Latin Waves Media



Another World Is Possible


  • Global revolution against injustice and impunity

    07/06/2021 Duración: 29min

    Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about a global revolution against imperialism and capitalism. Brazil is facing deadly second COVID-19 wave and thousands are dying due to inadequate healthcare system the result of 30 years of Neoliberalism. Yet despite the threat of the violence, people are rising up to fight the plague of imperialism and colonialism. Jorge takes us on a world tour of uprisings against imperialism a global revolution against injustice and impunity. The month long uprising under way in Colombia, one of the most murderous government in Latin America against worker is the center of an historic uprising where workers and lay people are uniting in their struggle against imperial power.These are challenging times for everyone, more than ever we need to support independent media, consider supporting this show at  

  • Indigenization of our Struggle against Capitalism

    31/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    Silvia FedericiLatin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Silvia Federici author of Revolution at Ground Zero. The zero point of revolution is our social relations, the violence of capitalism as our primary organizing system has normalized slavery, repression, control, and surveillance of brown and black people. We speak of pandemic but the virus that is killing society is a man made system of exploitation, and injustice. We must remember our ability to re-enchant the world, to envision a society with justice.She speaks of a new Indigenization of our social movements.These are challenging times for everyone, more than ever we need to support independent media, consider supporting this show at For Books CLICK HERE

  • Uprisings In Columbia

    20/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Common Frontiers director Raul Burbano, about the up rising in Colombia. From April 28 to May 8, the violent actions of the state security forces resulted in the death of least 47 people, the arbitrary detention of 963 people, 28 victims ofeye-related injuries, and 12 victims of sexual violence. In total, they registered 1,876 cases of police violence.  Yet despite the violence people kept coming out in defiance of the latest austerity package introduce by president Duque.  Colombia has been known for decades, as the epicentre for violence against indigenous movements and workers.  A country with seven USA military bases, intimidating their neighbours and its local population. Raul reminds us that revolution is still a dance for people in Latin America, as people correct the history of colonization and conquest of America as a story of unceasing dignity.  Not a day has gone without rebellion to injustice, repression and exploitation.These are challenging times fo

  • Global solidarity movement for Palestinians

    17/05/2021 Duración: 28min

    Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Yves Engler author of the Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy.As Israel intensified its occupation over the last decades, it has steadily built settlements, tookcontrol of water supplies, and laid its ‘apartheid wall’ and separate road system across the West Bank (with the consequence of severely damagingthe Palestinian economy). In Jerusalem, Israel has beenpersistently ethnically-cleansing East Jerusalem in a deliberate, planned policy of ‘Judaization’ through forced evictions, house demolitions, arcane judicial rulings on housing rights, and building new blocks for Israeli settlers.Yves Engler speaks of the global solidarity movement for Palestinians, and the lessons in resistance. Why solidarity matters and what is lost when fail to speak and actagainst imperialist aggression,Support Latin Waves Books by Yves Engler CLICK HERE 

  • Revolution in a time of Pandemic

    10/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Martin about May Day and the significance for workers in Latin America. The man made virus of Capitalism that has shut down economies worldwide. The militarization of life as the response of governments to the pandemic is bullets to those who clamour for justice. Jorge speaks of the repression of people in Colombia, the uprising in Peru, Chile, Haiti against impunity and hunger.Support Latin Waves 

  • Immigration Under Biden while COVID19 is going on

    03/05/2021 Duración: 29min

    David Bacon is a photojournalist, author, political activist, and union organizer who has focused on labor issues, particularly those related to immigrant labor. Some of his popular books include, Illegal People, The Right to Stay home and In the fields of the North.Host Sylvia Richardson interviews David Bacon on historic Roots of Inequality, how Biden may differ from Trump on immigration and the necessary struggle ahead.How we need to come together as one community of workers.Support Latin Waves Books by David Bacon at  

  • Humanizing education so that it sustains learners in times of chaos

    19/04/2021 Duración: 28min

    Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Darren Lund, author of The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education.They speak about humanizing education so that it sustains learners in times of chaos. Resilience and hope are cultivated by actions. Likewise a world with justice is co-created daily by our commitments to act and to cultivate cooperation and wholeness.How despite COVID social movements like Black Lives Matter and Idle No More have only grown stronger.Consider Becoming a Member of the Show CLICK HERE Books By Lund – CLICK HERE 

  • How Progressives Move Forward post Trump

    10/04/2021 Duración: 28min

    Robin Eric Hahnel is Professor of Economics at Portland State University. He was a professor at American University for many years and traveled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world. His latest book is “For the people by the people” a case for participatory economics"Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Robin about economics and the politics of latin America Post Trump, the opportunities and failings of the Democratic part, New Green Deal, Universal Income and the future for progressives.Shop for Robin Hahnel Books Click Here Consider Becoming a Member of the Show CLICK HERE  

  • Coronavirus pandemic is more than a medical crisis, it is also a political and ideological crisis

    06/04/2021 Duración: 28min

    The current coronavirus pandemic is more than a medical crisis, it is also a political and ideological crisis. It is a crisis deeply rooted in years of neglect by neoliberal governments that denied the importance of public health and the public good while defunding the institutions and decades of austerity.Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Jorge Marti about government’s response to the coronavirus in Western countries, the impact of decades of austerity and neoliberalism policies on health institutions. This pandemic is a call for an end to all sanctions, causing needless death.These are challenging times for everyone, more than ever we need to support independent media, consider supporting this show at 

  • 6th year anniversary of the war in Yemen

    29/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    Host Stuart Richardson interviews Azza Rojbi North African social justice and anti-racism activist, author of the book "U.S. & Saudi War on the People of Yemen" (Battle of Ideas Press, 2019) and secretary of Vancouver’s anti-war coalition Mobilization Against War & Occupation. She is active in the solidarity movement with Latin America and is the coordinator of Friends of Cuba Against the U.S. Blockade. Azza is a member of the Editorial Board of the Fire This Time Newspaper writing and researching on Middle Eastern and North Africa politics.We speak about the 6th year anniversary of the war in Yemen, how western powers like the US and Canada are supporting the conflict by selling arms to Saudi Arabia, ignoring calls from the UN calling this the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet. Also how ordinary Canadians and US citizens are being to wake up to this crisis once they know the facts, that our governments, public and corporate media are complicit in this genocide.

