Grant Writing & Funding



Holly Rustick, creator of WEGO Consulting, is known as the grant girl. Shes been on both sides of the grant writing coin writing them for over a decade as well as managing and reviewing them on behalf of numerous organizations. She also conducts grant training workshops, offers grant-related products, and hosts this podcast. Holding a Masters in International Political Economy and a Bachelors in Political Science, Holly is not only a successful technical writer for federal contract bids but also facilitates fundraisers, crowd funding campaigns and solicits in-kind donations from large corporations. "Grant Writing & Funding" offers you tidbits of tips, advice, and answers about grants and funding. Check out these nuggets!Check out for FREE grant writing and funding templates!


  • Ep.247: 20 Easy and Effective Ways to Thank Your Donors Throughout the Year

    29/11/2022 Duración: 27min

    Saying thank you sometimes feels like a fuzzy must around the holidays. Sometimes those holidays are just the reminders that we need. But what if I told you that you could increase your non-profit organization’s funding by donors, partners, sponsors, and grant funding sources just by saying thank you throughout the year? ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep: 246: What Taylor Swift has to do with Your Nonprofit or Nonprofit Consultancy

    22/11/2022 Duración: 21min

    Even if you aren't a Swiftie, you probably have heard about the big Ticketmaster debacle this week with Taylor Swift tickets. Here’s the thing. Stories like this might paralyze your nonprofit or grant writing business from moving forward! Too often we get scared thinking about all the things that could go wrong, we forget that none of the things that could go right WILL NOT HAPPEN if we don’t hit “publish” In this week’s Grant Writing & Funding episode, Holly Rustick shares with you on how the Taylor Swift+Ticketmaster story might be holding back your nonprofit or grant writing business from publishing a giving campaign or your business! Plus, we will evaluate 4 of Holly’s own Tech Snafus and how she has course corrected. Remember, “Done is Better Than Perfect” ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.245: 6 Giving Tuesday Resources to Start Your Giving Campaign

    15/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    Looking for Resources to have an epic Giving Tuesday Campaign? Look no further as Grant Writing & Funding has curated our favorite 6 #givingtuesday resources. -------------------------------------------------- ✨

  • Ep. 244: How to Write Grants Using Concise, Clear, and Meaningful Words

    08/11/2022 Duración: 46min

    Ep. 244: How to Write Grants Using Concise, Clear, and Meaningful Words by Holly Rustick

  • Ep.243: Get Over the Overwhelm of End of Year Giving with a Proven Email Strategy

    01/11/2022 Duración: 34min

    Get a full breakdown of an effective email strategy for your end of year giving campaign with Christina Edwards of Splendid Consulting. ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 242: How to Navigate Inflation and Get More Funding for Your Nonprofit

    25/10/2022 Duración: 41min

    Sean Kosofsky gives away strategy to navigate inflation during your nonprofit organization’s end of year giving campaign, PLUS other 2022 fundraising tips! ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.241: Tricks to Find State Grants & Contracts

    18/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    Did you know that you can tap into your state and city government agencies for grants or contracts for your nonprofit organization? Yep, you can. First you might be interested in where your state or territory comes up with grant funding (side note: this is geared toward U.S. state and territory grants). ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.240: 6 Proven Tips to Find the Best Federal Grant Opportunities

    11/10/2022 Duración: 17min

    Federal grant funding can make a huge difference for your nonprofit organization, government agency, or business! But how to find this funding can be confusing. ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.239: Does Gender Fairness Exist in Your Nonprofit?

    04/10/2022 Duración: 45min

    Does Gender Fairness Exist in Your Nonprofit? Gender Equity in nonprofit organizations is often overlooked. Why? Well, one reason is that a lot of people assume that because the nonprofit sector is dominated by women that there should be fairness within the sector. But we know that’s not the full picture. What We Discuss: ✨ Introduction to Gender Fair ✨ Utilize Funding for Equity ✨ About Amy Cross ✨ Data Journalism ✨ a Gender Revolution for Economic Power ✨ Why we need to Connect to Women ✨ Gender Fair Assessment for Nonprofits ✨ a Majority of Salaries go to Men ✨ Policies to Analyze for Fairness ✨ 3 Most Important things in the WorkPlace ✨ Transparent Pay ✨ Low Pay Gap in Federal Government ✨ Grants for Gender Fair Assessments ✨ Ask your Vendors about Gender Fair ✨ Enter to Win a Raffle to Win a Gender Fair Assessment —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.238: How Nonprofits Can Bridge the Political Divide with the Center for Political Future

    27/09/2022 Duración: 54min

    How Nonprofits Can Bridge the Political Divide with the Center for Political Future But what does this mean for nonprofit organizations? Well, the concern here could be the following: 1) What types of social movements should you advocate for on social media? 2) Will you lose funders if you take a certain position? 3)Should you reach out to funding sources and influencers who are only in your bubble? What We Discuss: ✨ About the Center for Political Futures ✨ the Political Divide for Nonprofits ✨ How to Bridge the Polarizing Divide ✨ Looking at Internal Bias from External Factors ✨ Partisan Division Based on the Removal of the Public Space ✨ How we Can Disagree and Be Alright ✨ How to Communicate with Neutral Language ✨ Communicating with Love ✨ Listening to the Other Side can be the Way Forward ✨ Advocating with Education ✨ How to Know When Your Nonprofit Should Speak Up ✨ When to Advocate on Social Media ✨ Your Nonprofit Should Include Those that Think Outside Your Bubble —--------------------------

  • Ep.237: Pros and Cons to Hiring a Freelance Grant Writer vs. a Staff Grant Writer

