Build Relationships with Funding Sources —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 210: Revealed! Sneak Peek of the 6-Week Grant Writing Training

    16/03/2022 Duración: 17min

    We are getting ready for our first 6-Week Grant Writing Training in 2022! After our amazing free masterclass this week, we've been getting a ton of questions about the 6-Week Training. So I thought, "Let's do a podcast about it!" If you want more information, you can also check out the training by clicking here: What's all included in the 6-Week Grant Writing Training 6 weekly live Zoom sessions a private Facebook group with 6 additional FB Lives 35+ videos, downloadables, and workbooks Feedback on a Master Grant Application that you will write you also get to audit the Live Course at any point (or # of times) in the future! a grant writing certificate PLUS...time-sensitive special bonuses Here's what you'll learn: How to NOT start with a blank page Research tips How to Write an Objective Writing out Activities Developing a Budget Bonus Tips! If you’re done with pulling your hair out when even thinking about writing grants and ready

  • Ep. 209: 7 Grant Writing Tips to Increase Grant Funding

    09/03/2022 Duración: 23min

    If you are looking to increase your grant writing skills to the next level, you are going to love these tips! In this article and podcast, I am going to go over some sidebar tips on grant writing that will increase your competitiveness for getting grant funding. I've used these tips throughout my 16+ years of grant writing. —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

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