  • The art for social justice

    23/03/2021 Duración: 28min

    Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with film maker Jesse Freeston, about the art for social justice.his film Resistencia released in 2015 was a gift to the untold histories of struggled in Central America against imperialism, colonization and the onslaught of neoliberalism for the past 30 years. He speaks of why art is not only essential for our own spiritual well being, but also for our movements towards social justice.

  • Venezuela, Resistance to empire

    16/03/2021 Duración: 29min

    Latin waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Sociologist Dr. Maria Paez Victor about resistance to empire. The USA continued violence against Venezuela unveils the many faces of USA imperialism political, economic, military and media wars. The people have suffered sanctions intended to starve the people into surrender, coup attempts, blockades, and invasions. Dr. Paez reminds us of the legacy of Hugo Chavez and the strength of the Venezuelan revolution. She points out imperialism is naked and so too is the peoples' rooted resilience to resist its violence and points out that Venezuela has weathered a world pandemic despite all the challenges they face.

  • History of oppression and repression of Haiti poor majority, Western powers complicit

    08/03/2021 Duración: 29min

    Yves Engler (born 1979) is a Montreal writer and political activist. In addition to seven published books, Engler’s writings have appeared in the alternative press and in mainstream publications such as The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen and Ecologist. His The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy book was on a short list for the Quebec Writers’ Federation Mavis Gallant Prize for Non-Fiction along with two other books.Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Yves Engler about empire and black history month. Look in any encyclopedia. Ask which was the first country to abolish slavery. The encyclopedia will answer Britain. The first country that was free, truly free, was Haiti. It abolished slavery in 1804, and has since been fighting to defend its right to self governance. In this interview we speak about the history of oppression and repression of Haiti poor majority. The face of imperialism in the 21st century.How the US and Canada are currently backing an illegitimate president despite m

  • Organizing during COVID, the intrinsic value of the people who grow our food

    01/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    David Bacon is a photojournalist, author, political activist, and union organizer who has focused on labor issues, particularly those related to immigrant labor. Some of his popular books include, Illegal People, The Right to Stay home and In the fields of the North.Host Sylvia Richardson speaks about how the community and Union organizers came together to get rights for farm workers during COVID, how surviving COVID has literally been an act of resistance. Removing Trump was a huge win but how do we move forward post Trump. Support Independent Media Now Click Here 

  • New Green Deal or Military Spending, which future will we fight for

    21/02/2021 Duración: 27min

    Host Stuart Richardson interviews Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and publisher of a blog called Organizing Notes. We speak about why Bath Iron Works ship yard (a shipbuilding yard in Maine that builds US Naval destroyers) needs to be converted into a plant that builds Green technology, how US military spending is out of control globally and how that steals from the American people. We speak about the new Biden administration and how social change happens, how we cannot sit on our hands and hope things change for the better.  Support independent media Now by becoming a member at

  • Robinhood Reddit and when average people gamble on the Stock Market

    08/02/2021 Duración: 29min

    Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Ellen Brown about a populist revolution to Occupy Wall Street. The story of how using a game-like trading app called "Robinhood" a Reddit social media forum caused GameStop shares to rise up nearly 900% in five days from 2.57 a share to $380 a share on January 27.What happens when average people learn to gamble in the stock market. And the power of people acting together.

  • Social Movements in 2020, Capitalism and Covid and new president Joe Biden

    01/02/2021 Duración: 29min

    Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Jorge Marti  about social movements in 2020 in both South and North America, how Neo Liberalism and decades of austerity have left powerful capitalism societies unprepared for the pandemic. His views about new President Joe Biden as compared to Donald Trump

  • Graham Russel from Rights Action speaks about the humanitarian crisis of people trying to flee Honduras

    26/01/2021 Duración: 29min

    Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Graham about the thousands of people trying to flee Honduras, how the western media and politicians have let us down by presenting these humanitarian crisis without any context. Never is it mentioned how US and Canadian resource industries are complicit in the suffering of these people, their role in installing repressive Coup governments. If we had proper context and info we could act to make our governments and corporations respect human rights and prevent much unnecessary suffering.

  • The role of languages the fallacy of individualism in western culture

    18/01/2021 Duración: 29min

    Marcelo Saavedra A professor at Carleton University, Marcelo Saavedra is an Indigenous Bolivian leader and founder of the Bolivia Action Solidarity Network. Host Sylvia Richardson speaks about the mature languages and cultures on Turtle Island, how that thinking challenges the fallacy of individualism in western culture.

  • Derrick Jensen on his New Book Monsters

    12/01/2021 Duración: 27min

    Derrick Jensen is an American, anarchoprimitivist, ecophilosopher and radical environmentalist living in Crescent City, California. According to Democracy Now!, Jensen “has been called the poet-philosopher of the ecological movement. Host Sylvia Richardson speaks to Derrick about his latest book Monsters, a collection of fictional tales based on real life issues, they discuss life , death and renewal, the culture of hatred towards self and Derricks own journey with these issues.

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