    20/09/2022 Duración: 20min

    Your nonprofit may be considering hiring a grant writer... BUT the bigger questions is: "Should you hire a freelance grant writer or a staff grant writer?” Check out all the reasons your nonprofit may want to join in the Freelance Revolution to save money, management woes, and resources when hiring a freelance grant writer. Check out the glorious pros and the meh cons. —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.236: 8 Steps to Start Earning Money in Your Freelance Grant Writing Business

    13/09/2022 Duración: 30min

    Here are 8 steps to opening your freelance grant writing business and start earning money! —------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep.235: What's New in Nonprofit Policies, Programs, and Jobs in 2022

    06/09/2022 Duración: 51min

    What's New in Nonprofit Policies, Programs, and Jobs in 2022 There is a lot changing for the nonprofit sector as we navigate 2022. From programs to policies to jobs available, this year is a doozy (in a good way!). Here to help shed some light on this subject is Shannon McCracken, leader of The Nonprofit Alliance. The Nonprofit Alliance is a relatively new organization (launched in 2018) with a vision to promote, protect, and strengthen the nonprofit sector. In this podcast episode, Shannon discusses some key nonprofit training, policies, and job trends in 2022. ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 234: Fundraising and Prioritizing the 10,000 things on your nonprofit plate!

    30/08/2022 Duración: 49min

    Fundraising and Prioritizing the 10,000 things on your nonprofit plate! Do you find yourself doing too much as a nonprofit leader, fundraising development director, or grant writer? I bet that’s a resounding, “yes!” I get it. You have a to-do list that never ends. You have looming monsters that have been on that to-do list for more than a month, er, year. Those things just never seem to get done. The question is, “Do you even need to do them?” ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 233: The Burning Question to Help You Take Time off from Your Nonprofit

    23/08/2022 Duración: 15min

    The Burning Question to Help You Take Time off from Your Nonprofit It's been a busy week and I am back in the full-time swing of things. Why? School started! If you are a parent, you know what I am talking about. Summer is real for taking mandatory time away from the computer when you have kids. But it's a great mandatory time away. If we try to 'work through holidays' we may end up feeling guilty for not spending time with our kids or burned out by trying to work regular hours and getting frustrated with everyone in the house. You might say, "Just send your kid to summer camp or to daycare!" Well, that's not always the solution for every working parent. Summer camp and daycare can cost a pretty penny, your kids may dread it, and there could be major transportation issues. Plus, you actually might want to spend more time with the kiddos during these times off ;) A better solution may be setting up your year so you work shorter hours during summer, Christmas break, and other holidays. It may not feel lik

  • Ep. 232: The What, Why, and How Webinars Help Grow Your Organization

    16/08/2022 Duración: 42min

    The What, Why, and How Webinars Help Grow Your Organization Are you thinking about running a webinar for your nonprofit consultancy? What about having a webinar for your nonprofit organization? Webinars have skyrocketed in popularity in the last few years. And the reason why is because they work! ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 231: Common Grant Writing Constraints That Make you Pull Your Hair Out

    09/08/2022 Duración: 38min

    Common Grant Writing Constraints That Make you Pull Your Hair Out Knowing how to write grant applications is definitely a skill that is needed in the nonprofit sector. It is an actual technical skill that you can learn! But what happens when funding sources create many, many constraints for submitting grant applications? Well, that’s why Teresa Huff of Grant Writing Simplified comes on the Grant Writing & Funding podcast and YouTube show to share how to overcome these constraints. What We Discuss ✨ Teresa’s Pat00h to Grant Writing ✨ Common Misconceptions about Grant Proposals ✨ Constraints in Grant Writing ✨ Writing to the 500 characters of Grants ✨ Aligning with Vu Le from Nonprofit AF ✨Research to Find Best Fit Grants ✨ When You Don’t Get Grants Awarded ✨ Find out if your Have What it Takes to Become a Grant Writer ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 230: How Nonprofits can Share Stories of Impact that Honor the Dignity of Clients

    02/08/2022 Duración: 41min

    How Nonprofits can Share Stories of Impact that Honor the Dignity of Clients Storytelling is an integral part of fundraising, grant writing, and anything nonprofit! But there can come a time when you might be storytelling for clickbait and not even realizing what your nonprofit is doing! ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

  • Ep. 229: How to Find Ideal Nonprofit Clients That Pay for Your Services

    26/07/2022 Duración: 25min

    How to Find Ideal Nonprofit Clients That Pay for Your Services Getting a nonprofit client is amazing when you are a nonprofit consultant. Until it isn’t amazing. I’ve seen many nonprofit consultants pull their hair out (including me!) when they get the wrong type of client. ✨ The one that keeps negotiating your price down. ✨ The one that asks for continued revisions of grants outside of the scope of the contract. ✨ The one that doesn’t respect your boundaries. So how do you figure out who and what your ideal client is? Well, that’s what Mandy Pearce from Funding from Good and Mazarine Treyz from Wild Woman Fundraising share today! What We Discuss 0:00 Introduction to Nonprofit Consulting 2:14 How to Get Nonprofit Clients 3:23 Identify Your Ideal Client 4:26 Why You Should Charge People to Pick Your Brain 8:00 Questions to Determine Your Ideal Client 11:41 Why You Should Interview the Nonprofit 12:20 Why a Discovery Call Might Not Give You Leads 15:01 Qualifying Leads 19:12 Contract Nuggets ---------

  • Ep. 228: 46 Grant Writing Tips to Fast-Track Your Grant Writing

    14/07/2022 Duración: 19min

    Hey, it's my birthday! And in celebration of my 46th, I am giving you 46 grant writing tips! Grab this download of all the 46 tips when you join the FREE Grant Writing & Funding Hub Haven! ------------------------------------------------------ ✨

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